78) This Got Me Silent

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It took both Jaxon and Olli a second to work out what was happening. I had spun around so that my backside was facing the camera and was laughing like crazy by then. A sudden impact to my side caused me to slam into the couch, out of camera shot. Olli was quick to go and turn of the camera, meanwhile Jaxon had me pinned to the couch, only I couldn't stop laughing.

"Baby." Jaxon growled, putting on a stern face. "What was that?"

"The best thing I ever did." I laughed, coughing a bit.

"Not funny."

"Very funny! That's what all the Tik Tok girls do with their boyfriends and the same thing happens!" I laughed.

"Well I guess you don't have a boyfriend to do it with. So you definitely shouldn't have done it with me."


I stopped laughing and my happiness faded away. Jaxon barely seemed to have realised what he'd done before I shoved him off me, catching him by surprise. I went into the kitchen and helped Hunter set the last of the table whilst my mind began whirring. I mean I am only nearly 13, so I wasn't expecting a proper 'relationship', but I mean, it still hurt, considering what happened earlier today.

"Here's your phone." Said Olli, handing it to me as we sat down. I remember I had a message from an unknown number, so I quickly checked it.

Maybe I'll see you again one day, but I'm moving to Geelong for dad's work and we're not moving back. x j

The first thing Noah and Hugh did when they found out was delete his number off my phone. All of my friends know my passcode, so it wasn't a major deal.

"Jaxon you're an idiot." I said, breaking the peaceful conversation and looking up at him.

"Oi! Livi." Hunter warned.

"What'd I do this time?" He rolled his eyes.

"You know what you did." I spat like a 2-year-old, unable calm down and focus on my pasta.

"No, I don't." He chuckled, sitting back in his chair and staring at me.

"Yes." I growled, trying not to yell again.


"Today. 4 o'clock."

"I thought we were over that?" He rolled his eyes. "Come on baby."

"Don't 'baby' me. I'm almost a teenager!" I snapped.

"Almost, key word. Not yet."

"What happened today?" Asked Hunter not really interested in our drama.

"I'll exp- "

"Nothing." I butted in. I then grabbed my phone and pulled up the message.

"Put your phone away Livi. No phones."

I ignored Hunter and slammed my phone into Jaxon's lap. He scanned the message.

"Why is he so cringey?" Jaxon smirked, spinning my phone around in his hand.

"What!?" I exclaimed. "Jaxon, he came to say goodbye!"


"I kissed him! You'd think I wouldn't want my stupid brother ruining the final time I'd ever see him!" I yelled, getting really angry.

"Oh big deal." He scoffed.

"I'm leaving." I huffed loudly, storming upstairs and slamming the door. That was going to annoy Hunter.

I dialled Eli's phone number.

"Hey kiddo." Said Harvey.


"Yeah, sorry, Eli's in the bathroom. Dummy left his phone sitting here." He laughed. "You all good?"

"I don't want to stay here; can you come and get me?" I said.

"What do you mean, 'you don't want to stay'? Where are you?" He asked, seemingly getting concerned.

"At home." I said boringly.

"On your own?"

"No. everyone's downstairs."

"Come on baby. What's going on?"

"I just don't want to be here. Please." I begged.

"Fine. Give me some time though." Harvey sighed.

"Thankyou. Bye." I hung up.

I grabbed a backpack and chucked a few clothes inside as well as my phone and charger and minimal toiletries.

Whilst I was doing this, I didn't even hear Hunter insert the key to my room, unlock my door and walk behind me. He grabbed my arm, catching me by surprise.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

"I told you, I'm leaving."

"The dinner table, yes. The house, no."

"Harvey is coming to get me."

"No he isn't."

"Yes, he is. I called him."

"And he called me." I froze. "Livi what's really wrong?"

"Nothing." I shook my head. "Just Jaxon."

"Don't lie," Hunter softened. "Come on baby."

"Nothing." I insisted.

"Nothing which is...?"

"I thought he came to say sorry. I knew I would see him, and I thought that when he came over, he would say sorry, but he didn't, and then Jaxon arrived and got angry. And then I got the text and he didn't come to say sorry, he came to say bye. I didn't even get to say bye to my first boyfriend." I broke, frustrated.

Hunter stayed silent and watched as I paced around my room.

"And then Jaxon is a whole problem altogether."

"Livi, you know that's not true."

"Hunter he's a jerk!"

"He was trying to protect you, that's his job." Hunter reasoned.

"Well I don't need it, so he can stop."

"That also isn't true. Who was the person who held your hand when you were too scared to go into school? Who was the one who taught you how to beat me on the Xbox? Who was the one who helped teach you how to swim? Huh, baby?" This got me silent. "Who was the one most panicked after your panic attack? Who is the one who always lets you sleep in his bed?"

"Jaxon." I mumbled quietly.

"Exactly. And who was the one that made sure Jaxon would be able to take his driver's license exam?"

"Me." I mumbled again.

"Do you see my point? Jaxon loves you more than anything. I know he can be a pain, most boys are like that, but he really does love you."

"Okay." I sighed quietly.

"Now forget about Jono, I never liked him anyway. And since when did you kiss him?"


"Baby..." Hunter warned before laughing. "Don't worry about it. I'm going back to dinner. Coming?"

"Fine." I nodded, trailing after him.

I sat back down in my seat and finished my dinner. I wasn't gone for very long, so it was still warm. Everyone else, bar Hunter, had finished already.

Jaxon was relaxing back in his chair next to me, so I gently reached out and grabbed his hand. At first, he didn't do anything about it, just let me hold it without him using any muscles to return the gesture. I inwardly sighed and pulled my hand away.

I guess it was going to take more than that, but just as quickly as I removed my hand, he grabbed it and held it.

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