35) Dancer

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Half the week has gone by and thankfully Hunter is totally fine, and I'm not dead. Yet.

Dylan slept over last night but thankfully he just stayed with Jaxon. They didn't interact with me and I didn't interact with them either.

On the way to school, all the boys were talking about footy which I had absolutely no interest in. My ears only perked up when Dylan mentioned the showcases.

"Does anyone know about our second sport showcase? The mid-term one?" He asked.

"Yeah, swimming is next week." Said Jaxon, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Basketball isn't doing one this year because apparently there a too many people." Olli chipped in.

"It's so good, now we only have to go to swimming." Said Lachie, forgetting about me.

"Nah, we still have Livi's remember?" Olli reminded him, making him groan.

"What'd you even pick?" Asked Lachie. Oh no.

"Uhhhh." I stammered. I could hear Jaxon laughing in the background. Both Olli and Lachie grew the classic Miller smirk on their faces. "Nothing?" I said, more as a question.

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Olli, teaming up with Lachie against me.

"Yes." I said, way too quickly.

"Why don't you just go to the office and ask there? She's clearly not going to tell you." Said Dylan.

"SHUT UP DYLAN!" I yelled at him, crossing my arms and huffing.

"Thanks Dylan." Olli said casually, before they went back to talking about footy. I just sat in the back with my arms crossed over my chest and frowning. Stupid idiot.

When we got to school, both Olli and Lachie headed straight for the office. Nosy bastards.

I don't even know why they want to know what I'm doing, it's not like they get something out of it, but anyway. There's no point in me trying to stop them, I can tell I'll just embarrass myself if I do.

The day passed pretty quickly, I managed to shove the thought that Olli and Lachie now knew I chose dance to the back of my mind and focus on my classes. Assessments were just starting now, so I had to pay close attention and make sure I didn't miss anything. Dance was amazing, as per usual. We were now about half way through the dance and it was beginning to look amazing. I really loved the dance, and Isaiah even chose me to have a back-handspring solo, the first one of the dances! We weren't showcasing this dance on the weekend, this was one of the 3 we will perform in the final showcase. The dance we were performing this weekend was also really cool, because it was a mix of us girls who could dance ballet on point and the rest who couldn't. I really liked the dance, but it wasn't very long, and now I was a bit worried about the costumes, because they were dark bikini's, but lace everywhere else on the body. I'm not exactly too sure about what Jaxon will say about me dancing around in that but oh well.

I got to the car before anyone else did, so I just stood there, scrolling through my Instagram. It didn't take long for the others to show up, and they did not waste any time teasing me.

"Ooh! Livi, when can we see you doing twirls and leaps?" Said Olli.

"Little Ballerina!" Echoed Lachie, patting my head like a dog, meanwhile Jaxon just stood there and laughed. He unlocked the car, and since they were too busy killing themselves laughing, I got in the front seat. I immediately locked the door, then did up my seatbelt, smiling to myself in pleasure.

Soon enough, the boys realised that I was in the front then Olli started trying to open the door. I just stuck my tongue out at him, making him glare, then get in the back seat. He sat right behind me and kept kicking the seat and pulling my hair.

"Can you stop?" I yelled, turning around to face him.

"Why should I?" He smirked.

"Because I asked!"

"Yeah...No. But, I do have a question for you."

"I don't have an answer." I stated, turning back around.

"How can uncoordinated people dance? Like you, especially if you've never danced before, how are you in experienced group?" He asked, at first, I growled, but then I smirked.

"Ever wonder where Hunter and I go on a Monday and Tuesday night at 7pm?" I asked carefully.

"No need. You just go to spend time with him since you always complain about being around us. Why?"

"I don't hang out with Hunter! Boorrrrinnnggggg. I go to dance class. And have been since I was 5." I smirked in satisfaction.

"You're kidding?" Asked Jaxon. Oh right, he didn't know that either.

"Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'.

"So let me get this straight. For your second sport you chose dance, because you've been dancing since you were 5. And none of us knew about it until now, except for Hunt?" Verified Lachie.

"Correct. Well done, you actually got something right for once in your life." I said to him, earning a punch in the arm.

"Now what? You're going to tell us you dance on your tippy toes?" He scoffed.

"It's called point. And yes, I do."

"Oh god." He grumbled. Finally something I could do that they couldn't suckersss.

We finally arrived home, and I raced inside.

"Eli!?" I called out, just as the other boys arrived behind me.

"He's not here, stupid." Jaxon snickered, as the other 2 copied behind him.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Long day? Remember? He reminded us yesterday." Jaxon rolled his eyes.

"Oops." I shrugged, then went to get food. "There's nothing in here Jaxon!" I yelled out since he was now in the lounge. I suddenly felt 2 strong hands grab my waist and hoist me onto their hip.

"Look up." Said Olli. I looked forward to where he was meaning and saw a big packet of chips, making my eyes widen. Before I could reach out and grab them, Olli had beaten me to it. "Not so fast there. I'll give them to you, if we all get to come to your showcase."

"Noooo. That's not fair!" I whined, trying to grab the chips.

"Life's not fair. Suck it up baby." He mimicked, rolling his eyes. "Deal?"

"Give me the chips!!!!" I growled.

"Deal?" He repeated, still holding them way out of my reach. I was way too hungry to think it through, so quickly made the deal. He passed the chips to me and placed me on the ground, letting me bolt upstairs. I was not sharing these. 

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