53) Phoneless

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"Lose something baby?" Snickered Jaxon, raising his eyebrow at me snooping through the kitchen cupboards.

"Yeah, my phone." I muttered, hardly regarding him.

"Oh I know where it is." He said casually, and my head snapped towards him.

"Where is it? I need to take it to school." I said hurriedly.

"I actually don't know." He shrugged, smirking.

"Ugh." I sighed, continuing my search.

"I have it." Said Hunter, walking into the kitchen.

"What? Why?" I asked, getting impatient.

"Think hard about yesterday. What did you do?" He asked, getting himself cereal.

I thought hard, starting at the beginning of the day and working myself to the end then realising what I did.

"Hurt Lachie." I smiled in satisfaction.

"Exactly. And I don't know why you're smiling because you lost your phone for the rest of the week." Hunter replied.

"What!" I yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" He replied sternly whilst he stared at me.

"That isn't fair Hunter!" I complained.

"Life's not fair." Jaxon laughed.

"Shut up Jaxon." I snapped. Those 3 words seemed to be something I said on a daily basis.

"Don't be rude Livi. It's not his fault you no longer have your phone. Now go get ready and get over it. I'm not giving it back until Friday." He decided, leaving the room.

I huffed in annoyance then stomped up to my room, slamming the door as I went in. God, why were they all such idiots?

I moved in slow motion to do my hair and finish getting ready and right when I finished, Jaxon yelled from downstairs.

"Hurry your tiny butt up Livi! We have to go!"

I didn't respond but huffed as I grabbed my bag and opened my door to leave. At the same time I was leaving my room, Hunter came out of his room.

"Slam that door again and I won't give your phone back for a month." He said sternly pointing his finger at me. I huffed and rolled my eyes but listened and didn't slam the door. I wasn't risking losing my phone for a month. No way.

Before I could even get to the top of the stairs, two huge hands grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to face them. I didn't say anything, just stood staring at Hunter's face.

"Look, I get it your angry, but drop the attitude now." He ordered seriously. "I understand that Lachie was being annoying for you yesterday, no matter how funny it was, but that didn't mean you could do what you did. Jaxon gets in trouble for hurting you, so you have to get into trouble for hurting Lachie. That's how it works around here, and maybe, if you don't remember that, we need to go over the rules again."

"Fine." I said, no emotion in my voice whatsoever.

"Come on Livi. I'm trying to be reasonable here." He sighed, looking at me with sympathy.

"Okay." I sighed, giving in.

"Thankyou." He gave me a quick hug. "Now go to school." He ushered me downstairs and I had to run to make sure that Jaxon didn't drive off without me. He had already backed down the driveway and had his indicator on, ready to pull out.

"Finally. God why are you so slow?" Jaxon complained.

"I was talking to Hunter. Chill." I mumbled.

The rest of the car ride I stayed silent, having debates in my head about how annoying Hunter was, and then that he had a point. I did come to the decision that I could still be grumpy with him and understand why he took it. At least it was Wednesday, so that meant he'd give it back in 2 days. That is, if I didn't upset him.


"Alright everyone. We only have 3 weeks left of this term, and I have a final assessment for this class." Explained my maths teacher, causing everyone to groan. "Don't worry, it's not that bad." He flashed one of his signature smiles before continuing. "You have a maths test next Thursday, but 15% of your grade will come from the reference sheet you make. The reference sheet needs to be neat and contain detailed and relevant notes of the geometry topic that are easily understandable. Remember not to make it too crowded or else it won't be that helpful."

I didn't really mind the maths test, but I inwardly groaned that there was another assessment coming up. I already had 4 others that were due either in the next 2 days or next week, and I can't believe I'm getting more! Plus, in two weeks I have my netball grand finale, plus the boy's footy game, and I have my final dance showcase! So much to do in so little time!

I started on my reference sheet, colour coding all of it with my fine liners. Right after I finished about half of the first page, the bell went, signalling the end of the day. I grabbed all my stuff, said goodbye to my friends, then went to put everything in my locker away.

"After all the assessments are done, I would like to take you out again." Said Jono, snaking his arm around my waist.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Definitely." He grinned, then walked off to his mates. I smiled at the thought of going out with Jono again, and only for a split-second, I forgot about all the upcoming school work. The busyness came flooding back in a huge wave, so I sighed and headed to the car.

"What's up baby?" Asked Jaxon, taking my bag off of me and throwing in the boot.

"Too much work." I groaned, dropping my head backwards.

"What about me! I have 4 exams next week! And they aren't even finals!" He laughed, ruffling my hair. I hadn't thought about that.

"Well, you just fail them all anyway." I shrugged.

"Actually, if I fail these I can't go to Uni. So i have to actually try this time." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Jaxon doesn't care about school at all. He only cares about footy and his friends. That's it.

"Stillllll." I whined. "I can't do it."

"Yeah you can. You complaining is just stupid, because you'll get all the grades back with straight A+'s anyway because you're a nerd, just like Lachie." He smirked.

"I am not a nerd!" Lachie and I yelled at him at the same time, causing us to glare at each other and Jaxon and Olli to laugh. Stupid brothers. 

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