67) Happy Cones

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"LIVI!!!!!!" Yellow willow, jumping to hug me.

"Willow!" I yelled back, squeezing her tight. "How are you?" I asked, once we released each other.

"Not great, but better now that you're here!" She smiled, leading me inside, the boys following us.

"Oh, why?" I asked, curious.

"You can discuss that later." Butted in Uncle Darren. "For now, we can enjoy our whole family reunion." He eyed us both.

"Jayden!" I squealed, running up to him.

"Hey Livi!" He replied, lifting me with ease. He's probably even stronger from lifting Willow now. Behind me, I could hear all my brothers greeting and tickling Willow. After saying hello to Jayden, I went and hugged uncle Darren to say hi.

"I think Willow and Jayden have planned something for us to do today?" Uncle Darren said, but directed it as a question to his kids.

"Yes! We do." Willow beamed at us.

"Let's go then." Said Uncle Darren. We had to split ourselves over 2 cars since there are 8 of us, so Willow, Uncle Darren and I took Uncle Darren's car and all the annoying boys took Jayden's car. I decided that this was the best time to ask about what Willow said before.

"Willow, why'd you say that you were not great before?"

"Oh. Jayden." She rolled her eyes.

"What about him?"

"Everything I ask Daddy, before he can even answer, Jayden butts in." She sighed.

"Give me an example." I said, not quite understanding.

"Before you got here, I was talking to Dad about starting footy. My best friend Harper plays it and her older brother is always cheering her on from the sidelines and plays with her at home."

"And?" I said, pushing her to continue.

"Before Dad could even make words, Jayden walks into the room and goes 'no way in hell are you playing the sport' and yeah." She trailed off, sighing again.

"That's annoying. Uncle Darren, do you think you she can play footy?" I asked, trying to help Willow.

"She's gained a lot of strength since the last time we saw you, but I still don't think she's strong enough. Willow you're still so small, I don't really think you should play a sport that's as rough as footy." He replied. Not the answer I wanted!

"But that's not fair! I want to do it!" She complained loudly.

"Willow, I'm not having this conversation now, you have a guest." He reprimanded sternly. She huffed in response, so I decided to change the topic. I mumbled on about school and all other things that are really boring but did manage to get her laughing and talking again. It didn't take long for us to get there, and once I saw the title, my excitement peaked. Happy Cones.

"Ice-cream!" I yelled, jumping out of the car and running to the door, Willow close behind. We jumped up and down on the spot, waiting for everyone else to hurry up and get out of the car so we could go in, then we finally darted inside. There were so many different flavours, making it so hard to pick!

"Baby just pick one already." Groaned Jaxon, glaring at me.

"I'm taking my time." I replied in a smart tone. I looked for a little longer, then decided. "Okay, I've chosen. I would like a double scoop waffle cone with toasted marshmallow flavour and Kit-Kat fudge flavour." I told Jaxon, then went outside to sit with Willow. We watched as a silly family fed the seagulls their fish and chips. It didn't take long before Jaxon, Hunter and Uncle Darren brought out our ice-creams.

Willow and I immediately took them and started licking like crazy.

"It's so good!" I marvelled, savouring each taste.

"It is. I remember coming here as a kid. We used to always get so excited and ask Nanny and Pa to take us to Happy Cones. It was the best ice-cream store in Adelaide, but I really think it's the best store ever." Said Hunter, grinning at me.

"Mine is so good." Said Jaxon, taking a big bite.

"What flavours did you get?" I asked, moving closer to him.

"Try it." He said, holding it close to me. I took I decent lick and immediately scrunched up my face.

"Gross!!" I squealed, grabbing my water bottle to wash away the taste. "What is that!?"

Jaxon and all the boys burst out laughing before Jaxon replied,

"Mocha." Gross. That is disgusting.

"What's the bottom flavour? You got 2." I asked, once the taste was gone.

"Nutella." Yummy. "But you won't want any because the mocha will have contaminated it." Damn it. He was right. Can't have contaminated Nutella, that's just disgusting.

After we finished out ice-cream, Jayden suggested we go down to the beach. Of course, Willow and I were perfectly fine with that.

"Willow, don't go near the water." Said Jayden.

"What?!" She huffed.

"You can't swim yet." He reminded her, only adding fuel to her fire, luckily, she was able to stay silent. Jayden reminded me of Jaxon when I was younger, only he wasn't as mean. Jaxon never let me do anything either.

We stayed at the beach for about hours before deciding it was time to go home. Willow and I just hung out at home and did manage to find some nail polish Uncle Darren had bought her. We did some very fancy designs on each other's toes, then sat outside on her swing set to let them dry. It was fun getting to be the older one. Finally I was in charge and I was older, no one to boss me around.

"Girls! Pizza's here!" Yelled Hunter from the back door.

"Coming!" We replied in unison. We hurried inside to the find the yummy aroma of pizza filling the air. "Pizza!" We both yelled again.

Apparently, we were allowed to eat on the couch today, so Willow and I situated ourselves on the comfy side of the couch and waited for the boys to arrive.

"Whoosh!" I heard Jayden yell, right before seeing Willow fly into the air. She screamed as she came back down into his arms before he plonked onto the couch, still holding her.

"Hey!" She said, pouting at the fact he'd stolen her seat. Jayden just smirked and poked her nose.

"Okay, let's eat. I'm starving." Said Jaxon, placing 8 pizza boxes onto the coffee table.

Whilst we were eating, I couldn't help peeking at Willow and Jayden. Every time Jayden took another slice of Pizza, Willow would lean in to bite it, but at the very last second, Jayden would pull it away. The did it a few times until Jayden would let her have a bite, then she would go back to the one and only slice she'd managed to eat even half of. I guess big foods are still kind of slowing her down.

Seeing them made me feel a little bit lonely. I wasn't used to not being really close with one of my brothers. They were all spread out on the other couches and it was just me, Willow and Jayden on this couch.

Jaxon must have seen me looking at them because he came over and swooped me up.

"Which one are you eating?" He asked after letting me cuddle up to him.

"Margherita. No one ordered chicken." I fake pouted.

"Try this one." He smiled, picking up one that looked vegetarian. I made a sceptical face but took a bite anyway. It didn't take long before I let out a small scream and jumped up from my spot.

"Spicy!" I yelled, running into the kitchen to get water. I gulped heaps of it, waiting for the chili flavour to disappear.

Once I no longer felt as if a bonfire was alight in my mouth, I went back into the living room, only to find everyone still killing themselves laughing.

"That was mean!" I huffed, trying to be as heavy as possible when I jumped into Jaxon's lap again.

"Poor baby." He smirked, before shoving the whole slice into his mouth and grinning.

"Gross." I said, making a face, then grabbing myself another slice or margherita.

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