Chapter Thirty Seven - The Gayageum Man

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️

This chapter is loosely based on what I could find on the Joseon era. Whether the information I have is correct or not I don't know. There is slight mention of homophobia and the mistreatment of women. I don't dwell on the subjects too much, I hope, but they are mentioned so that this is a bit more historically accurate (hopefully).

Namjoon walked into the library and sat down on the sofa there with Jungkook in his lap. There was room for Jungkook to sit next to him since it was a love seat but he knew someone was thinking of joining the two of them.

"What story?" Jungkook asked as he cuddled into Namjoon with a smile. Much like his room it didn't smell like the Park Nest so it was really calming to be in here and away from the other nest.

"Is there room for one more?" Yoongi asked as he walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He was still really worried about Jungkook after witnessing him having multiple panic attacks that day and he would rather not leave the boy right now until he knew Jungkook was okay.

"Always." Namjoon said as he moved just a little more to one side for Yoongi to join them. He had known he was thinking of joining them and wasn't even a little bit surprised.

"What are you two talking about?" Yoongi asked as he sat beside Namjoon and opened his arms so that the taller one could lean against him as they talked.

Namjoon smiled and snuggled into Yoongi and rested his head on Yoongi's chest, closing his eyes for a few seconds as he relaxed in the arms of his creator. He passed Jungkook to Yoongi so the nesling could be more comfortable.

Jungkook cuddled into Yoongi and smiled as Namjoon pulled Kookie's legs over his so he was very close to both of them and nicely snuggled up.

Yoongi smiled as he lay with his back in the corner of the love seat, one arm around Jungkook's waist to keep in close and the other wrapped around Namjoon's shoulders so he could keep both of his maknae close to him.

"I was just about to tell Jungkook about how I met you." He told him, "I felt like he could do with a happy story and some time away from the Parks." Namjoon told Yoongi as he looked up at him.

"Well that sounds like a good idea to me. You don't get a much happier story than your story." Yoongi said. He wouldn't say any of them had a perfect human life but out of all of them Namjoon definitely had the best one. They didn't have any good stories leading up to being a vampire, it was a series of unfortunate events that lead them to meeting their mates and becoming a vampire but Namjoon had less tragedy, Namjoon didn't have as much heartbreak as some of them and he and Yoongi were pretty good friends for a month before the change so it was possibly the happiest creation story they could tell him.

"Yeah." Namjoon agreed with a small smile as he looked to Kookie, "How much do you know of Korean history?" He asked the boy. Their history was pretty much common knowledge since it was taught in school but he made sure Jungkook knew everything he would need to know.

"I know about the clans but no real intricacies." Jungkook said. "I wasn't the best in history when I was at school." He admitted to him.

"That's fine, I'll explain briefly what you need to know." Namjoon told him, "Basically there were four social classes, the Yangban which was the nobility, the Chungin which was middle class, the Sangmin which was the commerner and then Cheonmin which were classes as the outcast of any and all clans. Back then not all were treated even slightly equal and the higher in society you were the better you would be treated, unless you were female as they were very much suppressed for many centuries in the Joseon dynasty, which is what Korean was when I was human, in fact we were all part of it if I remember the dates correctly." Namjoon said, he didn't remember the dates exactly and he was going to have to relearn what he knew, just to remember everything, "Is that right?" He asked Yoongi.

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