16) Chicken Fights

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Another struggle I had with my parent's death was the loss of my puppy. Milo was his name.

He was the sweetest dog that ever existed, and my parents got him as a wedding gift, so he was always around when I grew up. If I was ever upset, I would cuddle with Milo. If I was happy, I would play with Milo. I was always with Milo but slowly he was growing old. He developed minor arthritis, but it only got worse as time went on.

The day my parents were hit, they had been on there way to pick up Milo. He meant just as much to them as he did to me, he was just like another child.

That day, he'd had surgery to try and improve his heart speed, because it was slowing down.

My parents never made it there, and to add to our heartache, the vet called the next day and informed us Milo had passed away during the night. They said they did everything they could but at least now he was out of his misery. The worst part was that Milo was gone when I needed him most. I was about 9 when my parents died, so still a bit young to really understand. Without Milo, my grieving was even worse, but slowly Hunter managed to bring us all back together.

Today was Monday, but holidays so we are just going to chill by the pool. Even though it's April and autumn, the hot weather hasn't left yet, so we get lots of extra pool days!

'Hunter lets go swimming!' I said to him excitedly.

'Sure, go tell the boys, they're in the game room watching Basketball.'

I went off to the game room and found Jaxon asleep and the other two watching the game. I put a finger on my mouth, signalling for them to be quiet. Then I went up close to Jaxon, jumped on top of him and screamed.

'AGGGHHHHH!' He jumped, sending me flying. 'CRAP LIVI! You idiot!' He came over to where I was rolling around on the floor and kicked me in the shin as hard as he possibly could. At least that's what it felt like. Now it was my turn to scream.


'Payback baby.' He said smirking with satisfaction.

'What do you want Livi?' Asked Olli, to break the tension slightly.

'Let's go swimming!' I smiled, receiving a chorus of 'yeahs' and 'sures'. They all started filing out of the room, Olli last, but I started whimpering. He turned around and I put my arms out, the universal sign for carry me. He rolled his eyes but came over none the less and picked me up. He took me all the way to my room then dropped me, so I glared at him.

'If you walked that wouldn't have happened.' He said shrugging. Rude!

I chose my pink lacey bikini which I matched with a pink singlet dress and my pink sunnies, leaving my hair out because I couldn't be bothered to do anything with it. Pretty in pink I was! I also grabbed my pink thongs and towel.

I got down to the pool and laid all my stuff out on the chair. I don't think I was ready to get in quite yet, and the boys weren't even down yet, so I grabbed my book and started reading. I was reading 'The Hate U Give' and it's quite emotional, so within the first 5 minutes I was in tears. I had only just started so there was drama at the very beginning. Suddenly my book was plucked straight out of my hands.

'What is this, Livi? THUG? I don't think you should be reading about thugs.' Hunter said frowning at me.

'It isn't about thugs thankyou very much.' I said sassily, snatching the book back.

'Well what is it about then Missy.' He asked crossing his muscular arms over his chest.

'Real world issues. Fatal shootings in small black neighbour hoods, nothing you'd know anything about.'

'Okay you are definitely not reading that.' Once again, Hunter snatched the book out of my hands, placing it on a different chair. 'Now let's have some fun, shall we?' But I knew it wasn't a question. He had that mischievous glint in his eye. All too quickly I was thrown over his shoulder and being carried to the pool. I didn't even fight this time. This was like a scene from a movie, one that I had watched so many times it was no longer relevant. I knew me fighting wouldn't change anything, so I decided to save the energy.

Then, just like every other time, I felt my entire body splash and submerge deep into the clear water of our pool. I waited a while then surface, paddling to the edge so I could get out and go back to my book.

'Oh we're not done yet.' Said Jaxon coming out of the house.

'You bet we're not.' Echoed Jayden from behind him.

'HEY! You were supposed to be on my team!' I yelled to Jayden, pouting.

'Soz Babe. Gotta do what a man's gotta do.' I rolled my eyes at his annoying self then hopped back into the water. Not much they could do from there. I stood about, practicing some dance moves in the water when no one was watching. Arabesques and jettès were really fun to do in the water, but I didn't really like people watching me dance. Only my mum ever saw me dance, and that was because she took me to and from every dance class I've ever taken. That's why I stopped after the incident.

Quickly I felt my legs being place on someone's shoulders underwater, then I shot up into the air.

'ARGH!' I screamed, then crashed back into the water. When I resurfaced, I turned to glare at the person who did that. Jayden.

'Hey guys, I have an idea,' said Lachie when he got to the bottom of the slide. 'Let's do chicken fights. There are 6 of us so 3 perfect teams. 2 teams at a time, the other team judges.' Everyone nodded and agreed, except me, so everyone turned to me.

'Nuh uh, no way. I am not playing that stupid game.' Pretending that was the reason I didn't want to play.

'Really baby? Are you sure that's why you don't want to play.' Said Jaxon, inching closer to me smirking.

'Yes. I don't want to play the silly game.'

'Are you sure it isn't because your...scared. Of losing?'

'Noooo.' I tried to lie. Curse my good self. All the boys burst out laughing and Lachie had the guts to comment.

'Livi you're such a bad liar!' he said still laughing.

Anyway, they ended up convincing me to play and I got paired with Hunter. That was fair because he was the strongest and I was the weakest. Made the teams even in strength. Luckily, we ended up winning a few rounds, which was good because Hunter was secretly super competitive. Jayden and Lachie won in the end though.

*Darren's (Jayden's father and Livi's uncle) P.O.V

              *the day before Jayden arrived at Livi's.

I was having my morning coffee, reading the newspaper when my phone began ringing. Who would be ringing me today? It was Thursday, my day off work.

'Hello?' I said, answering.

'Hello, is this Darren Miller?' A female voice said seriously.

'Yes, speaking.'

'Great! I am Alison from Sydney Police. We have been trying to contact you for a while now, I'm very glad we found you.' She said, sounding a lot less serious and official.

'Oh. Why is that?' I replied, clearly confused as to why the police were calling. I don't think I did anything wrong. Her seriousness seemed to return in her reply.

'We have information about your daughter Willow.' I gasped.



Oohh! Cliff hanger.

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