92) Memories

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After the book store, we went straight to the hospital to take my cast off. The doctor I had when I initially broke my arm was off sick, so I had a really nice nurse do it for me. After that Hunter and I had to go to the chemist since I'd had an allergic reaction to parts of the plaster which we didn't know about, so we had to get prescription cream and then we went home.

We decided to get all the Christmas stuff out of the cupboards in the garage so we could set up the tree tomorrow. I loved being the youngest and the smallest because it meant I always got to put the star or angel (depending on how we're feeling that year) and I absolutely cracked it if any of the boys suggested otherwise. Jaxon loves to annoy me about that, so he insists up until the very last minute that he is doing it, but then he says that I can. On our first Christmas after our parents passed, Jaxon was being a pain and full on teasing me to the point where I fell to the floor and just full out scream. I was only 9 at the time and I had completely had enough. Hunter yelled at me for screaming and that only made me cry more, meanwhile Jaxon was killing himself laughing along with Lachie and Olli. Hunter was so fed up of all my screaming, crying and kicking that he snatched the star off Jaxon (which thankfully didn't break) and handed it to me. I had to go and sit in my room until I stopped crying, but then Hunter finally let me put it on top of the tree.

This year, Olli and Lachie had to clear out the area and put the tree in its base whilst Hunter and I got out all the decorations. We weren't putting them on until tomorrow, but we just got them out and ready. We weren't having a real tree this year. Jaxon had apparently gone to some year 12 party, so it was just the four of us for now.

Whilst Hunt and I were trying to find the right boxes, I came across a box of photos.

"What's this?" I asked, trying to pull it out. It was too heavy for me to lift.

"Photos I think."

"Well duh." I rolled my eyes. That's what it said on the box. "Help." I smiled.

He took turn to roll his eyes before lifting it and sitting it on the floor.

I opened the dusty lid to find 7 huge albums and a heap of loose printed pictures and newspaper cut outs with information about my parents.

I grabbed the first album I saw and started spluttering from the dust I wiped off it. It was labelled with a fancy script.


I opened to first page to see photos of Jaxon the day he was born. My mum and Dad holding him, even with his slightly misshaped head. Must be why he has a small amount of brains now.

Hunter peeked over my shoulder and laughed.

"He was such an ugly baby. Don't know why he looks as good as he does now."

"Ew." I made a face. "Jaxon isn't good looking."

"I'm his brother and I would say he's the best-looking dude in our family.

"I'm his sister and I would say that he is ugly, and any girl would have to be delusional to want to date him." Hunter laughed and sat down next to me.

We flipped through the photos, laughing at him, but in my mind, I was taking much more notice of my parents rather than him. My mum was very pretty, and my dad a perfect mix of Jaxon and Olli. Hunter and Lachie got less of his looks but more of his eyes and hair.

Once we had carefully looked through Jaxon's album, I had a look for mine. I didn't even know this existed, but I was so excited to see my parents crying at the sight of a girl.

We flipped through and saw so many photos.

"Now you, on the other hand, were a very cute baby, and still is."

"Hey!" I protested, but he just smiled.

We got to the end of the book and a sighed.

"Look." Hunter pointed to a piece of lined paper sticking out from one of the photos towards the last page.

I pulled out the photo and the letter fell to the floor.

To our dearest daughter, Olivia,

Words cannot describe the amount of love you will receive from this family. Each of your brothers, especially Jaxon, are already head over heels in love with you. On the day you read this letter, whether it be 5, 10 or 30 years from now, I hope you know that you are special. It took us 5 tries for us to have our little baby girl and we couldn't have asked for a better one. We hope you know, we will always love you, no matter what.

Love from,

Mummy and Daddy

As I read the letter, I started sobbing. Hunter pulled me into his lap and held me close whilst I cried.

"I miss them." I choked out, burying my head into his chest.

"Me too baby, me too." He sighed, rubbing my back and hugging me tight.

I don't remember how long I cried for, or how long I stayed there, I don't even remember falling asleep. I only remember waking up in Jaxon's bed.

I woke up extremely disoriented, my eyes rolling around in my head.

"Woah, woah, baby, what's going on?" Jaxon asked, sitting up quickly.

"W-why am I in here?"

"Hunter had to go to an early conference in the city, so you slept the night with me. You were on the couch asleep when I got home." He gently pushed me so that I would lay back down and he could too.

"Oh okay." I nodded, lying back down and shutting my eyes.

"Oh no, you can't go back to sleep, you have school."

"What?" I semi-yelled, springing back upright.

"Chill." He glared. "It doesn't start for 3 hours. You have a late start and my exam isn't until 1.

"Oh, okay." I nodded. "Let's go watch TV then."

"Not so fast!" He grabbed my arm and pulled be back into him. "Not until you tell me what happened last night."

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