21) Dancers

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*Hunter's POV

I was sitting watching the basketball on TV with Jax and Jayden when my phone began ringing. I assumed it was Eli, but the ID said Uncle Darren. Huh, thought he would call Jayden if it was about him, but I answered it none-the-less.

'Hey Uncle Darren, how's it going?' I asked when I answered, leaving the lounge room and going into the kitchen.

'Hey Hunt, not too bad. How you holding up with an extra boy?'

'Ha! He's pretty chill, Livi loves him so that's a good thing.'

'That's good, I'm glad he's some use down there. Sorry for putting pressure on you with him.'

'Anytime! He's easy, probably trade him for any of the boys to be honest.' I chuckled through the phone.

'HEY!' Called Jaxon from the lounge, but I just ignored him.

'Anyway,' said Uncle Darren. 'I have some more pressure to add to your list.' He said, which really confused me.


'I am coming to Melbourne and I'm bringing someone with me. Would you mind if we stayed at your house?' He asked kindly.

'Of course! Who are you bringing with you, if I may ask?' I said, my curiosity kicking in.

'That, Hunter, doesn't matter yet. But I think you'll like her.'

'Okay then. When are you coming?'

'I have a flight booked for 8:30am, so we should be there around lunch time. Is that okay?' he asked.

'Yeah that's fine. Did you want me or Jaxon to come pick you up from the airport?' I offered.

'No. I want everyone to meet her at the same time, so we can just get an Uber.'

'Sure thing. I'll see you then.

'Thanks so much Hunter.' Finished uncle Darren, and with that the conversation was finished. I walked back into the lounge room, and Livi had appeared too.

'What did my dad want?' Jayden asked me, turning away from the TV.

'He's coming here tomorrow.'

'YES!!!!!' Squealed Livi, jumping up from her seat. Jaxon reached out, grabbed her, and slammed her back down onto the couch. She groaned in pain and glared at him, but I didn't do anything about it.

'Why is he coming here?' Asked Jayden, not that interested. He was kind of distant from his Dad, loved him a lot, but kept his life separate, even if they were related and lived together.

'Not sure. He is bringing someone with him though. Female.' I said to everyone, going over to where Livi was sitting. My previous spot. I lifted her up, sat down, then placed her back on my lap.

'Really? I didn't know he was dating.' Said Jayden, but the conversation finished there, everyone turning there attention back to the TV.

We watched for about 20 minutes, when Livi started getting fidgety in my arms. I sighed and whispered in her ear,

'Come dance?' She immediately stopped wriggling, nodded and leapt up, heading for the recording studio. Nobody took any notice of her leaving, so I just stood up and walked out. Once I got there, she had already plugged her phone in and was scrolling through the music.

When Livi was younger, she always loved music and dancing. When she got to the age of about 6 or 7, Jaxon and Olli, who are close in age began making fun of her for dancing. Saying she looked silly and wasn't very good. Of course, they never did it when our parents were around, so nobody ever really told them to stop. Slowly, she stopped dancing and singing in front of us, and you could only every now and then hear her soft feet leaping around in her bedroom. I convinced my parents to let her join dance classes, and she flourished in them. Even though she started a bit later than lots of the girls, she quickly overtook them in levels and was evidently more skilled than them. The only thing was, on her first class, she was too scared and shy to go. And mum was in a hurry to go run errands, which I had offered to go with her to. Livi hid behind me, and mum was getting so frustrated we were all about to leave. Without even thinking, I offered to stay with Livi. I was nearly 10 at the time, and the had some older boys in their class helping them with leaps and lifts since they were strong enough. I danced with her for the entire 2 hours, and they were some of the best 2 hours of my life. After that, I went back lots of times to help her, but never gained enough courage to actually start my own classes, no matter how strong my desire.

None of the other boys know either of us dance, and Livi still takes classes a few times a week. I always take her and say I'm going shopping or taking her out. The excuses change but I don't think any of the boys take much notice anyway.

Livi finally made her choice of song, smiled and grinned up at me. I don't think we have been in here for a few months' minimum. The song started, and I immediately knew what song it was.

Learning to Fly, Hills x Hills

I went into the centre of the dance floor and all the choreography came flooding back to me. She twirled and flung around, leaping into my arms, which to I would just lift her higher. There was no feeling like dancing.

When we finished, both of us were out of breath but had huge grins on our faces.

'I missed this.' I said to Livi.

'Me too. I have a new routine we're doing in hip hop and jazz to show you.'

'Yeah? I want to see It.' I said to her, sitting down on the bench and having a big drink of water. 'What song?'

'Hustle by P!nk.' she smiled at me. She knew I liked this song.

'Coolios.' I said as I put it on.

Its fast rhythm and beat came on and she had the choreography mastered. Her quick jumps and moved perfectly in time to the beat and when it came to the end, I went and gave her a big bear hug.

'You're amazing.' I whispered in her ear.

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