19) Mean

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*Still Darren's P.O.V

'So, any questions?' Alison finished up.

'Uh yes, just one. When will I have my daughter back?' I smiled at her.

'Now for the reuniting!' Alison exclaimed cheerily. 'I just need to go through a few more details with you to do with custody signatures and then I can give you the address to Willow's location!'

*Livi's P.O.V

We just got back from Luna park and it was so much fun!!!! I went on every single ride that was open, including the big thing that spins all the way around, upside down! It's kind of like scissors, but I can't remember what it was actually called though.

'What do you want for dinner guys?' Hunter asked when we were walking through the door.

'FISH AND CHIPS!' I yelled out. I was sleepy but now I was fully awake. And hungry.

'Yeah sure, everyone happy with that?' Everyone agreed, too tired and hungry to suggest anything else. 'I'll do a phone order and get it delivered. I don't think I can be bothered to pick it up.' Hunter sighed, plonking himself down onto the couch. The rest of the boys followed, spreading out their huge bodies leaving no room for me. Since I knew I wasn't strong enough to shove any of the boys out of the way, I went over to the basket of pillows and blankets, dragging them over so I had a good enough view of the TV. It only took about 15 minutes for the Fish and chips to arrive, and Lachie got 'chosen' to go and get them. I was lucky that I was never asked to do it, since they all knew I was terrified of answering the door. As soon as he got up and left the room, I lept up, and plonked into his seat which was next to Olli, taking all my pillows and blankets with me.

'Smells so good!' Admired Lachie walking back into the lounge room. He placed the box of food onto the coffee table then came over to me. He stood tall at 5 foot 10 and crossed his arms over his chest with his blank face.


'Lachie,' I replied grinning shyly.

'Move. Now.' He growled at me.

'Nope!' I said popping the p, even though I was quite intimidated by him. Everyone was staring at us, clearly intrigued as to what was about to happen. Instead of just taking a seat on the floor and getting on with his day, he hadddd to have his seat back, so he shoved his arms underneath me, then carried me back over to the floor and simply dropped me. I landed with a heavy thud and groaned in pain. It really hurt.

'Oww,' I whimpered, turning around to glare at him.

'Sorry, but am I the only one here waiting for chips?' Complained Olli.

'NOPE!' Shouted Jaxon, following with them all shoving their hands in to grab chips. 'Don't forget to leave some for the baby too.' He said, faking sympathy, receiving multiple chuckles from all around the room. Rude.

I went over and got myself just a plate of chips, since I didn't like fish and everything else had already been taken. When the footy game came on, they all flipped their attention to it, giving me the perfect chance to carry out my master plan.

I finished my chips quickly, then slowly crawled my way out of the living room. Thankfully, no one noticed my disappearance. Next, I went to the games room, where most of the DVD's were stored. I flipped through a few of them until I found the perfect one; To All the Boys I've Loved Before, my favourite, the boy's nightmare. Specifically, Lachie's worst nightmare. He can't stand romance films.

I crept back to my spot on the floor which happened to be right in front of the DVD played, which luckily had the remote on top of it. I slipped it in, and in a matter of less than 10 seconds the movie was playing.

'WHAT?!' Shrieked all of the boys simultaneously, meanwhile I'm sitting there peacefully eating more chips, trying to stifle my giggles.  The opening scene of Lara Jean in the grass field came on, and all the boys groaned, but Hunters attention turned straight to me.

'Baby, what did you do?' He growled, standing up from his seat. I remained unfazed, hoping he wouldn't come any closer. My plan failed. Hunter grabbed my chin and jerked my face to look at him. 'What did you do?' he growled in his deepest, iciest voice possible. It was terrifying.

'Nothing.' I said to him, trying to keep a straight face.

'Are you sure?'

'100%.' I said "cleverly".

'Did you just lie to me? Straight to my face?' Hunter was getting angry now. Oops.

'Noooo.' I dragged out, but he gave me a death stare. 'Maybeee.' His stare deepened. God! Why did he have to be so intimidating? 'Yes.' I sighed, giving in and looking down. 'But none of you let me have a seat! And Lachie dropped me!'

'No excuse for lying to me.' Hunter justified. 'Go upstairs now, you don't get to stay down here anymore.'

'WHAT! That is so unfair!' I yelled to his face, but he just pointed to the stairs. I shot up and ran as fast as I could.

I was annoyed and furious but most of all embarrassed. If you forgot, Mason and Dylan were still there too, the coolest kids in school along with my brothers. And Jayden was there too. And they all just watched me get into trouble by my older brother. These are the times where I really wish my parents were here. This would never have happened then.

By now I had slid down the wall after securely locking my door, and silently crying my little heart out. So many questions were running through my head; What did I do wrong? It was just a joke! Why's he so angry? Does he hate me? Why is he so mean? Why did Hunter have to embarrass me like that? I bet that doesn't happen to Livi and Lexi! I know some of those questions were a bit far fetched for a little incident, but when I start I just can't stop. I overthink things and just one thing leads to another. One thing I did know, was that I was NOT talking to anyone for a while.

'Livi?' I heard at my door, but I couldn't work out who it was. I stayed silent anyway. 'Livi, please open the door.' It definitely wasn't Hunter, but it didn't really sound like any of my brothers or Jayden. I heard whoever it was sigh, then heard the footsteps fade away. The process repeated with 2 other people, definitely Dylan since he called me tiny and I think Jayden. Jayden was the last one, and I had a gut feeling he would be back.

I kept crying silently, when I heard the key fiddle inside my lock. Stupid brothers having keys into my room. I was round the other side of my bed, which wasn't visible from the door since my room had a narrow but long layout (A/N half of bedroom up top^^).

'Livi, babe? Where are you?' Said Jayden, coming into my room and looking for me. His eyes widened when he saw me, face red and tear stained.

When I saw his concerned face, my sobs became audible, making him rush over to me. He scooped me up and went and sat on my bed. He rocked me, trying to calm down but it didn't really work.

'Livi, you really need to calm down, you're going to make yourself sick.' He said sweetly stern to me. I tried to calm down, and slowly it worked. 'Why are you so upset?' He asked.

'Why is he so mean? No one gave me a seat and then I changed the show to something I wanted to watch. Nothing is ever done how I want it, it's always for them, never me.'

'Hey, he's not mean and you know it.' Jayden frowned at me, so I buried my face in his t-shirt. He was mean then. 'He just wants to raise you like your parents would have. Do you think they would have liked you lying to them?' I shook my head into his chest, making him chuckle. 'Look Livi, he loves you no matter what. Just like I love Willow with all my heart, even if I don't know where she is.' Jayden said to me. I looked up to his face and saw his teary eyes.

'She loves you. I know it.' I smiled to him, receiving a perfect one back.

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