4) Forgiveness

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Currently my life is fairly messed up. I am starting year 7 at a new school tomorrow and I haven't spoken to Jaxon in 3 days. Usually he would be teasing me or trying to scare me by making up stories about middle school. But no. We haven't done anything. I should be giving him the cold shoulder for locking me in the basement, but it's actually the opposite. He's furious at me for making him not be allowed to take his drivers test to get his license. Now I actually do feel really bad for him. He's wanted this for a while and has been practicing really hard to make sure he passes.

I haven't had the chance to talk to Hunter about it yet because the time never feels right. But I think I'm going to do it today. I won't be able to focus at school if I don't make things right. As much as I hate Jaxon, he is my favourite and I don't like him ignoring me because he's angry. Hunter should be coming upstairs to say goodbye and minute now so ill do it then.

'Livi, you awake?' He peeps his head through my door.

'Yeah, can we talk?'

'Always, just not too long because I do have a job you know.' He said smiling.

'So, you know how you won't let Jax take his driver's test now?'

'Yes?' He said, confusion very clear on his face.

'canyoulethimtakethetest?' I muttered quickly.

'Speak up Livi, I don't understand.'

'Can you maybe let him take the test?'


'I shouldn't have eaten the Oreo's, it's all my fault and he hates me.' I said to Hunter, finding my feet a lot more interesting than his face.

'Look at me Livi. He would never hate you. You could eat all the Oreo's he's ever wanted to eat in his lifetime and he still wouldn't hate you. You're his baby girl, his little sister. We all know he cares about you so much and he would never hate you. But, why do you want him to be able to take his drivers test even though he locked you in the pitch-black basement for an hour? It doesn't make sense to me.' Hunt assured me, sympathy shimmering in his icy-blue eyes.

'He's practiced driving so much to make sure he passes this test, and he never tries at anything. It's the one test he wants to do well on, and I don't want to ruin it for him.'

'Ah, I get it now. I'll think about it okay? Now, Jaxon is in charge today, but he is going to Dylan's this afternoon, so Olli will be in charge after that yeah?'

'Okay' I replied, glad that Olli would be in charge later on. I still don't want to be around Jaxon. I gave Hunt a hug and told him to have a good day, then he left.

Jaxon's P.O.V –

I quickly ran back to my room from listening at Livi's door after I heard Hunter get up. I can't believe she did that for me. I mean, I can believe it. It's Livi, and she has a heart of gold. But for me? I didn't think she really took much notice of what I was doing, especially with my driving but clearly, I was wrong. I'm kind of starting to feel bad now. I didn't mean to leave her in the basement for so long, but my mate Ethan called, and I was talking to him for so long I forgot. And then I was so furious that because of her, I couldn't take my driver's test, I ignored her. I know it should have been the other way around. Her ignoring me should have been what happened but instead I made her feel sorry for me because I was angry. I'm glad there still a chance I can take my driver's test, but now I want to play with Livi again. She's so fun to mess with! Just kidding, I miss her cuddling up to me at night when she's scared. I know she's been into Hunt's room the last few nights because of her nightmares from the dark and now I feel jealous she went to him not me. I'm supposed to be her favourite and I've let her down. The guilt is really catching up to me.

After I slept a while longer, I got up and walked down along the hall to Livi's room. I could here her feet hitting the ground in rhythm to the faint music I could hear. Of course she's dancing now. I think that dancing is stress and problem relief for her because whenever she's upset you can hear her small feet landing on the ground to the beat. Just like I play footy when my stress levels are high. It's just calming.

I knock on the door and the music stops. I hear a faint 'yeah', so I slowly open the door. I never, I mean never, knock on her door, so I know she definitely won't be expecting me.

'Oh it's you,' she says. Rude.

'Yeah it's me. Just coming to see you.' I said, acting casual even though inside I'm dying to hug her. Big tough brother image, Jaxon, Focus!

'What do you want?' She says, seeming as if its so much effort to say whilst she walks into her walk-in-wardrobe.

'Look...' I started saying before I got cut off.

'If you came here to say sorry I don't want to hear it. Go away.' She's such a faker. I know she thinks I hate her and wants me to not, so I don't get why she's pretending to want me to go away. I just frown at her and go sit in her armchair. I forgot how comfy this thing was.

I stay quiet for a while until I say, 'I heard your conversation with Hunter.' She freezes, staying silent. 'I'm actually s-sorr-ry.'

'Why is it that hard for you to say. You freakin' locked me in the pitch-black basement for an hour even after I said sorry! It was an accident, Jaxon. How much of an idiot are you! You know how much I hate the dark and you still go ahead and lock me there. And then you said you hated me! Why-why do you h-hate me?' She went from being strong and angry to hiccupping in tears. I got up to walk over to her but before you could blink she was in my arms, sobbing into my chest. I missed my baby.

Back to Livi's P.O.V.

I didn't even think anymore, I just ran straight to him. There's something really special about being in Jaxon's arms. Any of my brothers really. Their strong arms wrapped around my small body makes me feel safe and cared for. I know his caring mood won't last for long though.

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