28) Easter Party Continued

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"Not so fast there, little miss. We need to talk." He said.

I sighed and gave up fighting against him. This was inevitable.

I simple pulled his hands off of my hips, then marched inside, plonking myself on the couch and crossing my arms over my chest. He has a lot of explaining to do.


"Livi, can you go find Harvey? I need his help packing the table up." Asked Hunter.

It's the end of our Easter event, so we're all helping pack up, but Harvey has disappeared somewhere.

I happily bounded off to go find him. I searched through all the rooms in the house, but he wasn't there, so I began searching outside. I heard a cough from around the side of the house, near the trees, so I went to see what it was.

Standing there was Harvey, smoking a freshly-lit cigarette.

I stood in shock for about 10 seconds, before he looked up and spotted me. His dark expression turned into a worried and concerned one.

Before he could close to me, I bolted, through the garden and upstairs to my room. I locked the door and fell down sobbing on my floor.

*Flashback Over*

My Grandma and Grandpa on my mum's side were heavy smokers, and both died a few years ago from lung cancer. It was bound to happen, and the scans had been scary for years, but I was really close to both of them, so it was hard to lose them. Ever since, I hate people who smoke, because they put their family through pain as well, and they're only hurting themselves. No one in my family would ever be able to smoke on my watch, and Harvey and Eli are like family.

I had nightmares for an entire week, reliving images of my grandparent's death and chest scans after seeing Harvey smoke.

I heard Harvey sigh deeply then he began speaking. He better has a good argument.

"Look Livi, I'm sorry. You weren't meant to see me smoking and I should have been more careful." He said, sorrow in his eyes. I started talking before he could speak more.

"It doesn't matter that I saw you now. You're lucky I didn't tell anyone else! But why do you smoke in the first place Harvey!? It's so stupid!" I yelled at him, my anger bubbling out. He looked slightly taken-aback by my outburst.

"I know, I know okay? I'm really sorry. I'm was stressed out at the time. My girlfriend had just broken up with me and..."


"Story for another time." He replied seriously. "But my life was a struggle. Some mates of mine did it, and convinced me that I should try, it was a real stress relief. After them talking about it a few times, I tried and instantly got addicted. I liked the feeling of numbness it gave my brain, and I couldn't stop." Harvey explained, but I just looked at him. "I'm on the health quit line at the moment, and I currently haven't smoked in 3 weeks." He added on.

"You ever smoke again, and I'll kill you before it does." I growled. He understood I forgave him at least.

"That is no way to speak to your favourite person in the universe is it now kiddo?" He said, stern voice but grin on his face.

"I was talking to you, not Eli." I said seriously. The grin on his face disappeared instantly, so he stormed over to me, and threw me up in the air making me scream. Luckily, he caught me before I fell to my death. He then looked into my eyes and said,

"You better be joking." Then the doorbell rang. I sprung from his arms, running to the door, then called back over my shoulder,

"I wasn't!" I was though, and he knew it. Nobody would ever be better than Harvey, unless he started smoking again, then Eli would definitely win.

I got to the door and swung it open without even looking through the peepy hole. I got disappointed when I only saw Dylan, Ethan and Luke. I was hoping for my friends, not Jaxon's.

"Oh, it's only you." I said blandly.

"That's not how you should greet someone is it now tiny?" Smirked Dylan. I rolled my eyes at him, making Ethan and Luke snicker quietly. I walked away, going back outside, then I went and jumped on Harvey's back. To be honest, I'm not sure he could even feel I was there. He was like a solid concrete and brick wall; pure muscle.

Next to arrive was Lexi with Lucas, Lachie's friend, since they were brother and sister. They pretty much had nothing to do with each other, and you would only know they were siblings if they told you.

Not long after Lexi arrived, the rest of my friends piled in too. We caught up on all our previous holiday adventures, and I introduced them to Willow. Since all except Mila knew the story of what happened, they were pretty shocked to see her, but had fun anyway.

Uncle Darren ran the Easter egg hunt this year, and I found 38 eggs! I was so excited to eat them, but instead stuffed my face with the Chocolate Easter cake I had made. One word; delicious!

We played loads of really fun games, one of which included me, Lexi, Theo and Willow getting on top of one of the boys' shoulders and having to eat an Easter decorated Krispy Kreme donut off a string. The string with donuts had been tied from one tree to another, so it was the perfect height for our mouths if we were sitting on one of the boy's shoulders. The competition was to see who could eat theirs first, no hands allowed. I was on Jaxon's shoulders, Willow on Jayden's, Theo on Hunter's and Lexi on Eli's. Harvey was too tall for any of us to sit on, so I didn't get to go with him, whereas Jaxon was the perfect height. I came second to Willow, since she was devouring that donut so quickly! She has a serious sweet tooth.

The whole party ended up being really fun, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

Once everyone had left and we had packed up everything, we sat around the TV and put a movie on. Hunter asked if anyone needed food, but no one was hungry, so we just decided if anyone was hungry they could just make themselves a sandwich later. Harvey and Eli are staying the night too, which I'm really happy about.

The movie wasn't something I was interested in, something about Monster trucks and cars, so I cuddled up to Harvey and dozed off quickly. Willow had been put to bed ages ago since she passed out on the couch when we were packing up. With the murmur of the TV in the background, and Harvey playing with my hair I was asleep in no time, dreaming of my amazing day.

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