46) Graded

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We were all sitting around the cafeteria table when I felt two hands grab my shoulders. I looked up to see a grinning Jono.

"Hey Bestie." He smirked, sitting in the empty spot next to me.

"You're great, but you're still not my bestie." I teased, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"In your face!" Said Mila, Theo and Lexi all at the same time, then we all burst out laughing.

"Well that's rude. But anyway. I was just coming to ask if you got the photo I sent you since you didn't reply. Sometimes my messages don't go through, that's why." He explained, brushing off my mini insult. I didn't even notice Noah sitting tense and rigid right beside me.

"Yeah I did, thank you." I smiled at him.

"Aye, Jono!" Called his mates from somewhere.

"Looks like I got to go." Smiled Jono. "See ya later, alligator." He ruffled my hair, making me frown, and left.

"What was that?" Growled Noah.

"Don't worry about it, Noah. Please." I used my puppy dog eyes.

"Why are you begging me not to ask you something. I don't want you around him. Or any of you." He grumbled, his glare intensifying.

"Noah, she doesn't know him like you do. Give him one chance with her. Just one." Reason Hugh gently.

"GIVE HIM A CHANCE! WHAT ARE THEY DATING!?" He yelled, earning a few looks from around the room.

"Shush Noah. Please, people are staring." I complained.

"If you listen to me. That kid's trouble okay. Stay away from him and break up with him now." He growled, sounding exactly like my brothers when they're angry.

"No. Okay. If I want to date him, I can. You don't get to make that decision." I said seriously, draining all the emotion from my face. "Talk to me when you care to explain why." With that I grabbed my stuff and left, walking out of the canteen. I could hear a few of them call for me to go back but luckily none followed.

I needed to calm down a bit, so I headed to the music building. I signed myself in there, then went to borrow a clear studio room. Luckily, they had plenty available, so I booked an average sized one with hardwood floors. On the way there I threw out my sandwich since I had lost my appetite, then went in. I quickly threw off my school shoes and found some songs on Spotify. I hit shuffle since I don't have premium and the song 'All of Me' by John legend came on.

I danced swiftly and poured every inch of energy I had into it, letting go of all my stress and fear. Once the music ended I quickly paused it to catch my breath. Everyone underestimates how much energy it takes to dance, and how tiring it is. My thoughts were interrupted by someone clapping, and my head snapped to see Hugh standing in the doorway.

"Now that, is what I call talent." He smirked, coming over to help me stand up from the floor.

"Thanks." I shrugged smiling.

"Don't worry about Noah. Have the time of your life dating that boy." He winked.

"Okay. Gross." I shuddered. "But I don't understand why he got so worked up. It's my life you know." I pointed out, putting my shoes back on since the bell was going to ring soon. He sighed then started to talk.

"Tell no one I told you this, okay?" He said seriously.

"Promise and mine and all my brother's lives." I smirked.

"So you know Kate? His older sister?" He asked, and I nodded. "When they were about 7, Jono kissed her, and Noah saw."

"Uh oh." I grimaced.

"Yeah. They were still best friends at the time, along with me. Kate is a few years older than us, so she was 11 at the time, and Noah was grossed out, especially because Kate didn't want to, he just did it, so he punched him, and they got into a mini fight." Hugh explained.

"Now I feel bad." I groaned, burying my hands in my face.

"Noah is just holding a grudge, and Jono is happy to tease him for it. They were only 7, I should mean nothing, but Noah can't seem to get over it." He shrugged, leaving the music building with me.

"But what do I do? Jono will just keep trying if I break up with him for that reason, and I don't want to break up with him, but I don't want to upset Noah. I've known him longer and he's one of my best friends, and I don't want to ruin that just because I want to date Jono." I sighed.

"Maybe this will be a wake-up call for Noah about this whole situation he is overreacting about." Suggested Hugh, way too hopefully. No way was that going to happen, Noah was way too stubborn.

"Oh well, I'll talk to him tomorrow." I said, splitting off from Hugh after saying goodbye. I had science with Jono next so at least that was something to look forward to.

*Skip to near the end of Science

"Okay everyone, I have graded your paired work and I will give them to you as you leave, since I am letting you go early. I will call out your name, come up to the door, I will hand you your paper then you may leave. If you have any questions, please come back in after I have handed everyone their paper. Remember you can keep your grade to yourself, you don't have to tell anyone." Our teacher said, then started handing them out. Jono went before me, but I couldn't see his reaction because I was looking at his back not his face.

"Livi." My teacher announced, so I got up and went to her.

A big, fat A+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My face lit up and I shuffled outside, where someone grabbed me and twirled me around.

"We got an A+!!!" Yelled Jono, not putting me down. It was kind of sad that someone the exact same age as me could easily lift me up.

"Shush!" I hushed him, not needing everyone in the school to know. Before I could congratulate the both of us he pecked me on the lips. In front of everyone in the hall!




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