17) Alive

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'We have information about your daughter Willow.' I gasped.

'W-what?' I stuttered out, hardly able to believe my own ears.

'You filed a report of her being missing, yes?'

'Yes.' I said. Get it together Darren!

'You reported she was last seen at her primary school on the 13th of March 2014. 5 years ago now. Is this information correct?'

'Yes. Yes, it is.' I said, still getting over the fact we were talking about my baby. My special baby girl.

'We have just been informed that she is currently at an Orphanage here in Sydney and has been there for 8 months now. They knew nothing other than the fact her name was Willow until a week ago, where they found information about her online. Both the people who she was with, Catalina Harrison and Garrett Rogers, I believe were their names, died in a situation currently unknown. It's being investigated. She was dropped off at the orphanage by a man who refused to be identified.'

'Y-you mean my d-daughter's alive?' I coughed out, choking on my own words.

'Yes, she is.' The lady's smile was audible through the phone. I couldn't get any words out, but she got the hint and continued speaking. 'Are you able to get here for a meeting tomorrow? Around 11:30am?'

'Yes. Of course, I'll be there.'

'Great, see you tomorrow then.'

I couldn't believe it. My one and only daughter, was alive, safe and in Sydney. And had been for 8 months. Oh god.

'JAYDEN! Get down here!' I called out to my 18-year-old son.

'What Dad?' He said all groggily. Lazy teenager. He's lucky school closed early, otherwise he would be in school right now.

'I have some extremely urgent business to attend to in Sydney. I don't have time to call grandma and bring her here, so I'm going to call Hunter.' His eyes lit up at my words.

'How long for?' He asked eagerly, making me chuckle.

'Not sure yet bud. No idea at all.' I said shaking my head. 'I'm booking a flight which leaves in 5 hours, so go pack your bag and we'll go to the airport together. My flight leaves 30 minutes later.'


I hope this goes well, this will bring our family back together.

*Back to present moment, Livi's P.O.V.

It's really fun having Jayden around because he'll actually do things with me. He played around in the music room with me this morning which was a lot of fun! I know what you're thinking; you must be such a rich kid to have a recording studio in your house. Well, my dad was a teacher, but before he became a teacher he was a model for Calvin Klein (gross, I know) and a few other really big brands. And before THAT, he played 4 years for Hawthorn AFL, hence why my brothers love that sport and are really good at it. My mum was also a model for big brands like Victoria secret, Mecca and Sephora and was also a dancer for the Australian Ballet. After that my mum became a full-time stay-at-home mum.

From my parents jobs we made a lot of money. Oh I forgot to mention, my dad and mum also released an album of songs together. They were huge hits which is one source of income for our family, since people still listen and download it a lot.

Our house is pretty big and has extra rooms like a games room and recording studio.

I think we've managed to convince Hunter to take us to Luna Park (an amusement park) this afternoon! (A/N Picture of the park up top^^). I can't wait because I haven't been there in years, and I remember Jaxon turns nice for once and always goes on the rides with me!

Luna park is about a 40-minute drive from our house so it's a fair while. To make the car ride even worse, Hunt let Mason and Dylan come too, so I have to sit on someone's lap. Usually I sit on Jaxon's lap because he is the strongest, but I don't think he will want to me to if Dylan's there, so I chose to sit with Jayden instead.

'Jesus, Livi! Do you eat? You weigh nothing!' Jayden exclaimed when I sat on him, snuggling into his chest.

'She eats alright. Like a pig.' Jaxon scoffed. Then I took my turn scoffing.

'I do not! You're the pig here!' I insulted him.

'Enough you two! Can't we just have a relaxing afternoon today, please?' Hunter butted in. Neither of us responded properly, just grumbled.

'I don't think you're a pig. I agree with you.' Jayden whispered super quietly into my ear. I giggled and snuggled further into him, listening to his soft breathing and heartbeat. Slowly I felt myself fall asleep.

*a while later...

'Livi! Wake up, we're nearly there.' Jayden whispered into my ear, making my eyes flutter open.

'I wasn't asleep you know, I just had my eyes closed.' I stated, matter-of-factly.

'Don't try pull that card Livi, we all saw you.' Said Dylan smirking.

'That's why the baby can't have late nights with the adults. Makes her need to have a nap.' Said Jaxon, purposely to annoy me. Instead of giving him the satisfaction of being right, I used every inch of strength I had in me to stay silent. We all got out of the car and made our way to the front gate, but I was swooped up by Jaxon.

'Isn't that right baby?' he said.

'PUT ME DOWN!' I screamed, kicking my legs all over the place. He did put me down but not before muttering 'feisty baby.'

When we got in, I dragged Jayden straight over to the roller coaster line. All the other boys followed and thankfully the line wasn't too long, we only had to wait about 10 minutes.

The adrenaline and fear rush of a roller coaster is a feeling I've missed so much! Dad used to love coming here. I miss him too.

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