15) 5th Brother

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Finally today is the last day of term before 2 weeks of Easter holidays begin! I'm currently sitting in English, last period, burning holes in the clock from my staring. 3...2...1...


'YES!!!' Everyone shouted as soon as the bell went. Finally freedom!

I went and waited at the car for the boys but 10 minutes later they still weren't there. No messages on my phone either. Very strange.

After waiting another 5 minutes I'd had enough and called Jaxon.


'WHERE ARE YOU!' I growled.

'Chill lady! We're coming, sign up sheets just came out for football, so we had to fight to get our names for tryouts. No need to panic.' Jaxon said calmly.

'AND NONE OF YOU THOUGHT TO EVEN MESSAGE ME! Jesus people!' I was not going to calm down. Couldn't they have taken 2 seconds to say they were going to be late and for me to wait! I could have gotten Theo to drop me home and I would be home by now!

'Geez sorry, got to go. Lachie will be there in a sec and I'll be there soon.' Then he hung up on me.

In case you're a bit confused as to why Hunter isn't picking us up, it's because Jaxon has his license now, so he will drive. Hunt's work is closer to our house than school, so he just walks there and Jax drives us. Works for them, sucks for me because it usually means I have to wait for them.

Decades later they finally came. I was not in the mood to talk to any of them after making me wait so I just blocked them out. Payback boys.

Once we got home, I grabbed an ice-cream from the freezer and headed upstairs. Looks like I'll be doing nothing on my Friday night.

'AHHHHHHHH!!!!!' I screamed when I got inside my room.

'Hola Amigo!'

'JAYDEN!' I put my ice cream down, flung my bag across the room and ran into Jayden's arms. 'What are you doing here?' I said to him, pulling away and raising my eyebrows. Sometimes Jayden comes to our house because he's been causing to much trouble for my Uncle and he needs a break.

'Well, Missy, can't I just visit my favourite cousins?'

'We're your only cousins idiot. But seriously, why are you here?'

'Bossy boots,' he rolled his eyes playfully. 'Dad needed to do some stuff over in Sydney, and apparently I wasn't allowed to go. So I came here instead. That okay with you?'

'Very okay.' I said snuggling back into him. 'I missed you so much Jay.'

'I missed you too Babe.' He said, squeezing me harder. 'Now, where are the other Millers?' As if on cue, Jaxon barged into the room.

'Livi, do you...Jay!' Jaxon said. Jayden put me down on my bed and went over to Jax. They did their weird bro hug thingy then kept talking.

'Long time, no see man.' Jay said to Jax.

'Too long. What brings you to Melbs?'

'Tell you later, I need to speak to Hunter about it. Parental stuff.' Jayden said, waving his hand and rolling his eyes. 'Right. Do you guys have any food in this house, I'm dying of starvation over here.' He exaggerated making Jax laugh.

'Yeah let's go.' So they left, leaving me to wallow in my room of anti-socialness. That doesn't make any sense at all. Eh, whatever.

In case you're wondering, I'll explain who Jayden is. Jayden is one of my 4 cousins, the only one on my Dad's side. My dad and his dad are brothers, but we live in Melbourne and he lives in Adelaide, which is why we don't see him very often. The drive there is pretty long, and it's too stressful for Hunter to fly with all 4 of us youngsters. Jayden and Jax are super close, both in age and friend-wise. Their birthdays are 3 days apart (Jayden older), so they've always been together at family events like Christmas and New Year's. We haven't since Jayden since the accident, specifically the funeral.

Jayden is an only child, well sort of. Jayden was meant to be born, so his mum and dad planned it, but when Jaxon was 7, his mum went through a kind of depression stage, and got heavily involved with drugs and alcohol. She had many one-night-stands and she ended up pregnant. She was pregnant with twins, but one died at birth, leaving Jayden with just one little sister, my cousin. She lived with Jayden until 'the day'. It's a touchy subject, but I'll explain it as best as I can. His mum got involved with a guy who became really possessive. My uncle, Darren, had separated from his wife a while ago, but when this guy who Jayden's mum's partner, he insisted that she got custody of her daughter. She tried and tried with the court, but they never passed her, so one day, her and her partner abducted her from her school, then disappeared. Jaxon was 13 at the time, she was 5 and had just started prep. No one has seen her since.

Jayden took it really hard. He was always a pretty civil kid, reasonable grades and fine behaviour. When Willow, the little girl, disappeared, Jayden went down-hill. His grade average dropped from a B to an E, and he was always breaking the rules. He was always so protective of Willow, making sure she was distracted if their Mum turned up at the door, begging to see the kids, high as a bird. Jayden eventually got help after being diagnosed with depression, and slowly got better. I know he still thinks about Willow a lot, and he misses her, which is why he is like a 5th brother to me. As a part of his recovery, he became more protective of me, probably even more than Jaxon, as a way of feeling less absence from Willow. I knew this was a really hard part of his life, everyone's really.



Hey guys, got a bit deep there. Even i feel sad and i'm the one making it happen!

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