Chapter Fifty - Mate Day

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"Please, stop, no more!" Jungkook cried out loudly, his doe eyes wide and glistening from the tears that were slowly falling from his eyes as he tried thrashing about to get away from the hands that held him down while others worked on the tourture that he was going through.

"Never." A deep voice as they kept up their actions. This nestling was their prisoner and they would make sure they learned that right here, right now. They would never escape, there was no escape from this place.

"Please, please stop." Jungkook begged desperately as he tried to kick his legs to get free but more hands soon joined the many already on his body and held his legs.

"Resistance is futile, little bunny, just give up and accept the fate that you have been dealt. We have you and you can't get away from us." Another voice was, one of the people holding his leg from the sound of it.

"He's so tiny, look at how he shakes as well." A voice to his left said, the person holding one of his arms down.

"Just as expected." The voice holding his left arm down said, sounding like they were smirking but Jungkook wasn't really sure, his eyes still trapped on the torturer in front of him rather than the others.

"Go on Hyung, there is nothing to stop you, he can't kick away anymore." The one holding his right leg said and he was right, Jungkook was completely trapped, in almost every way but there was one thing he still could use and he would use it and be saved.

"Jiiiiiiiiiiin-Hyuuuuuuuuung!" Jungkook cried out at the top of his voice and all five bodies around his froze instantly and tried to get away from their victim as quick as they could because they all knew there was no way that this would end well as all.

Jin was back in Jungkook's room just to see his mates, apart from one, fall off of the bed while he othr curled up in the middle of it, his hair messy and face tears stained as he looked like he had just been to hell and back. The youngest was holding himself in a small ball to block off any and all access to his sides.

"What have you all been doing to our baby?" Jin asked as he walked over to the bed and pulled Jungkook into his lap and started fixing his hair.

"Nothing, Hyung, Jungkook wanted to get us in trouble so he shouted out for you and then smirked at us before laying down like that, he just wants you to be mad at us." Jimin bursted out the first lie he could think of to try and avoid getting into any trouble.

"That's a lie. They all held me down and Hoseok-Hyung tickled me and they would stop even when I asked them to." Jungkook said, adding a whine to his voice, they had just tortured him and tried to get away with it so now he would try and get them into as much trouble as he could.

"Is that true?" Jin asked as he glared at his mates, all of them freezing where they stood but they knew better than to lie to their hyung, the only reason Jimin had tried was because he was thinking it might be the only way to save their lives.

"Yes. I tickled him while Namjoon held his left leg down while Jimin held down his left arm. Yoongi-Hyung held down his right arm and Tae held down his right leg so he couldn't get away." Hoseok said as he looked down at the ground in front of him.

"Well," Jin began, his voice and eyes as serious as they could be as he looked at all of them and held Jungkook closer to him, passing the boy Bora before he spoke again, "I am severely disappointed in all of you." Jin said before he smirked just a little bit and held Jungkook just that bit closer again, "How could you do that without me?" He asked as he started to tickle Jungkook himself.

Jungkook let out a loud squeal at the feeling, trying to get away from Jin since he was just as bad as the rest of his hyungs but Jin was stronger than him. Restarning Jungkook was normally as hard as restraining a teddy, so not hard at all. "No!" Jungkook cried out as he ended off losing Bora in his attempt to get Jin's arms off of him and crawl to freedom. Did such a thing exist though? With a room containing five other hyung and six more vampires elsewhere in the house who were likely to enjoy torturing the bunny just as much he was pretty sure he'd have to run away and never come back if he really wanted to avoid being tickled to death.

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