44) Growing Up

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*Recap + Still Hunter's POV

Lachie and Olli had also just ran in, only to see Jaxon the source of the scream and Livi with tears in her eyes, staring down at her bed.

Uh oh.

Livi's normally white sheets with black polka dots, were splashed with red around her leg area.

"Oh god." She whispered.

"Jaxon! Why did you scream!" I yelled at him.

"Why does she look like she just got attacked by a shark?" He yelled back, waving his arms around like a mad man.

"Shut up Jaxon." She snapped, then I remembered this was about her. I went and sat next to her on the bed and embraced her in a side hug.

"Everyone calm down. It's completely normal." I assured everyone.

"THAT! IS NORMAL?" Yelled Olli.

"Everyone stop yelling! Okay. Livi started her period, and it is completely normal." I said seriously. "I need to make a quick phone call, so Olli, help her into the shower so she can clean herself up, Lachie get set up for a movie and grab her chocolate and Jaxon you are in charge of the sheets. Everyone got that?" I instructed. Olli came over to help Livi, who was still in shock, and Lachie left to go downstairs. "Jaxon!" I barked.

"No way am I going near that." He said, shaking his head.

"Either that, or you can give me your phone for 2 weeks." I fake smiled at him, making him roll his eyes. Thankfully he complied.

*Livi POV

I can't believe I just started my period. I'm only 12 and a half! This was crazy.

And all my brothers know too.

Once I saw the blood on my sheets after hearing Jaxon scream I just burst into tears. This was so strange, and my emotions were all over the place. My whole stomach hurt to, like someone was ripping my guts out.

Thankfully Hunter made it less awkward but it's still so embarrassing. Thank god this didn't happen last night at Mila's.

Olli came over to me and helped me stand up and go into the bathroom.

"What clothes do you want?" He asked, turning into my wardrobe.

"Trackies and a big hoodie." I sighed, clutching my stomach.

"Okay." He said and ruffled through my draws. He pulled out my grey adidas trackies and a blue football hoodie. "Isn't this mine?" He frowned, holding it up.

"Noooo." I said, grinning for the first time in the past ten minutes. He smiled and shook his head, then passed both to me and left.

I quickly stripped off and had a warm shower which did help my cramps a little bit. Once I got out, I stuffed heaps of tissues into my undies to temporarily stop the 'issue', then put on my clothes. When I walked out of my room, Olli was coming out of his, and I stopped to stare at him. I gave him puppy dog eyes and held my arms out, which he sighed and came over to me. He hoisted me up bridal style and then walked downstairs where he lay me on the couch.

"Thankyou everyone for helping." Said Hunter. "Help is on the way." He grinned, sitting down next to me so I could curl up to his side.

"What movie?" Asked Lachie.

"Um...dumb and dumber?" I said, more as a question.

"Nope. Pick something you actually want to watch." Said Hunt.

"Okay...the princess diaries." I sheepishly grinned. Hunter hugged me tighter as Lachie searched for it. It finally started, and Lachie brought me a bowl of chocolate ice-cream. It helped a lot.

About half way through the movie the doorbell went, and Hunter went to get it. I heard brief conversation then heard the quick footsteps of...heels?

Eli and Harvey's mum then appeared in front of me, and I quickly forgot about my cramps.

"Beck!" I yelled, hugging her tight.

"Oh honey! I missed you so much! And I can't believe you're a woman now!" She exclaimed, returning the hug.

"She is not a woman, she's a baby." Scoffed Jaxon.

"Ignore him, he's just upset that you're growing up." She whispered into my ear, making me giggle. "Now, lets go sort this out." She let go of our hug and grabbed my hand, then together we went upstairs.

She showed me all the different things I could use, and how to use them, then explained the cramps and how often this would happen.

"Quickly, go into the bathroom and give one a try." She said, handing me a packet of supplies. "I'm going to get Hunter for the next part."

"No! Please don't get him." I whined.

"No, missy, he needs to know this as well." She said sternly, then pushed me towards the bathroom. Right after I shut the door I heard her yell, "Hunter get your tiny butt in here!"

I loved how even though she wasn't our mother, and Hunter was a lot bigger than her, she was always in control and made herself important. She was our mum's best friend, and her husband was our Dad's, that's why we are such good friends with Eli and Harvey. She's like a second mum to me and was the first person to help out when they passed away. She is a nurse though, and lives about a 40-minute drive away, so we don't see her very often anymore.

"Yeah?" I heard Hunter say when he came in.

"Livi is just in the bathroom, oh here she is now, and you need to be here for this part." Beck firmly said, then smiled at me. I took a seat on Hunters lap since he had seated himself in my chair.

Beck explained all my mood swings and how to handle them for me and for Hunter. She also explained what I could do to stop the cramps, and what to do at school, as well as where to get all the supplies.

"I'm not sure how keen you are to be seen buying feminine products in public Hunter, so I am more than happy to get it all for you. Just let me know when you are running low on supplies." She smiled, then gave me another hug.

"Thanks so much Beck, we needed the help." Hunt said, giving her a hug too.

"Anytime. I can't believe how much you're growing!" She smiled at both of us. "Right, I have to go since I have another shift soon, but I'll make sure I come and visit again soon. Maybe I'll bring Brendan too. And the boys, if they're good." She winked at us.

"Bye beck." I said as I hugged her. She leant down to my level and whispered in my ear,

"You're doing a great job surviving with these animals honey."

We escorted her to the door, then said goodbye. I went back and watched the rest of the movie, then fell asleep on Hunter. I briefly remember someone carrying me up to my room, tucking me in, kissing my head then leaving.

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