56) Makeup

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Thankfully, I got through all of my assessments with no more breakdowns. Even better, I managed to get straight A+'s until the last assessment where I got an A. So happy with that though because I tried so hard for each and every one of the assignments.

I'm super excited because tomorrow is the dance showcase! This morning I had my netball grand final but that isn't as exciting because we're undefeated. That's right! We won! (and got trophies and medals)

Dance, however, is super exciting!

I thankfully got a solo in the middle of the dance and I think it's going to be amazing. In about an hour, we're all going back to school and having all the parents and guardians come so that Coach Abigail can show them how to do our hair and makeup.

The hair is in 2 Dutch braids up into a ponytail and the makeup is a natural base with a fancy gold tattoo and sparkly gold lipstick (Pictures above^^). It's pretty fancy and full on, hence why we need a makeup rehearsal.


"Livi! Hurry up and get your butt down here!" Hunter yelled as I frantically searched for my dance bag.

"One sec!" I yelled back, continuing my frantic search. Where was it!?

"Missing something?" Asked Jaxon, leaning in my doorway.

"Yeah, my costume bag." I huffed.

"You mean the one that Hunt just carefully hung up in the back seat?" He smirked, and I glared. Oops.

I slid on my Ugg boots and tried to leave, but Jaxon stopped.

"Jaxon! Lemme goooo." I grumpily whined, trying to shove past him.

"No. I want to know where you're going."

"What do you mean? I'm going to a dance rehearsal." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes but you've already done one. So, why are doing another."

"Makeup, okay? Now, move it!" I huffed, and he moved out of the way.

"Make sure to send me a photo of my baby all dressed up like a princess." He called out behind me, amusement coating his voice. God, he is a pain.

I ran out the door and to the car, right in time as hunter was pulling out the drive way. I got in and shut the door behind me, quickly putting my seat belt on, then sitting still. The car didn't move. I turned my head to Hunter to see him staring at me.

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Why the hell did you take so long!" He asked, slamming his foot down.

"Because your stupid brother decided to block my doorway and not let me out." I replied sassily.

"Hold it, my stupid brother. He's your favourite!" Hunter exclaimed.

I scoffed and replied, "Uh, no. He is definitely not my favourite."

"Yeah right." Hunter rolled his eyes but smiled. "So where exactly is this hair and makeup class happening?"

"Rec room." I replied as I texted Lexi to see if she was there.

"And who is running it again?"

"Coach Abigail." I said, not looking up from my phone.

"As in Abigail Winters?" That did cause me to look up.

"Yes. Why?" I asked, now interested.

"She was in my year level."

"And?" I asked, not catching on.

"Nothing. Just saying." He shrugged, right as we pulled into school.

We headed straight to the rec room and found most people were already there. I headed straight over to talk to Lexi, and Hunter spoke to her mum.

"Hey!" I said, nudging her shoulder.

"Livi! I was waiting for you." She smiled but I frowned.

"Didn't you get my text?" I asked, her turn to frown.

"No. My dad took it because he said I was being 'disrespectful' or something like that." She shrugged. Her mum was lovely, but they were pretty strict. Lexi is the least disrespectful person I know so I'm sure it was nothing major.

"Alright everyone! Let's get started." We heard coach Abigail call and the room felt silent. "Could all the dancers please take their seats." She motioned to the row of chairs that had their backs facing the mirror.

Lexi and I headed over whilst Coach Abigail discussed with the adults what they were going to do. It only took a few minutes before all the adults came over and Hunter started getting out our stuff.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked, watching him pull the combs and brushes out.

"Double Dutch into a ponytail, right?" He asked.

"Yep!" I smiled, proud that my 23-year-old brother could braid and do his little sister's makeup.

"Let's get started, shall we?" He smiled and began to do my hair.

30 mins later and my hair was in perfect braids and a curled ponytail. Oh yeah, I forgot that bit. Our ponytail had to have 'beachy-wave curls' according to coach Abigail, and in my opinion, mine we very 'beachy'.

"Could everyone please try to start on the makeup now." Announced Coach Abigail, before coming over to us.

"Wow. Livi! You're hair's great. Who's the artist?" She smiled.

"That would be me." Said Hunter, standing up from his crouching position. He was getting even more makeup out of the bag.

"Hunt!" She exclaimed as they hugged. "Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in ages."

"You either!" Hunt replied, as I sat there, awkwardly watching their mini reunion.

"I didn't even realise you were Livi's brother, but I guess I should of since you're the Millers." She smiled.

"Well, you know. I don't mind helping her with this, although I don't know who would if I didn't." He laughed, and I smiled. True that.

"I'll let you get back to it. Call if you need a hand, but it looks like you've got this under control." She winked at me then walked over to see how Lexi was doing.

"Sooo." I grinned at him.

"Yesssssss?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Did you use to date her?" I asked, curious.

"No." He laughed. "But Eli did. They dated almost all the way through high school you know." Huh. No I didn't know.

"Nope I didn't but..."

"Shut your eyes." He instructed. "And you're mouth."

Well that was the end of that conversation. 

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