3) Advice

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"What!?" I yelled. "Hunter that's not fair! I have to do that drivers test. I need to!" I couldn't tell if Jaxon was going to punch Hunt or start crying. I did start to feel kind of bad for him, even though he should be feeling bad for me, but I couldn't help it.

"Life's not fair, and you should have thought about that before you locked Livi down there for, how long was it?" Hunt turned to me.

"An hour." I mumbled quietly, fiddling with my hands and looking down.

"An hour?!" Hunter exclaimed, louder than before. "Get out of here Jaxon, now!" Hunter pointed upstairs, standing rigid and furious. Now I felt awful.

"I hate you Livi!!" Jaxon yelled at me, before storming out the front door. I didn't think of it at the time, but he probably went to his best mate Dylan's house. Those words made me begin to cry again, and I'd had enough, so I ran upstairs, locking the door before Hunter could follow me in. I wasn't talking to anyone.

I didn't come out of my room for dinner, but did let Lachie bring me a toasted sandwich after they'd eaten. I was still curled up in bed at midday the following day and had no intentions of getting up or risking running into Jaxon. I was getting sick of lying in bed alone, so after 15 minutes of deliberating getting up, I decided to text Theo and Lexi.

LIVI — Anyone free? I'm dying all alone here.

THEO — Be there in 10. What happened?

LIVI — I refuse to speak his name. Starts with a J.

THEO — Oh so pretty bad.

LIVI— I'll explain once you get here.

LEXI — Hola guys! I'll be there in 10 as well, just waiting for Noah and Hugh to arrive here! They are so slowwww

LIVI — Okayla. See you all soon.

After enjoying the fact my four best friends are coming over soon I thought about getting up.


10 minutes later I hear the loud dinging noise called a door bell. There was some brief mumbling before I heard 4 pairs of feet running up the stairs. I rolled over so that I was facing the right side just in time for them to walk in.

'Oh...really bad.' Commented Theo, looking up and down at my messy hair and body tangled between the sheets.

'Yeah, not happening Livi. Sorry.' Noah said trying to restrain his laugh.

'Reminder guys, code orange anyone?' I rolled my eyes whilst trying to remind them of the reason they came here in the first place.

'I can't help you in this state. Let's get up now.' Curse Lexi and her clean ways. I should have known she would try to bring me back to reality when I want to float up into the clouds. I groaned as I sat up and stretched. The last time I stood up was last night at 6:30. It's now 12pm the next day. Way to go Livi.

'There we go, beauty has awoken from her rest.' Said Hugh. Always the jokey one. Once I had sat up, Hugh went into my en-suite and returned with my hairbrush. He came and sat on his knees behind me and slowly ran the brush through my hair.

'Okay spill so I can beat the crap out of whoever is bothering you this time.' Noah said with his protective side coming out. He stood tall with his arms crossed and fists clenched.

'Yeah, every detail Livi, no skipping.' Echoed Theo.

'Right so it all started yesterday when...'

I explained the entire story to an eager audience, without any interruptions or details missed. And let me tell you, by the end Noah and Theo were angry, Lexi was mediocre, and Hugh was laughing his head off.

'What's so funny mister? Hm?' I turned to face him.

'He – locked – you – in the – basement – over – Oreos?' He tried to say between laughs.

'Yes! And it was very unfair!' I said pouting and crossing my arms, only to have Hugh laugh even more.

'Well,' oh here we go. Time for the 'reasonable' answer. 'You shouldn't have eaten his Oreo's in the first place, but you didn't know, therefore it was an accident. He went way too far by locking you in the basement knowing full well you were scared, even if it was payback. He also shouldn't have left you in there for an hour.' Oh. Finally Lexi is understanding of my situation. 'And...he shouldn't have said he hated you, because that's lying.'

'What if he wasn't lying?' I whispered quietly. Noah sighed and sat down with his arm around me.

'I know he doesn't hate you. I mean, who could hate this baby?' Noah smirked. I glared back.

'But you know that Jaxon is going to be angry as hell at the fact he doesn't get to take the driving test. I don't actually think that is fair though. His punishment seemed enough already in my opinion.' Of course Lexi. Bring me back from the clouds. Ugh.

'I know. I do feel bad.'

'You shouldn't feel bad for the jerk, he should have thought about it beforehand!' Hugh exclaimed.

'But I do! What should I do?'

'Livi, Livi. So innocent,' Noah sighed again. 'if you really want him to be able to take his driving test, go talk to Hunter.'

'That's actually a pretty good idea Noah. Huh, who knew the pretty boy actually had a brain.' Hugh said, clearly proud of himself for thinking of such a thing to say.

'Oi! These looks aren't all I've got, even though that's what gets all the girls. Right Theo?'

'Ew, no thank-you.' Theo stuck her tongue out and shook her head.

'Oh come one! You know you love me!' Noah stood up from the spot next to me and ran over to where Theo was going through my make-up, encasing her in a big bear hug.

'Get off me, you gross creature!' Theo shrieked while trying to escape his grip. I was semi-oblivious to the seen happening in front of me before I finally decided that I would speak to Hunt. He would understand, wouldn't he?

Later that day I made my way downstairs. An empty stomach was really starting to get to me now. I could hear a noise in the kitchen and froze, thinking that it might be Jaxon. Then I heard whoever their phone ring, which meant I could find out which brother it was. They answered with a hello, but it wasn't any of my brothers. It was probably my most favourite male species on planet earth.

'Eli!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I shouted as I ran the last 5 metres to the kitchen.

'Via!' Eli said back, returning the enthusiasm but not the volume. I ran into his arms, jumping and wrapping my legs around his torso. 'How is my favourite girl going?'

'She's been better.' I said shrugging, but snuggling further into his body.

'Jaxon?' I nodded. 'I heard about it.'

You see, Eli or Elliott, is Hunters best friend. His parents were good friends with my parents, which means he has known me since the very day I was born.

'Why are you here anyway? And where's Hunt?'

'Well, Hunt needed to go meet with a client, as this was the only time she was free, and he knew Jaxon wasn't capable of minding you, so here I am!'

'Oh thank god! Hunter is the best!'

'Oi, I thought I was the best! Anyway, you clearly came here for a reason, so lets get some food shall we?'

'Yes! I'm starving here!'

'Yeah? How about Thai?' he suggested, knowing my answer already. I jumped down from his arms and started doing my crazy happy dance. He just laughed and started ordering from his phone.



Now you've met Eli and all Livi's friends!

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Hope you like it xx

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