63) Blurry

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Today was Wednesday, meaning the fractions maths test was today. Thankfully it wasn't on the entire unit because the holidays will give me plenty of time to rest and my vision will go back to normal.

"Okay class. You will all have the entire class to complete your test. It shouldn't be too hard since we haven't covered much in the past few days, but everyone please try to do your best. You may begin." My teacher said, letting us start.

I turned the test over and was immediately met with blurry lines. It was like my eyes just couldn't focus and that meant I couldn't see the words. If I squinted and held the paper really close I could make out some of it, which is what I had to do with the entire test.

By the time the test was over, I was already getting a headache and was pretty sure I didn't do well. At least I managed to finish all the questions, even I f I did just write a random fraction for the last 2 so there was a chance for getting a mark for that.

"How'd you go?" Asked Noah.

"Okay." I shrugged. "What about you?"

"Good I think. I felt like I knew most of the answers for a change." I smiled at him as we headed out to the lockers. Just like the other day, we said goodbye and headed off to our separate ways. I had dance this afternoon so thankfully I didn't have to do any more reading.

When the final bell for the day went, I headed over to the grandstand since Jaxon and Olli's football goes for another 30 minutes even after school has finished. Usually it's pretty boring so I read but considering what happened during maths I didn't feel like reading so I just sat and watched. I was sitting for about 10 minutes before someone tapped me on the shoulder and sat down next to me.

"Hey Livi." Smiled Jono.

"Hey Jono." I replied, scooting close to him.

"God, you're freezing!" He exclaimed when he grabbed my hand.

"Really?" I said, looking down at my white hands. I was so focussed on my head, I hadn't even noticed the numbness in my fingers.

Jono slipped his arm around the back of me and pulled me close into his side. Although we were the same age, he was still a fair amount bigger than me since he was quite tall and strong from playing footy. I let my head rest on my shoulder and let my eyes close for a second. Hopefully Jaxon won't look up here.

I must have fallen asleep when I closed my eyes because way too soon, I was being shook and being told to wake up.

"I'm awake." I mumbled, letting my eyes peel open.

"They're finished and I'm not sure how much I want to run into your brothers." Said Jono, looking at me sympathetically.

"Right, definitely not." I smiled at him. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before hurrying away as I saw the boys come off the field. I forgot how good his lips felt on mine.

I quickly grabbed all my stuff and headed down to meet Olli and Jaxon. I saw the Jaxon was carrying his hoodie, obviously hot so when I saw him, I dropped my bag at his feet and snatched the hoodie out of his arms.

"Livi!" He reacted. "What are you doing?" He asked, angrily.

"I'm cold." I mumbled, pulling the hood on. He sighed but grabbed my bag and didn't complain.

When we got home, Hunter was in the kitchen and suggested we order pizza for dinner and watch a movie since it was Friday night. I was too tired to argue, and the boys were always happy with Pizza and a movie.

We got set up on the couch and the boys chose a movie, horror of course except I didn't care at this stage. All I wanted to do was tuck up with one of them. I thankfully got a spot between Hunter and Jaxon, so I was able to tuck into both of them.

About hallway through the movie, I was half asleep and Hunter's phone rang.

"I have to take this." He sighed, standing up and letting me fall away from his shoulder. I huffed but spun around and lay on Jaxon instead. Hunter was gone for a few minutes before coming back and standing rigid with his arms crossed. Jaxon paused the movie and we all looked up to see his blank and stern expression.

"Livi, come with me." He said, spinning on his heels and walking upstairs.

"Someone's in trouble." Jaxon sing-songed in my ear, only earning a glare from me and snickers from the other 2 boys.

I hurriedly went upstairs and went into Hunters room to see him standing in the same stance as he was when he was downstairs.

"Would you like to know who just called me?" He said seriously.

"Um, yes." I said meekly.

"Did you happen to have a maths test today?"

"Um, yes." I repeated the same answer.

"And did you...I don't know, have any trouble reading the test?"

"No?" I said but more like asked, even though I was lying. His expression softened a little and I calmed down slightly.

"Why didn't you say you were having trouble reading? I can help you know."

"I don't have trouble reading." I frowned.

"Then explain the D." He said, raising his eyebrows at me. My heart sank.

"I got a D?" I whispered looking down. Hunter came and grabbed my chin, lifting my head up to look at him.

"Beck told me you dodged reading the recipe book every time when you were making cupcakes and now this. What's really going on?" He asked sympathetically.

"Every time I look at the words they're just fuzzy lines! I can't see the whiteboard or-or the words on the page or anything!" I blurted out on the verge of tears.

"Hey, hey. Relax. It's okay." He hugged me tight. "I'll make an optometrist appointment tomorrow okay? I don't think you have ever had your eyes checked."

"Okay." I mumbled, not so happy.

"Let's go back downstairs." He picked me up whilst I stayed clinging onto him.

I stayed in his arms for the rest of the movie and slept in his bed that night too.

The appointment was booked for tomorrow.

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