111) Stranded

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We kept riding for five minutes in the rain until we reached the mini mart. There was no one around except for the one person running the store, an elderly woman who seemed unfazed by us here.

"Does anyone have a phone?" Hunter asked. We'd put the SIM card in Livi's phone but didn't figure we'd need it for this bike ride, since it was a supervised loop. Our phones had no connection.

"I can contact concierge to pass on a message for you, just a minute." The group leader informed Hunter. He'd be stressed about Livi since we all knew how she felt about storms. I just hoped we could get back before it started getting dark.


I stayed curled up in the sheets, trying to block out the noise of the storm by distracting myself with my phone, and also listening to the repetitive sounds of Willow's game on her iPad. Finally, Noah responded to my message.

How's the Bali trip?

It's good. It's storming now though.


Yeah, a bit.

Are your brothers there? I wish I was :(

They're out on a bike ride. I'm worried about them.

Have you heard from them at all?

Not once. I'm scared Noah.

It'll be okay. Just keep talking to me for now. Let's hope you hear something soon.

We kept messaging back and forth, trying to distract me and entertain him. Apparently he was incredibly sick of his cousins, the remaining four were still being hosted by his family and that included Alex, who, according to Noah, "had the face of an angel and the mind of a devil." Apparently he liked to cause havoc, which I guess aligned with Noah's description as I found that hard to believe due to his cuteness. I sent him all the pictures and he told me how jealous he was, and he missed me. I thought that Noah and I were definitely going somewhere. Maybe I'd have some luck the New Year.


The storm hadn't slowed in the two hours we'd already been sitting in the store for. At least we had food and shelter at the moment, although there were three buckets scattered around the store, catching leaks from the roof, and honestly, it would be a miracle if the entire thing didn't blow away in these winds. All I wanted was to get back to Livi and make sure she was okay.

"You good?" Jayden asked me, after I sat down again from pacing. It was stress relieving, or more like plateauing.

"Just worried about Livi."

"She'll be okay. Willow's there."

"You're not worried about her?"

"She won't even know I'm gone." Jayden scoffed. "She's off with the clouds Jax, I love her to death, but she's genuinely clueless majority of the time." Despite the situation, I got a good chuckle out of that. Willow sure was special.

"We've heard news that we have two vans coming to pick us up, however we will not all fit in the first round. The cars will have to take people and return after they drop them off." Our leader informed us.

"I need to get on one of those cars." I said to Jayden quietly.

"How many people will have to stay?" Hunt asked the leader.

"Four or five people can stay. The rest may come."

"I need to go on this car Hunter." I told him seriously. He nodded in understanding.

"Well, do we offer to stay? If we send Jaxon back then we are okay to wait, right?" Hunter asked everyone else.

"If we can buy more food then I'm okay to stay." Nodded Olli, not worried at all.

"Okay. Us four will stay and come in the second round." Hunter notified the leader, who was extremely thankful they had made it easier for him. "Jaxon, you need to go straight to the room and make sure Livi is okay and apologise to Darren and..."

"Hunter, I've got it." I reassured him. I was more calm now that I knew I was going back. I thought we might get stuck here all night, silly me.

"The cars will at least be another half an hour." The leader announced.

"May as well get more snacks then." Lachie grinned. We bought Panda biscuits and milo chocolates. I made sure to buy them for Livi as well, and Jayden bought a few different snacks for Willow too. Everything was incredibly cheap.


I was on the verge of tears as three hours passed since the storm began. My brothers were meant to have arrived back at the hotel at least two hours ago and we hadn't heard a single word of anything that was going on. That was, until the phone started ringing, scaring the living daylights out of me and giving Willow the only entertainment she'd ever needed in her short life. Safe to say, I was extremely unimpressed at both the ringing and her amusement.

"Hello?" Uncle Darren answered the call. I couldn't understand what was being said on the other end of the line, but knew it was good news as his body visibly relaxed and he started to thank repeatedly. "They're all okay." At the news, I started crying. Not full-on sobs, but enough for Willow to wrap her arms around me and ask if I was okay. "Apparently there was a tree that fell over their path so they had to take a detour but couldn't continue until the rain stopped. There are cars that are bringing them back now." I tried to contain my tears as both Willow and Uncle Darren tried their best to console me, but it wasn't really working. I felt like the biggest baby, crying over everything when at this point, nothing was really wrong.

"Can we get dinner?" Willow asked. I didn't know whether she was hungry or was actually thinking about what she could do to distract me, but the first option seemed more realistic. The last thing I felt like doing was eating. I felt sick to my stomach.

"That's a good idea. Livi do you feel like anything?"

"No...thank...you." I said between hiccups from crying.

"Are you sure?" Uncle Darren was genuinely very concerned. I nodded. "You love your brothers a lot, honey." I nodded again, trying to smile. "Everything's okay now. They'll be back soon."

"Can I have chicken nuggets?" Willow chimed in, making me and Uncle Darren laugh. She was very random sometimes.

"Sure, baby. Livi, are you sure I can't order you anything?"

"I'm sure." I nodded and tucked back down. I just wanted my brothers back and then I would be okay. 

Guess who's back from the dead. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully it jogs your memory of the story a bit, even if you have to go back a few chapters to catch up as a refresher. I hope to try and finish this story and for anyone who is currently reading Rising to the Surface, when i'm done, then i will update that book. 

For now, look forward to (hopefully) regular updates until this book is complete!! 

xx please feel free to give me comments and feedback too. 

FOLLOW @sydnie6624 

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