51) Ice cream

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*Hunter POV

"Uh, Olli? Can you take Livi up to her room? Jaxon and I need to talk." I asked, shooting a quick stern glance at Jaxon.

He agreed without any retaliation, thankfully allowing me to talk to Jaxon without Livi around.

"You too Lachie. Go do something." I shooed him off, making him roll his eyes but still leave.

"What do we need to talk about?" Asked Jaxon, boredom smothering his voice.

"About why your baby sister is sick and out of school." I said seriously.

"She's sick. Poor her." He scoffed whilst rolling his eyes.

"She is sick. With a cough, cold and temperature. So I'd like you to tell me why." I replied.

"You see, when the human body cells contract a virus they..." I cut him off before he could finish.

"Now is not the time to get smart. She's sick because you threw her in the pool! It was careless and dumb, knowing she would freeze in that water!" I exclaimed, standing up to my full 6-foot height.

"Okay, okay, jeez." His body relaxed slightly, and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Not okay." I growled. "She already missed half of last week and now she's missing more school because of you. It was careless! And don't you even care in the slightest the fact that she is probably curled up asleep with Olli!?" I raged on, knowing that would hit a spot. Jaxon cared the most about Livi out of everyone, even if he was the meanest to her.

"I didn't know she was going to get sick!" He yelled back, standing up.

"Doesn't matter! I understand you want to get back at her, okay? If mum and dad were still here, and all of you weren't my responsibility, I would be messing around with her too, but they aren't. I'm in charge and you are my best helper. She looks up to you and you need to be someone she trusts. Not someone she feels will throw her in the frikkin' pool when she decides she wants to date a boy. You gotta think Jaxon!" I ranted on, pacing around the room.

"Sorry, alright? Messing around with her is fun but I get it." He said back seriously so I knew he meant it.

"And what are you going to do about it?" I ask, turning to face him.


I woke up sweating and started coughing then saw my door open and Jaxon's head appear. Because I was still angry at him for throwing me in the pool and making me sick in the first place, I just turned around and faced the other way. That didn't stop him though, so I still heard his loud footsteps approach me then felt the bed dip on my left and a hand start rubbing my back. Slowly my coughing stopped, and I lay back down, exhausted again.

"You right?" Jaxon asked, but I ignored him. "Come on baby. I'm just trying to help."

"Help by going away and getting someone else. I don't want to talk to you." I replied.

"Well that's a mean thing to say to your favourite brother." Jaxon chuckled.

"You mean my least favourite idiot? Correct. Hunter is my favourite." I sneered, making him fake hurt.

"Rude. But I know I'm still your favourite."

"How dumb are you?" I groaned then shoved my face into the pillow.

"Sorry." He sighed, and I looked at him.

"For what?" I growled.

"Oh come on! I already said sorry." He whined, and I internally smirked.

"And I asked why?"

"For pushing you into the pool." He mumbled, glaring at me.

"Thankyou. Now go away." I huffed.

"What!? I say sorry and I'm still kicked out!?" He exclaimed, and I nodded. "Too bad for you then. I'm not leaving." He reached his arms out and pulled me into his lap, but I quickly tried to get away.

"Let go Jaxon. I'm still angry at you." I complained, struggling against his hold.

"Exactly. That's what I'm trying to fix?" He said, his tone clearly 'stating the obvious'.

"Well it didn't work so you can leave now."

"Nope. Come with me." He grinned standing up and walking out of the room. He bounded down the stairs, still carrying me bridal style, then sat me on the kitchen bench. "Look what I got. Don't move." He said sternly, still smiling though.

"What is it?" I asked, a tiny bit of excitement appearing.

"Hold your horses. I'm getting it." He went into the walk-in pantry then returned holding a shopping bag.

"What is it?" I asked, my eyes lighting up.

He sat the bag on the bench and I crawled over to him, not caring at all that this was a surface we ate off. Jaxon then pulled out a packet of choc-chip cookies, double choc brownies and a tub of French vanilla ice cream!

"Yummy!" I squealed, lunging to snatch it out. He reacted quickly, putting a hand on my chest and holding me back.

"Hold on there's more." He grinned, and my eyes widened. "But you have to promise to be quiet. Hunter will kill me if he catches me giving it to you." Jaxon's eyes sparkled with mischief and I immediately nodded eagerly.

He then pulled out a tube of chocolate sauce. And not the cheap supermarket brand, proper ice magic!

"JAXON!!" I whisper yelled, lunging and hugging him. He quickly caught me and spun around.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" He whispered into my ear.

"Yeah." I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Let's make sundaes!" He exclaimed, setting me down and grabbing 2 bowls.

We piled up our bowls with ice-cream, syrup, brownies and broken up cookies.

"It's sooo good!" I moaned, shutting my eyes in glory. I suddenly felt a cold substance hit my nose and my eyes shot open. I met a madly grinning Jaxon and I realised he put ice-cream on my nose! "Jaxon!" I whisper yelled, grabbing my spoon and doing it too him.

"Ohhh, that was not a good idea baby!" He threatened back, still grinning. He grabbed a big spoonful of his then smeared it across my forehead, making my mouth fall open. I quickly did the same back and it escalated into a much bigger fight. Right when both of us collapsed to the ground laughing, each with a face covered in melting ice-cream, Hunter walked in.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Asked Hunter, his eyes widening in amusement at the sight of us. Before either of us could respond, which would have taken a while since we were laughing so hard, Hunter answered his own question. "Actually, I don't even wanna know." He sighed, coming over to take a huge spoonful of my sundae!

"Hey! That's mine!" I complained, shooting up and snatching the spoon out of his hand.

"So are you two all good now?" He asked, looking at Jaxon with a special 'look'.

"Yep, we're all good now, aren't we baby?" Replied Jax, looking over at me.

"We're amazing!" I said with a full mouth of ice-cream. Both the boys laughed at me before Hunter stole my spoon and had another scoop. "Hey!" 

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