31) Uh Oh

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School started fine this morning, although it's kind of strange seeing everyone in tights and ties; winter uniform. All our period 4 teaches just announced that we have to go sign up for all our external activities at lunch time, then put the list of activities and locations on the TV screen. I quickly jotted down the 3 different rooms I had to go to. Thankfully, they were all really close, on the same floor in the same building. Theo, Mila and Lexi were doing netball with me, Lexi was doing dance with me and Mila was doing Inky Judging with me as well. When I found that out I was so relieved that I didn't have to be on my own.

When the bell went, the halls and classrooms filled up with the entire Oakland Elementary population needing to sign up for the different activities. I went to Inky Judges with Mila first, hoping to let the other crowds die down first.

The way our 'external activities', as they called them, worked was like this. You chose 2 sports and one under the category of 'other'. One of the sports must be a competition sport where you will train after school one day a week, then compete on Saturday mornings. The other sport takes up one of your class periods, which was spent as a second homeroom period in term 1 for year 7's. You don't compete in this sport this term, but you do have a showcase at the end of the term. Next term, term 3, the sports switch around places. This term, I'm competing for netball, then next term I'll compete for dance.

The 'other' category runs throughout both terms, but only half way into term 3. That's what Inky Judging falls in to. Lachie does debating, and Jaxon and Olli do fitness club, where they go to the gym at a lunchtime each week. I don't know why they do that to be honest, they're strong enough as it is from all the sport that they do.

Once I had finished signing up for my 3 things, all of us ladies went to meet Noah and Hugh at the canteen seating area. Noah said he was doing fitness club, footy and basketball, all with my brothers. Hugh said he was doing cricket and swimming, then Inky Judging. I gave him a big hug when I found at that he was doing it. The more people the better.

The rest of the day passed quickly, then my brothers and I met up at the car to go home. That's when I realised I hadn't thought this situation through. Hunter wasn't here, and the boys would have signed up for their activities today as well, meaning they'll probably ask me what I chose to sign up for. Uh oh.

We all got in the car, and I tried to stay as silent as possible, leaving them to have their own conversations. Sadly, that was only effective for a short amount of time.

"What'd you sign up for Livi?" Asked Olli, silencing the other 2 to focus on me.

"I forgot." I shrugged looking out the window.

"Is that so? Let's try again baby. What'd you sign up for?" Said Jaxon, clearly finding this funny.

"I said I didn't know. I forgot."

"I'll try one more time. What did you sign up for?" Jaxon growled exasperated.

"I. Don't. Know." I punctuated. I knew this was a super lame excuse, considering I was a terrible liar and all my brothers knew I had a pretty good memory, but it was the best I could think of.

"You're going to regret that baby." He sneered seriously. Hopefully my large gulp wasn't audible.

The rest of the car trip was silent and by the time we were walking through the door I was nearly trembling.

"Go." Jaxon growled, pointing upstairs. My jaw dropped, and a surge of confidence appeared.

"You can't do that! You're not Hunter!" I yelled at him in disbelief.

"Hunter isn't here, I am in charge, and I say go. I'm coming in a second." He said, earning a few snickers from the other two.

"NO." I stated firmly, crossing my arms over my chest and staying put. That probably wasn't the best idea.

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