Chapter Forty Four - Training

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"Okay, Kookie, you need to focus really hard on this. Clear all other thoughts and just think about this." Namjoon said as they stood in the cool night air with Yoongi. It had been three days since the incident and they had learned that without Jungkook Yoongi couldn't become Agust D. It was Jungkook's enhancement that allowed it but it wasn't a permanent change. That wasn't the only thing though, without the fear of losing his mates Jungkook had yet to be able to enhance Yoongi to the point of being able to become Agust D.

The Kim nest wasn't the type to care about strength and enhancing their gift typically but they were in a situation where the stronger they were the better. Sure there was always a small threat to their safety but right now the threat was very present and high in numbers. They had needed to go hunting again and this time Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi had gone together along with MJ and JinJin. On that trip they had run into three unbonded. They had come back unscaved with three more unbonded dead and no longer a threat but it meant the unbonded were getting bored and brave and they were preparing to attack.

Despite an unbonded's creature like appearance they weren't dumb. They were strategic in their attempts to cause mass destruction and get the blood of any allure gifted vampires. They would send out a few unbonded at a time to test the strength of the vampires that had what they wanted and if their 'scouts' didn't come back then they had an idea of how strong the nest was and if their 'scouts' did come back they would have some very useful intel on the nest. To people who banded together and had no respect for each other, nor the ability to feel for others, the method was perfect.

So the Kim nest needed to be ready if the attack was showing signs of approaching. They needed to be their strongest selves, so that meant them all being their strongest. Jungkook was the easiest for them to be able to achieve that. He could make them stronger easily if they could just help him get stronger.

Which led to what they were currently up to. Jungkook was outside with Namjoon and Yoongi trying his very best to strengthen his enhancement abilities so he could help his mates but it wasn't going very well so far. He could enhance his own sense and he could do that enhancement he had already caused for Namjoon and Taehyung, like Namjoon's mind reading ability was easier to do but also easier to ignore so it wouldn't cause him to get a headache like it sometimes use to and Taehyung empathic abilities were easier to control, where in the past he couldn't easily tell the difference between his emotions and that of other people but now it was easy to.

They had thought that maybe the skill was always going to be as strong as the day of the attempted abduction since the other day he had also managed to increase Seokjin's healing ability but that was just risual adrenaline helping him do that.

"I-I can't do it." Jungkook said as he sat down. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't seem to help Yoongi transform. It was just impossible to do so.

"You can, honey." Namjoon said as he went over to Jungkook. "Let's try this." Namjoon said and sat down, "Sit by me." He said and Jungkook did as told. "Just focus on your breathing, that can help you cancel all of your other thoughts and then you can select what you want to focus on. It won't be useful if we were in a fight or something because you would be vulnerable but this is just training so we don't have to worry about it." Namjoon said with a smile, "If you can do this we can work on it more and it'll become much easier for you." Namjoon said with a smile. "Now close your eyes and breath, focus and think only of your breathing, if you think of anything else then guide your thoughts back to breathing. I'll tap you on the knee if you don't realise."

Jungkook nodded and closed his eyes, breathing slowly in a steady pace. He tried to think only of his breathing but as everyone who had meditated before knows it takes a while to develop such a skill. The mind is loud and always buzzing with random thoughts, like what movie should they watch tonight since they had finished watching the Hunger Games? Would he be allowed to help with cooking tonight? What would they eat for tea tonight? When would he be able to develop his skill enough to be helpful to his mates? Why does his nest have the gifts they have?

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