113) Constrictor

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The rest of our Bali adventure continued with little drama, apart from the odd sibling fight and argument with Hunter, which made for a very peaceful rest of the week. Jayden, Uncle Darren and Willow made it home safely, and we were able to explore our second hotel, and the surrounding area. The second hotel we stayed at was surrounded by markets and stalls, selling mostly fake stuff, which I absolutely loved. I bought lots of t-shirts and dresses, and bought matching bracelets for Theo, Lexi and I, as well as similar ones for Noah and Hugh. I also bought Noah this stuffed toy when we went to waterbom park which I knew he'd laugh at but secretly love. That day, at waterbom, was my favourite day of our whole trip.

"Who has the sunscreen?" Lachie yelled from the bathroom.

"You can put it on when we get there." Hunt called back, having already zipped up the bag containing it.

"That's a waste of time!" Lachie responded.

"Livi, have you got your hat?" Hunt ignored Lachie and focussed on me. I showed him the pile of stuff I was holding, which included my hat, and then walked out the front to wait.

The hotel wasn't far from the park at all, however, due to the extreme traffic, it took us about 30 minutes to get there by taxi, so by the time we got there, people had already started queuing to get in. Thankfully, Hunter had booked beforehand so he could get cheaper tickets, and that allowed for a much speedier entry.

"Same rules as always, Livi." Hunter eyed me.

"I know." I sighed. No leaving somewhere without telling one of the boys exactly where I was going, have to wait for everyone to come off a ride before going anywhere, stay still if I get lost. I wasn't a child anymore, but Hunter was still serious about these rules.

"Where are we going first?" Asked Olli, as we secured 4 seats. That was as best as we could do since it was busy. I had to share with Jaxon, again.

"Can we do the Constrictor first, onto lazy river?" Lachie suggested.

"Good idea, Livi we can go in one." Jax responded.

"I don't want to share." I frowned.

"You'll go faster if you go with me, baby." He tried to convince me.

"Because you're fat Jaxon." Ollie smirked, earning a high-five from Lachie.

"Seriously?" Hunter glared.

"I'll go with you if you carry the tube." I smiled. The worst part about the rides where you rode in a tube was carrying them up the millions of stairs. This way, I wouldn't have to do a thing.

"Deal." He smiled.

"Ayo! Let's go!" I grinned, taking off my cover-up and jumping impatiently on the spot. Hunter rolled his eyes and laughed at me.

They day continued in a very similar fashion; walking up and down stairs, fighting over which slide we wanted to do next, and complaining to Hunter we were hungry and needed another ice cream sandwich from the cart near the kids play area. By the end of the day, I think I'd eaten at least three of my own ice cream sandwiches, as well as all the bites I stole from my brothers ones. The choc chip one was delicious, but the mango one was really good too. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. I'd done every ride I was willing to go on at least twice and sat around whilst the boys went on the more terrifying rides that I was extremely unwilling to go on.

I crashed when we got back to the hotel, falling dead asleep on the hammock in our balcony area. I got eaten alive by mosquitos, but something is so right about sleeping outside in tropical weather. I felt that was the best sleep I had ever had.

I must have slept for about two hours before Jaxon woke me up, telling me to get ready since we were going out for dinner. I was groggy but got changed into my favourite holiday dress and waited as the boys got ready, slowly waking up with time.

We went to a restaurant called Makan which was around the corner from the hotel. It was quite new and really nice and had amazing food. I got the satay chicken, which Jaxon kept stealing, but I also had a corn fritter and the rest of Hunter's chips when he decided he was full. I ate much more than I normally do, which proved how delicious the food was. I fell asleep instantly, again, once we were back at the hotel afterwards.

Packing my bags had to be one of the worst feelings. Although I was excited to go home and see Bailey, Noah and all my other friends, I would have rather stayed for at least a little while longer. I loved the weather and how relaxed Hunter was. It wasn't often we could see him be so at peace, since he was always so stressed about everything, and everyone, when we were back home. Everything became a bit much for me as our bags were collected and taken to the car taking us to the airport, and I had a slight meltdown.

"We'll be back soon baby." Hunter tried to console me but couldn't help slightly laughing at how worked up I was.

I was quiet for the car ride and the entire time through the airport, even when Jaxon bought me a donut and the others were literally offering me everything to try make me cheer up. As soon as we were on the plane I set up a movie to distract myself and tried to think about all the good things to look forward to back at home. Reuniting with my puppy was my number one, but I couldn't forget it was new years and we had our big party coming up too. That was surely going to make it worth coming home. 

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