Chapter Sixty Seven - Trying To Cope

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Jungkook wasn't sure when he fell asleep, if it was before or after the sun came up, or even how long he was asleep, all he knew is it felt perfect to wake up with arms around him, holding him close and keeping him warm. He'd been so exhausted when he finally fell asleep that he didn't even dream that night, a blessing in disguise really because he doubted any dream he could have would be very pleasant after everything that had happened.

He was home now though and that was what he kept telling himself. He wasn't going to let himself get upset and dwell on what happened, he planned to just tell himself he was home and get on with life the best he could. He didn't want any more distraction from living his life with his mates and he didn't want anything stopping him from being happy, even if he did have to fake it just for a little bit.

Looking up, Jungkook finally saw that he was currently being held in Hoseok's arms and smiled lightly, happy to know now who he was being held by. As he cuddled into Hoseok more he took in his scent and bit his lip to hold back a whine as his hunger became known to him again. This constant hunger felt so wrong to him. As he sat up, to get himself away from Hoseok's neck that was perfectly on show to him, he noticed that all his mates were there other than Jin so he decided to get up and go and find him, at least he would be away from some of the temptation would be away then.

Getting out of bed as quietly and gently as he could wasn't easy since he slept in the middle every year but he crawled very gently to the bottom of the bed and slipped off the bed as gently as he could, onto the ottoman and then stood up onto his feet and creeped out of his room.

He wasn't sure whether any of his mates were woken up by him leaving the room but he hoped they were still in bed and sleeping peacefully, they'd all looked really stressed and rather exhausted yesterday so they needed their sleep.

"Jin-Hyung." He called out quietly as he gently closed the door to his room and headed towards the living room. He wasn't sure where Jin would be but it seemed like the best place to start looking.

"In here, Kookie." Jin said as he heard his mate and got up from the sofa and left the living room, smiling as he saw Jungkook already walking towards the living room, "Are you okay? Are you hungry, thirsty?" Jin asked him as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook and held him close, ready to go and make his mate something to eat or let him have some blood if he needed it, anything he wanted Jin would give him.

"I'm a little hungry." Jungkook said, suddenly thinking how nice it would be to have actual food. While vampires didn't need to eat to stay healthy it still didn't feel nice to not eat at all and it made any blood he drank keep him healthier for longer. Plus food was delicious and the full feeling (or too full feeling if Jin had any say in how much he ate) would be very much welcomed right now.

"Did... did they give you any food?" Jin asked a little hesitantly, not wanting to make Jungkook talk but he felt like he needed to know.

Jungkook froze a little bit but mentally shook his head to clear away the thoughts and feelings that tried to take over, "No, just blood." He said. He hadn't told them about killing someone yet either and he hoped he could avoid Namjoon finding out about it and that he hoped Sanha wouldn't say anything. He made a mental note to tell Sanha not to say anything about it to anyone if he got any time alone with him.

Jin bit back a whimper at Jungkook's words and saw his mate get lost in his thoughts, he wanted to ask Jungkook what it was he was thinking of but he guessed their nestling needed time, he needed to be ready to talk about it and forcing him to relive it all when he wasn't ready definitely wouldn't be okay. "Well then I guess that means I have to make you all of your favourite foods." He said with his best attempt at a smile as he took Jungkook's hand and started leading him towards the kitchen so they could make food for everyone.

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