Chapter Eight - Surprises

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Surprises weren't something Jungkook was used to.

His parents were normally busy and his grandfather couldn't keep a secret surprise a secret so he'd always known what to expect when he opened a door or opened a present. His parents always got him exactly what he asked for.

So when Yoongi's hands went over his eyes and he herd those words "It's surprise time for Kim Jungkook." He was incredibly nervous. He also made a mental note that they kept calling him Kim but his surname wasn't that. It was Jeon. He was Jeon Jungkook, right? Sure he was a vampire and part or their nest but did that really mean he should use their surname?

That wasn't important at the minute though. He could think about it later when he wasn't nervous as hell.

"This way, Kookie." Jimin said as he took Jungkook's hand and gently pulled him forward. He herd the noise of a door opening so he guessed they were going into a room of some sort, although he really couldn't be sure.

"Your so tense right now. Where not going to hurt you." Yoongi said as he kissed the back of his head, "These surprises are nice, I promise." Yoongi told him as he kept Jungkook from looking just yet until they were in the centre of the room. "It won't look like much but we'l be fixing that over the next few days." Yoongi said before he dropped his hands from Jungkook's eyes. 

Jungkook looked around him at the room that he was in. There was no windows so there was only the lights to brighten the place up. All the walls were red, a colour he was quite found of, apart from one which was white.

"This is your room to do whatever you want to do with it." Jimin said with a smile. "We had to give you one without windows for now since you can't be around sun, but once you have some sort of tolerance to it then we can change which room is your room so that you can have a window and natural light." Jimin told him as he stood closer to him.

Yoongi now had his arms around Jungkook's waist while Jimin had his arms around Jungkook's shoulders. "What do you think you might turn this place into?" Yoongi asked him as he saw Jungkook was clearly thinking. He couldn't wait to start helping Jungkook design and put the room together. It had to be perfect for Jungkook, unless the boy was completely happy with it he wouldn't be either.

"Maybe a cinema room." Jungkook said in a small voice. It was already the perfect colour for one in his opinion and with their being no windows it was probably the best thing he could do with the room. Plus, his hyungs might be able to enjoy that as well rather than just him so it would be better like that. As for paying for what was needed he could use the money he had from his jobs. He had been using it to pay for his education but if he couldn't go anymore then he had spare money. Plus he was living here so he could stop paying for gas, rent and electric. The a speaker and projector weren't always that expensive, you could get some pretty cheap, they wouldn't be the best quality but it was the best he could do. As for furniture for them room he'd make some sort of pillow and blankets set up and hope his hyungs would be okay with that. It was the best he could get with the money he was on.

"That would be so cool!" Jimin said as he squeezed Jungkook against him. "You'll have to draw up you ideas then we can go supper late night shopping and get all the stuff that you'll need. Plus Yoongi knows all about the best speakers so he can easily find the best sound system, TaeTae will know  what is the best projector for you to use. Then I can help with set up so its got the best style." Jimin said, sounding very excited about it all. "Plus shopping with Jinie-Hyung's card is always bet. It means we can treat ourselves to extra anything. I mean, we can anyway, but still." Jimin said, he seemed to literally shaking with excitement and Jungkook began to worry about him a little bit.

"Don't worry, he's just easily over excited." Yoongi said as he lightly kissed Jungkook's cheek. "He'll calm down eventually." He said with a small laugh. "However, he's likely to get like this a whole lot while you make your cinema room, be loves designing rooms about as much as clothes. That was his last job, he used to design room for a few famous people. They were amazing but he got bored of designing things he's only see once so changed to clothing instead." Yoongi told him. "He prefers to be able to see his designs in person whenever he wants to so that he can check his progress."

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