86) Bailey

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"Why aren't I talking to you!? It's my birthday, I haven't seen you in a week and I just broke my arm and the only thing you care about is Noah. He's my best friend Jaxon, you know that, so what's your problem!? I'm not the one who's at fault."

"He was in bed with you!"

"A hospital bed!" I yelled. "Watching Paddington! I also don't recall him being the one who left me on my birthday!"

"You're mad about that?" He gaped.

"Maybe." I huffed.

"You said we could go!"

"Well you still haven't said happy birthday. You haven't hugged me. You didn't even say hi. Even Lachie and Olli did."

"Just make this al my fault then." He rolled his eyes, huffing.

"It is your fault." I grabbed my bowl of cake and left.

"Livi." He said. I couldn't tell whether it was apologetic or demanding so I just ignored him and went upstairs.

I stayed there for a while, looking at my arm in slight disbelief. It was wrapped like a mummy with a cast and then I had a blue sling as well, which was kind of ugly, but I guess a broken arm wasn't very fashionable.

After at least 40 minutes and 2 visits from Hunt, Jaxon came in. Hunter knocked so I knew it was Jaxon when I felt the side of my bed.

"Sorry, okay." He huffed.

"Go away."

"Livi, please. I'm sorry." He repeated, slightly more sincerely this time.

I stayed quiet.

"Happy birthday." He sighed, getting up and leaving. I rolled over and sat up.

"Jax." He turned and looked. I was ready to cry. Stupid painkillers were messing me up. "My arm hurts."

"I know baby." He smiled tightly, coming and hugging me. I stayed still, resting my head on his shoulder for ages before either of us spoke. "I can't believe you're 13."

"Not a baby anymore." I giggled slightly.

"Are so. You'll always be a baby to us. No matter how old or big you are."

"But I'm a teenager."

"And?" He laughed. "Let's go get some Panadol for your arm."

Just as he said it Hunter walked in, carrying Panadol and more cake and ice cream.

"Panadol has been delivered." He laughed. Hunter gave Jaxon a look so quick that if you had blinked you would have missed in a second, but I saw it bright and clear.

"I'll be back." Jaxon said, letting go of me and getting up. I frowned but he just smiled and left.

Hunter gave me Panadol and we sat and talked whilst eating cake. I thought Jaxon was just going into his room or downstairs or something, but he was taking a really, really long time.

"Livi you need to come downstairs." Olli smiled, coming in.

"Okay?" I made a face at him, but he just turned around. This was weird. I followed hunter downstairs where Lachie then told me to sit in the arm chair and shut my eyes. I closed them tight and sat there, waiting patiently. I heard the door open but then someone, probably Lachie, clamped their hands over my ears so I couldn't hear anything.

I waited for what felt like centuries more but was probably just seconds before the hands covering my ears retracted and something furry and alive was placed in my lap. My eyes shot open and I registered seeing the cutest puppy to exist on earth. I gasped and cracked the biggest grin possible.

"A puppy!" I squealed.

"Happy birthday." The boys all said in unison. The puppy jumped up and started licking my face. It was very clumsy and kept slipping but thankfully Jaxon was behind to catch him when I couldn't.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" I smiled, hugging the puppy.

"Boy. He's only 8 weeks old." Jaxon answered.

"What is he?" Lachie asked, not necessarily to me but just in general.

"He's a mini Shar Pei." Hunter replied.

"What are you going to call him Livi?" Asked Olli. All the attention was on me and I was loving it.

"Waffles!" I laughed.

"NO!" Said Jaxon.

"Why not?" I giggled.

"I am not telling people I have a dog named waffles."

"You just think you're cool. Waffle's a great name." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Nope. Change it." He smirked. Not sure why.

"Fine." I thought about it for a while as they watched me. "Okay. Pancakes!"

"NO!" They all exclaimed, and I burst out laughing.

"Fine, fine. I know."

"What?" Jaxon asked, picking up a fallen puppy again.

"Bailey." I nodded decisively.

"Awww." Said Hunter.

"Hi Bailey." I said, cuddling him tight.

I spent the next few hours walking him up and down the hall. He was so clumsy, and the slippery wooden floorboards made him slip about and fall down which I found hilarious every single time. Every time I laughed one of the boys would laugh at me too, and slowly I found myself forgetting about my arm. Bailey was so gentle, and I could tell all the boys were in love with him too. I managed to get all of them on the floor playing with him and me, which was not something I had ever been able to do before at this age.

"Go look in the bag on the table." Hunt came and told me, so I left bailey for a minute and went over to look. There was a big bag full of all the supplies we needed for our new family member. "I've booked a company to come and install the doggy door tomorrow and can get him microchipped next week. He was already desexed."

I grabbed out the blue and sliver collar and clipped it on to his little neck. He was so soft and made my heart melt every time I saw him. I put down the little bed near the couch and set up a food and water bowl next to eat. He scoffed the food in about 3 seconds. I couldn't believe I had a little puppy now. 

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