Chapter Sixty Eight - Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

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Taehyung and Jungkook walked into the dinning room, hand in hand, where everyone was sitting at the table waiting for them to join them, the Park nest part of the group. Jungkook smiled and sat in the free seat next to Jimin, Tae taking the one next to him which was next to Rocky.

Jimin growled a little bit as Tae sat down but it seemed to Jungkook like everyone was choosing to ignore him, which didn't sit quite right to him. He looked to Namjoon, asking him through his thoughts what he should do or say, surely they shouldn't just ignore it.

Namjoon shook his head a little bit from across the table, making a mental note to talk to Jungkook at some point soon, explain to him what was going on and why everyone was acting a little bit odd right now.

Jungkook frowned a little bit but decided to take Namjoon's advice, for now, but if it got any worse he wasn't going to stay quiet about it. He knew Jimin wouldn't be happy with how Tae had just acted but there was also the glare he remembered from last night and the tension that had been all around his mates since they got him back home.

"Real food." Sanha said, breaking the silence, as he bit into one of the coqusants and sighed at the heavenly taste on his tongue and the feeling of food finally entering his body. Whether he needed food or not he was still very happy to finally be having some again, he preferred to have food and blood in his daily life rather than just blood.

"Eat up, Sanha, if you want anything at all, just ask." Seokjin told him with a smile, trying to make the whole situation as normal as possible despite everything that had happened. "You too, Kookie." he added and passed Jungkook a drink of hot chocolate as well, one that had a bit of his blood in it because Namjoon had told him that was what Jungkook had wanted.

Jungkook did his best to smile as he took the drink off of Seokjin, "Thank you, hyung." He said as he took a small sip which soon turned into him very quickly drinking the rest of the hot chocolate, relaxing as the fire in his throat was muted, even if it was just a little bit. He hadn't meant to drink it all the quickly, usually he saved some because he prefered dipping his croissants into the hot chocolate rather than having croissants with jam or chocolate spread on them, but the taste of the blood was so good and he needed it so badly that he couldn't stop himself.

"Kookie, if you're thirsty just say, we're more than happy to give you all the blood you need and want." Hoseok said, watching Jungkook as the youngest of them all put the empty mug down.

"I'm fine, thank you though, it just tasted really good." Jungkook said, falling back on his old habit of lying without even thinking about it. He reached for one of the croissants and put it on his plate, acting to the best of his abilities like everything was okay and like he hadn't just lied to his mates, a stage they thought they were all past.

Namjoon went to say something about the lie when Yoongi lightly nudged him and shook his head. While Yoongi hated the fact that Jungkook felt the need to start lying about things again he also knew Jungkook was just trying his best to deal with everything and whether the way he dealt with it was good or bad he wouldn't know till later but he felt like it was important for Jungkook to do what he wanted right now; their little prince had no control over his life when he was taken, at the very least they could let him have control of his life now.

Namjoon picked up on Yoongi's train of thought and nodded a little bit, it was a good point. He nodded a little bit and turned back to just eating his own breakfast, wishing there was more he could actually do.

"Well if you change your mind we are all here and you can have as much blood as you want whenever you want it." Hoseok said, a slight frown on his face as he worried about Jungkook.

Jungkook changed his focus onto his food, he'd missed having actual food but despite how delicious it was he couldn't really enjoy it over the burn in his throat but he really didn't want to see if he could stop drinking if he started to. He needed to find a way to stop himself from being thirsty before he drank from his mates. He knew he could drink animal blood but something told him that wouldn't really help, it would be easy to stop drinking animal blood because he didn't like the taste but he loved the taste of his mates' blood because that was delicious and it made him feel healthier than anything else did.

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