50) Man Bites Dog

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"Hey kiddo! Why are you out of bed?" He asked, lifting me up and spinning me around.

"I came to see you!" I giggled. The cough medicine Hunter gave me was making me drowsy.

"Aw, did you miss me?" He teased, tickling my stomach.

"Of course I did! You're Harvey!" I replied, then leaned in to whisper in his ear, "And you're my favourite."

"You're my favourite too." He whispered back, then chuckled. "Let's get you back to bed, shall we?" He asked, starting to go back upstairs.

When we got there he placed me back in bed, and I snuggled into the covers.

"What do you want to do?" He asked. "That is, assuming you don't want to sleep anymore?"

"Let's play 'man bites dog'!" I squealed, getting excited.

"What the hell is that?" Harvey asked, looking at me as if I was an alien.

"A game, silly. It's in a small white box sitting on the top of that shelf." I pointed to the shelf along the other side of my room. He stood up to get it.

"This one?" he asked, picking up the wrong one.

"No! Keep going, no, no, not that one. Yes! That one!" I instructed until he got it right.

He grabbed 2 thick school textbooks from my desk for us to use as a 'table', then came back over to the bed. He pulled his shoes off then sat at the opposite end of the bed, so he was facing me.

"Alright, how do you play this?" He asked, pulling the cards out of the box.

"Give me half and we have to shuffle them." I said, then proceeded to explain the rules.

"Seems easy enough." Harvey shrugged.

We set up the game and had a few practice rounds. I won the first round, then we drew the second.

"Let's play again! I want to properly win." Exclaimed Harvey, getting competitive.

"Game on loser." I mocked, sticking my tongue out at him, which he returned straight away.

We played for a bit, before I burst out laughing at one of the sentences I made.

"What the hell?" Harvey frowned, reading my headline.

It read, naked cop attacks lawyer.

"You can't write that! That's inappropriate!" Protested Harvey, because this score meant I won.

"Harvey, the point of the game is to make the funniest headline, just accept the fact I'm so much better at it than you!" I replied, sassily.

"Fine, miss smarty pants. Let's do something else if I have no chance of winning." He rolled his eyes.

"Movie!" I yelled, then started coughing.

"Woah kiddo slow it done there!" Harvey laughed at me, patting my back.

Once my coughing fit subsided, Harvey gave me a piggy back down to the lounge room where I got to pick the movie.

"Just hurry up and pick one! We don't have all day." Whined Harvey, right as I made my selection.

"Hold your horses. I choose this one." I said, clicking on 'Pitch Perfect 3.' 

"Sure." Said Harvey.

Technically I wasn't supposed to watch this. Or any of the pitch perfect movies. But whatever, Hunter wasn't here, and Harvey was too impatient to care anyway.


I was watching the credits to see who played Becca, when I heard the front door open.

"I'm back!" I heard Hunter called, before he walked into the lounge room. He frowned at me. "You're supposed to be in bed."

"I practically am in bed! See?" I giggled, snuggling further down in the blanket that was covering me making him smile and chuckle.

"Hey Hunt." Nodded Harvey, running his hand through my messy hair.

"Thanks so much for taking care of Livi today, you have no idea." Smiled Hunter, sitting down at my feet and putting them in his lap.

"No problem. I like hanging out with this loser." Harvey teased.

"You're the loser, you couldn't beat me in 'man bites dog'." I sassed back, knowing he would have nothing to say.

"What's that?" Hunter asked.

"The game none of you will eveerrrr play with me." I huffed.

"Well, thanks for hanging with me today kiddo. I gotta get going." Said Harvey, standing up. Hunter took him to the door and had a boring conversation about 'adult' stuff, then came back to talk to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, pulling me into his lap.

"Okay, but the medicine is waring off." I shrugged, laying on his shoulder.

"Should we go back up to your room then? And I can get you some more medicine now." He suggested, but before I could respond I heard loud feet walking inside.

"In here boys!" Hunt yelled to them. They all filed in and spread out across the lounge. "How was your day?" He asked them, earning mixed responses.

"Uh, Olli? Can you take Livi up to her room? Jaxon and I need to talk." Hunter asked, shooting a quick stern glance at Jaxon.

"Sure. C'mere baby." Olli smiled but I frowned.

"I'm not a baby. I can walk." I huffed, standing up. I took a few steps then got dizzy and fell. Luckily Olli caught me and swooped me up onto his hip. Pretty sad that my 17-year-old brother could easily carry me.

He carried me up to my room and sat with me for a bit.

"How was your day?" He asked, tucking me into the covers.

"Okay. Harvey came over and we played a game and watched a movie." I smiled.

"Cool, what movie and what game?" He inquired, pulling off his shoes just like Harvey did earlier.

"Uh-i-u-h." I stuttered trying to come up with a reasonable response. He shot me a stern look then tried again.

"What did you do?" He growled.

"Watchedpitchperfect." I rushed out. I couldn't be bothered to come up with anything else, I was too tired.

He sighed then muttered, "Could have been worse."

He lay down next to me and I snuggled into him. I didn't usually get this close with Olli, it was always Jaxon or Hunter, so this felt pretty nice.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep and I quickly drifted into dreamland.



Hey Guys, 50 chapters! What do you think of my story?

Please comment ideas for future chapters or things you would like to happen in the story.

Also, are the lengths of my chapters okay? I always get to at least 1,000 words for every chapter, but if it's too long/short could you please comment to let me know.

Has anyone ever played Man Bites Dog? It's a lot of fun.

Hope you're enjoying xx

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