18) Woah.

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Darren's P.O.V
'Hi Darren, nice to finally meet you in person.' Said Alison, the lady from Sydney Police.

'Hi there Alison, thankyou so much for looking into this case. It means a huge amount to me and my son.'

'Ah, all in a day's work. Please, take a seat.' She motioned to the chair. We were in a nice room, very modern and official. 'Now. Let's start with Willow's so-called parents. Do you remember how I mentioned there was no information of Willow when she was dropped off? Her birth certificate was the only thing given to the orphanage which had the names Catalina Harrison and Garrett Rogers on it. They scanned the birth certificate into their system, to fin what other information would come up only to find it was a fake. Willow herself confirmed her name was willow and her birth date, but she couldn't remember much else. What she did say though, was that she remembered being little with a man and a boy. She described us as best she could, and also showed us a photo in a locket.' I remember that locket. Jayden had made me drive him all over town to find this particular locket for Willow's 5th birthday present. She loved it so much and never took it off. I can't believe she's kept it all these years. Alison continued speaking, 'The photo had her and a boy in it, when they were young. After lots of tests and scans we found that boy, Jayden who I believe is your son?' she paused so I nodded. 'And found you from there. Long process but definitely worth it in my eyes.' She smiles at me, and I returned it. 'I imagine you are very keen to see her?' She asked.

'Very much so, I haven't seen her since the morning of her disappearance, let alone known anything about her.'

'Ah, I understand. So we should get to her health and past.' She said, scanning her eyes through the documents she held. 'From Willow being asked many questions, we've been able to attain the following knowledge. Willow was never really harmed or hurt by her parents or anyone else, but instead treated in a very unusual way. We suspect both Garrett and Catalina were on a range of illegal drugs, so the way Willow was treated would be considered lucky, considering most cases like these end up with the child being physically and sexually harmed.'

'What kind of unusual way?' I asked Alison, very curious as to what my poor daughter had been through.
'Unfortunately, this case is still being looked into. With Willow's limited vocabulary and education, the information we got from her was difficult to compile together. I understand you're in want to know but for now the information is completely confidential. I'm sorry about that.' I wasn't impressed with this response but I didn't have any choice but to listen carefully to what else Alison had to say. I was just desperate to see Willow.

"Um, okay. I understand." I said, speechless as to how else I should react.

'I know, it's difficult at the moment to comprehend. We just really need to have a better understanding of what happened before we make any more conclusions.' Said Alison sighing. 'Willow also told us what they did when she had been a 'very naughty girl'. She said Garratt was always in charge, of both her and Catalina, so they would sometimes receive the same punishment. Willow was expected to put her toys back after she played with them, also to never address them without Mummy or Daddy, spit out food, say rude words, speak back, stand up or not do what they said. If she did do any of those things, Garratt would take charge. What he did, although never harmed her physically, comes under the category of child abuse, therefore confidential. Time out would mean she would have to sit in what they supposedly called the 'bad room' which had 2 chairs in it. She would have to sit there for however long he thought was right. Apparently, Garratt used similar punishments for Catalina, a lot more severe though, and Willow was usually forced to watch everything. If Catalina didn't do what Garratt asked or didn't fulfil his ideas of being a good mother, many different things happened. Those became a confidential matter, which I can't go into detail about. Things do get better from here though. As you can tell, both Catalina and Garratt were always high on drugs and alcohol. They would go to parties, clubs and other places every night, which meant Willow would be left at home. They never left her on her own which is a good thing. Willow said a man who she never knew the name of would come and stay with her. He was a good friend of Garratt's but turns out to be not quite what Garratt thought. Willow said he taught her to read, write and speak, since she had never been to school, so he caught her up on all that she had missed. He also made sure she was safe and tried to give her as much regular food as possible, since he knew she was not getting all the right food from baby purees as a kid. Willow also said he was the one who dropped her off to the orphanage on the night Catalina and Garratt died.' Alison finished, but I sat there speechless.

'Sorry,' I said to her. 'This is all quite surreal and unbelievable to me. I mean she's only a kid, and she's been through so much more than most people will ever experience in their lifetime.'

'I know, its sad to think about all the sick-minded people out there. Although, I am glad to inform you Willow has very good health, but very underweight and small for her age. She is not too far behind in school, only about a year or 2, but that can be fixed with a bit of tutoring and lots of time spent with her. One other thing, her social skills are very limited. The orphanage said when she first began there she could hardly interact at all, but is slowly getting better as time goes on. From the interview she does remember you and Jaxon, but never knew who you were since she was only 5 when she left. That's a good thing for you. So, any questions?' Alison finished up.

'Uh yes, just one. When will I have my daughter back?' I smiled at her.



Hey Guys, I have no idea if this is a real thing. I don't think so, and I hope not. But I just wanted to let you know that everything in this story is entirely made up from my imagination or from reading other stories then developing ideas with my imagination. I didn't think of this chapter on my own, there were a few Wattpad stories with a 'baby' thing going so I adapted it in a different way. I needed something interesting, but I didn't want to do anything like rape because that's quite common in these types of stories. Anyway, now you know more about Willow!!

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