2) Basement

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Today's Sunday and school starts on Tuesday which is why I've been soaking up as much relaxation and freedom as I can.
I had been lying entirely stretched out on the couch watching Brooklyn nine nine and eating Oreos nearly all day when I got a fright from the noise coming from the kitchen. I immediately got up and went to see what was going on.

"Where are the Oreos?!" Jaxon yelled, waving his arms around like a man possessed.
"I don't know!" Exclaimed Lachie in response, showing clear confusion on his face.
"You ate them, you idiot! Everyone knows you love Oreos but they were mine!"
"I told you, I didn't eat them! I didn't even know we had Oreos!"
"Then tell me who ate them!?" Jaxon was getting more frustrated by the second and I was semi-enjoying watching him taking his anger out on someone other than myself.
"Eavesdropping is rude Livi." I let out a loud shriek and jumped out of my hiding spot to see Olli laughing his head off. Both Jaxon and Lachie turned around immediately.
"I should have known it would be you!" Jaxon yelled again.
"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered out, almost trembling in fear.
"Don't play baby, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Jaxon glared, edging closer and closer towards me. I got the hint. I turned around and ran. Only there was another slight problem. Jaxon was the best football player and the fastest long distance runner at my high school, which didn't give me much hope of outrunning him. It didn't take long before I could here his huge feet pounding on the wooden floorboards behind me. I tried to speed up but a huge hand grabbed my t-shirt by the collar. All too fast, my feet were no longer on the ground and I was being hauled onto his shoulder. I kept pounding on his back but I knew it was doing nothing.
"Put me down you idiot!" I screeched at him, kicking and squirming.
"Watch your mouth baby. You know you deserve this."
"I do not deserve this! Put me down!" We had, by now, made our way back inside and we were heading downstairs. That's when I made the realisations and suddenly stopped moving. No talking or kicking or wiggling. My sudden stop in movement and noise satisfied Jaxon enough for him laugh meanly.

We got there way too quickly for my liking. The basement. The basement is the darkest place in our house, with no windows and entirely concrete surroundings, the place was airless and pitch black. Jaxon knew I hated the dark.

Jaxon opened the door and tried to put me down on the ground, but I was clinging on for dear life. After struggling to detach me from his neck and shirt, I was finally on the ground. I had already started whining and shaking and there was still light. I didn't know what I was going to do if he shut that door.

"Ja-jaxy." I whined.
"B-b-baby." Jaxon mimicked whilst walking away from me, slamming the door shut behind him. I yelled out for someone but then gave up and slid down the wall. I let the first few tears roll down my face until it turned into a steady flow. I wasn't going to forgive Jaxon anytime soon.

I must have been down there for at least half an hour before Hunter got home and another fifteen until he noticed my absence. I could hear slight parts of muffled conversation but no actual words, although was too busy freaking out to properly try. After a few more minutes of torture in the dark, I heard my name being called, definitely by Hunter.
"Livi? Livi, where are you? Livi!" Slowly his calls became more panicky and I started to yell back. The door creaked open and I could see Hunter's shadow, but was unable to move to him. I didn't know if there was a monster nearly. He rushed towards me as soon as he saw that I was curled up against the wall, crying quietly.
"Livi! What happened?!" He exclaimed. "Calm down baby, talk to me."
"Ja-Jaxon." I stuttered, unable to control my stuttering and tears.
"I'm going to kill that boy." He muttered, placing one arm around my back and the other under my knees to gently pick me up. I was a pretty small twelve year old, and him being twenty three and super strong made it easy for him to carry me. He carried me back upstairs and the light and slowly I relaxed. I was still crying lightly but had almost stopped by the time hunter gently placed me on the couch. Hunter yelled for Jaxon to come downstairs.
"What?" Jaxon asked Hunter, clearly not seeing me laying on the couch.
"Explain." He growled, motioning towards me.
"She ate my Oreos." Jaxon stated simply.
"Are you seriously going to tell me that you locked your baby sister in the basement, in pitch black which you know she is terrified of, just because she ate your Oreos." Hunter was furious now, and I could tell he'd had enough.
"Yes?" Jaxon said, less certainly.
"Don't even thing about coming complaining to me when she doesn't forgive you later on. Enjoy looking after her when she starts having nightmares for the next week. Also, no drivers test next week."

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