57) Trophy

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"Please try and get your makeup done as soon as possible! We need to do a quick run through and it's less than an hour and a half until showtime!" Yelled Coach Abigail.

"She's as bossy as I remember." Muttered Hunter under his breath, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"So are we nearly done?" I ask him, choosing to ignore his little comment.

"I've just got to put the glitter tattoo and lipstick on and then you're all good to go. Now hold still and shut your eyes." He said, focussing again. I did as told and felt the cool towel press against where the tattoo was being applied.

"Ah, cold Hunter!" I shivered, but still didn't pull away.

"Sorry, it has to be for it to work though. Okay. Done." He said as he pulled it away.

"Mirror pleaseeeeee." I grinned as he grabbed it and held it in front of my face. "Woah." I said, my mouth swinging open.

"Perfect." He grabbed the lipstick and put the mirror down then began to put it on. "Do not lick your lips whatever you do." Hunter grabbed the mirror and once again I was flabbergasted. "Did I do it right?" He smirked, knowing full well it was amazing.

"Amazing! I would hug you except I don't want to smudge my makeup." I smile.

"Then we do this instead." He grabbed my waist, spun me around then pulled me in so my back was resting on his stomach. Yes, that is how short I am on him.

"Pretty good. I've gotta go." I smiled.

"See you out there baby." He winked. Even the stupid nickname wasn't enough to ruin my high.

I went out to the stage and began warm up. We warmed up for about 15 minutes before they told us to go put our costumes on, then we were going to do a run through of the dance.

Lexi and I hurried to put our costumes on, making sure that each other's was put on perfectly, then we slipped on our dance shoes and ran back out to the stage.

By the time we ran through each dance once, we didn't have anymore time. The audience was almost full, and my nerves began to rise.

"You ready girls?" Coach Abigail asked me and Lexi as we lined up in order.

"Yep." We simultaneously replied.

"Good. Just remember to enjoy it and have fun. Oh, and Livi, show your brothers how talented you are." She winked, making me giggle and relax a little bit.

I heard the crowd go silent, followed by the microphone booming as Coach Abigail introduced us. Then it was show time.

We all ran out onto the stage and put ourselves in position. Holding it until the curtain rose. We waited a few more seconds before the music began, and my body kicked into action. All my nerves from before floated away and I danced just like I would have in a rehearsal, of course a lot better though. I felt so free and was slightly disappointed when the music ended.

Even though my heart was beating, and I was breathing heavily, I could still make out the cheers, whistling and yelling that was coming from the crowd.

We repeated this a few times with our other dances and the show began to come to a close. Coach Abigail went back onto stage to thank everyone for coming, but before she did that, she did something I didn't know she would do.

"Before our show comes to a close, I would like to announce the winner of this years 'Oakwood Elementary Dance Award.' This is an award that has been running for years, and I take great honour in being able to select and announce the 2019 winner. Drum roll please!" She announced, and the crowd erupted into a wave of thumping. "The 2019 winner is Olivia Miller!" She exclaimed, looking over to where I was standing in the wings. If it wasn't for Lexi shoving me out on stage, I think I would have stayed frozen in shock.

"Congratulations!" She whispered to me as she handed me the trophy. I was so proud, and I could hear my brothers wild clapping and cheering even as I went backstage.

After I quickly changed back into my clothes which consisted of trackies and Jaxon's old football hoodie, I went outside to see everyone.

"Hunter!" I yelled as I ran towards him. He turned around just in time to catch me as I leapt into his arms.

"You were amazing baby! I can't believe you won that award!!!" He said, looking at me with pride covering his face.

"Thankyou! I can't believe I won it either." I glowed, looking at the trophy.

"My turn!" Said Jaxon, appearing in my eyesight. I hopped down from Hunt's arms and wrapped my tiny arms around Jaxon's massive waist. It actually wasn't that big I think I'm just really small.

"Did you like it?" I asked, looking up at him.

"No. It was really boring and none of you are good dancers." He said with his most serious tone and expression.

"Oh." I replied, obviously disappointed. He broke into a smile again and I connected to what he did. Geez, I'm a little dumb sometimes.

"It was great!" He replied. "And now, you are getting closer to having as many trophies as I do."

"Let's go guys." Said Hunter, before I could reply.

"Yeah, I'm tired." I sighed, rubbing my eyes. Before I could even take one step I was swooped up into Jaxon's arms, too tired to care.

When we were in the car, Olli started speaking.

"Livi, what was that fancy flip thing you did in the middle? The solo."

"A front aerial?" I asked, barely able to keep my eyes open.

"Yeah, that. Have you always been able to do that?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Since I was 6." His jaw dropped, and I could see a tiny hint of pride. I was getting all the love tonight!

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