65) Holidays Are Coming

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"Tiny? You in there?" Asked a voice I knew belonged to my brother's best friend.

"Go away." I sighed, not moving.

"Nope. I need you to open the door." I sighed again but got up this time. I opened the door and he came in, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"What do you want?" I huffed, going back to the safety of my bed.

"Hey." He frowned. "That's no way to speak to your favourite human being."

What is it with all the older guys I know thinking they're my favourite?! That title belongs to Eli and Harvey only.

"Anyway," He continued. "I just wanted to check you're all good."

"I'm fine. Now go away."

"Rude. But no. I want to show you something." He said, sitting next to me.

"What?" I asked, still rudely but slightly intrigued.

"Watch." He said, smirking. He then got his finger and gently placed it on his eye, making me squirm. He moved his finger to the left and a clear thing slid with it. I gasped.

"You wear contacts?" I exclaimed, gaping at him.

"Yes, I do." He chuckled, removing his finger and blinking a few times. "I never wore glasses because I didn't want people to say what Jaxon just said to you. And just so you know, he's in a lot of trouble with Hunt." He winked.

"Thanks." I smiled, wrapping my small arms around his neck. He was surprised at first but quickly hugged back.


I was laying in bed, thinking about everything that happened today. I got glasses. I couldn't believe that.

I kept trying to close my eyes and fall asleep, but my mind kept replaying what Jaxon said to me. He didn't mean it did he? I didn't look like a nerd?

After trying for way too long and getting annoyed with myself, I got up and went to see if Hunter was still awake. I crept to his room, only to find the lights on and the bed empty, so I crept downstairs. I could see a light coming from the office and I went and peeked my head around the door.

"Hunter?" I whispered.

"Livi, what are you doing awake?" He asked, looking up at me and motioning for me to come over. I quickly walked over to him and plonked myself in his lap, snuggling into his chest and discretely filling my nose with the smell of his cologne.

"I can't sleep." I said, unmoving.

"I need to get some important work done and it's going to take me a while. Why don't you go back upstairs and try again?" He suggested squeezing me tight.

"Okay. I'll try." I sighed.

"Good girl." He whispered, kissing the top of my head and letting me go. So much for getting him to fix my problem.

I headed back upstairs but really didn't want to go back to my room. No way was I going to Lachie, and I could only presume that Olli would not let me go into his room, leaving only Jaxon. I really, really, really didn't want to go back to my room, so I went into Jaxon's. His light was on, but he wasn't in the bed, so I went and crawled in, letting the covers engulf me.

I was laying in his bed for 15 minutes, still wide awake, when Jaxon's bathroom door slid open to reveal a half-naked Jaxon. He didn't see me until after he had gone into his wardrobe and changed, but when he did, he got a fright.

"Oh my god! What the hell are you doing in here?" He said angrily, managing to contain his rising volume.

"Sorry." I apologised, meekly, sliding out of his bed and making my way to the door.

"No, baby, you can stay. It's fine." He sighed, catching my wrist.

"It's okay, I think I'll go back to my room." I replied, realising that my anger was still there.

"No, stay." He said, before placing an arm behind my back and under my knees, scooping me up bridal style.

He gently placed me on the bed before hopping in next to me. I rolled over, so I wasn't facing him, then tried to go to sleep.

"So you really got glasses?" He said, seemingly thinking aloud.

"Yeah." I replied softly, suddenly immensely tired.

"They look good." He replied, causing me to roll around and look at him. He smiled softly and shrugged, making sure I knew he was trying to say sorry.

"Thanks." I smiled, tucking closer to him and letting his warmth radiate onto me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close so that I was laying against his chest. "I love you." I whispered.

"Love you too baby." Jaxon replied, placing a kiss on my head. That was the last thing I remember before falling asleep.


I was sitting eating pancakes and waffles surrounded by a bunch of pigs, when Hunter decided to remind us of the date.

"So, today is the 23rd of June." He said.

"And?" Jaxon smirked. Hunter rolled his eyes before continuing.

"Meaning you're pretty much finished school." He said, earning a chorus of cheers from the boys. "And I was thinking that we could go to Adelaide. To visit Willow and Jayden."

"Yes, yes, yes!" I yelled, jumping up and down in my seat. Hunter smiled at me whilst Jaxon smirked.

"Baby." He teased.

"Loser." I replied, sticking out my tongue at him. He rolled his eyes and focussed back on Hunter.

"Sounds good to me. I haven't seen Jayden in a while." He nodded, before going back to stuffing his face with food.

"Lachie? Olli?" Hunter asked.

"Sounds good." Replied Olli.

"Sure. I don't mind." Added Lachie.

"Great. I'll book the flights and we can go just for the first week when you're all off. I've already asked Uncle Darren, and a bonus is that the weather is still sunny over there. An escape from the silly Melbourne cold." Hunter added.

"What do you mean Melbourne cold? All of you wear shorts the whole year!" I scoffed.

"Not true. I have to wear a suit." Said Hunter, smirking.

"And I don't call these shorts." Said Jaxon, pretending to be smart whilst pointing at his trackies. I rolled my eyes before going back to my waffles.

"WAIT!" I said, rather loudly, causing everyone to look at me, slightly laughing. "Why did no teacher said we had finished school?" I asked, realising nobody had told me we were out of school.

"Oh right. Year 7's." Jaxon laughed. "Me and Olli still have exams. Lachie and you are free, but we aren't." Jaxon said.

"But why didn't anyway say?" I frowned.

"The teachers always forget because they still have to come to work to mark things and write reports." Lachie said.

"Yay." I smiled, straightening up in my seat and finishing my pancakes, adding more chocolate sauce as I went.

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