39) Science

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"Good morning everyone. Today I will be introducing this terms assessment task to you. We will be doing a practical experiment, where you will be graded on your behaviour and care, then being mainly assessed on your write-up of the experiment. I have email all of you the template for how your write up should look, so you can begin working on your hypothesis, titles and equipment. We will be carrying out the actual experiment tomorrow, so please make sure you're here." Explained my science teacher. "Are there any questions?"

"Are we working in groups?" Asked a girl called Gracie.

"Ah yes! I have paired you up, and there will be absolutely no changes to the pairs whatsoever." She replied, making my entire class groan in annoyance. Whenever teachers paired you up with someone, they always, always end up being super annoying and painful to work with. My grades are usually pretty good, so it's even worse for me because they'll pair me up with the worst kids because I'm a 'good influence'. "Theo and August, Amanda and Liam, Noah and Hugh, Lexi and Carter, Jonathan and Livi..." I froze. No, no, no. This cannot be happening.

I looked around to see Jonathan smirking and Noah tensed up. Theo and Lexi were looking at me sympathetically, but their pairs weren't any better.

See, Jonathan was typically the 'bad boy' of my year level, and his 2 best friends were August and Carter. They were known as the JAC boys. Since high school has started, 2 of them have shortened their names; August is Gus and Jonathan is Jono. They were exactly like Jaxon and his friends, only younger.

Since I was lost in thought about how bad this day just got, and how I was going to still get a good grade on this project, I didn't notice Jonathan come sit next to me.

"Hey Liv." He smirked, pulling the chair around so his was on the back of the seat even though he was still facing me.

"It's Livi." I said, keeping a straight face.

"So how are we gonna do this?" He asked, completely ignoring my comment.

"How about you stay right there, and I'll do everything. I don't need you messing it up."

"We could...but I'm not sure how much I like that idea. I think we'd do better as a pair. With both of us working." He grinned, knowing he was getting on my nerves already. Oh boy, this was going to be one long project.

"Fine." I sighed. "You do this bit." I pointed to the name, school and title part.

"Sure, anything for you." He winked, making me gag. Gross.

He did the part I wanted him to whilst I did the equipment list.

"Kay, now what?" He asked relaxing.

"I don't know." I growled, focussing on the task at hand. He quickly started talking to Gus who was sitting behind us. "Hey Jonathan?" I asked once I was finished.

"Yes Olivia?" He smirked.

"Don't call me that." I grumbled, glaring at him.

"If you stop calling me Jonathan." He shuddered, making me smirk.

"What's so wrong about calling you that?" Now it was his turn to glare.

"Just do what I say." He snarled.

"Ooh! I'm so scared." I rolled my eyes.

"You should be." He smirked.

"Why? You do realise I have 4 older giant brothers, that I am not scared of at all." I remarked.

"We'll see." He said cryptically, right as the bell went. Before I could ask what the hell that meant he was gone.

*Later that day. Specifically at lunch.

"Ugh! Gus is so annoying, he just plays games on his laptop the entire time and doesn't do any work." Whine Lexi.

I scoffed. "Are you kidding me? I wish Jono wouldn't do any work, but oh no, 'I think it's better if we work as a pair'." I mimicked.

"Maybe he's got the hots for you!" Teased Theo, wiggling her eyebrows.

"EWWWWW!!!" Lexi and I squealed at the same time.

"What's so gross?" Asked Noah, coming over to our table with Hugh trailing closely behind.

"You." All three of us said at the exact same time, making us burst out laughing and making the boys roll their eyes.

"So I see you got paired with Jono." Said Noah.

"Stop reminding me!" I groaned, dropping my head onto his shoulder.

"Aw. Poor Livi doesn't like him." Laughed Noah.

"You. Are. NOT. Supposed to be like my brothers." I growled, slapping his leg, then got a good idea. "Maybe I'll just start dating him and then see how funny you think that is. He immediately tensed up.

"Don't even joke." He growled.

"I wasn't joking." I replied sweetly. He then slapped me on the leg, making me jolt up from his shoulder. "Rude!" I yelled.

"You deserved it." He said blandly.

I don't know why they hated each other so much, all I know is that it's a feud that has been going since they were like toddlers.

*time skip to end of the day.

I was first to get to the car, like usual, and was checking my snapchat when a shadow appeared in front of me.

"How's it going there Liv?" Asked a voice I did not want to hear.

"Better if you weren't here." I rolled my eyes, putting my phone in my pocket.

"I'm offended." He said, faking hurt and putting a hand on his heart.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. Can't I just check up on my bestie?"

"I am not your bestie," I laughed.

"What's so funny?" He asked confused.

"Sorry, it's just that you must seriously have no friends to be calling me your bestie." I said between laughs.

"Is that so?" He smirked.

"Yes," I stated confidently.

"I wonder if you'll change your mind tomorrow." He grinned.

"What do you mean 'tomorrow'?" I turned serious.

"You'll see." He smiled, walking off. What is it with this guy and cryptic answers. Seriously.

"What was Jono doing here?" Asked Lachie, suddenly appearing, making me jump.

"Don't do that!" I yelled, slapping his arm.

"I didn't do anything!" He raised his hands in surrender. "But you didn't answer my question."

"I don't know, we were just talking." I said shrugging, seeing Jaxon and Olli appearing from the other side of the oval.

"Sure." He eyed me. "You're not telling me something."

"I told you! I don't know why he was talking to me, he was just here!" I protested, getting annoyed now. He sighed.

"Just don't."

"Don't what?"

"Interact with him. He's trouble." Lachie said sternly. 

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