Chapter Fourteen - New Life

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"Yes! I win." Taehyung exclaimed as he crossed the finishing line in Mario carts just a few seconds before Jungkook managed to.

"You cheated." Jungkook said with a small pout as he crossed his arms, being very careful not not disturb the sleeping kitten in his lap. Suga had come in with him when he'd went to play games with Tae and he'd been asleep ever since. Not that Jungkook was complaining, having Suga in his lap was as nice as curling up with Yoongi, something he'd been doing a lot lately. He seemed to always be in someone's lap after the talk a few days ago and he was absolutely loving it.

He'd been loving the past few days of constant cuddled and attention now and then with soft little kisses every now and then. Life had never been better for him and he was practically glowing now. He was always so happy and he didn't have a care in the world for the first time in his whole life. His biggest problem at the minute was a few painful days which Jin quickly helped him deal with and being thirsty now and then which his mates were more than happy to help him with at any point.

Well, sort of. They didn't trust him like they used to and Jungkook had noticed that. It wasn't the mist obvious thing but he had picked up on it, every time they asked him a question they would stay silent a little too long after he answered as if they were checking to make sure that he was telling the truth or they would look over ti Namjoon to find out if Jungkook had told the truth. It kind of hurt him if he was being totally honest with himself and them, which he was being. He'd told them everything he thought and felt, he also told them that he understood it though. After all, he'd scared them and that leads to a lack of trust so he'd brought it onto himself and he accepted that, he didn't blame them as if he was them, he wouldn't trust himself either. He was just determined to make up for it as soon as he could and gain their trust back.

"I didn't cheat, I was no where near you this time so don't even pretend that I knocked your arm." Taehyung said with a grin, very happy that once again he'd won the game. They were pretty neck and neck with wins, Tae had won six games and Jungkook had won four games so far and they were playing first to ten so either of them could win still at this point, as long as Jimin didn't steal Jungkook away before one of them reached ten.

"Well it not fair because you do this as a job and I've never even had the time to play games that weren't on my phone for years." Jungkook said, putting a whine in his voice to try and get Tae to go easier on him so he could win. Although he knew that probably wouldn't work, Tae was as competitive as he was so it made playing any game more intense but also more enjoyable.

"Well then you'll just have to spend all your time with me so you can keep practising." Tae said and leaned over, surprising Jungkook by laying a gentle kiss on his lips, "You still have time to win this game anyway." He said, wanting to cheer his only Maknae up a little bit, "So, less pouting and more racing." He told him with a cute laugh as he started the next round before Jungkook was ready for it.

"See, you're cheating again." Jungkook said in an accusing tone but he was laughing at the same time and turned his attention back to the game and resumed playing while also trying to not wake Suga who was so cutely curled up on Jungkook's lap that he felt like melting every time he looked down that the kitten.

They never found out who won the game though.

They had both won nine games each when Jimin came in half way through their tenth game and unplugged the X-Box and abruptly ended their game with no clear winner of the final round.

"Hyunnnnnng." Tae and Kookie whined at the exact same time in the same tone of voice, "I was just about to beat him." They said in unison, which was honestly very amusing for Jimin and Suga seemed to wake up and find it amusing himself as he moved out of Jungkook's lap and stretch a little bit.

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