45) Secret's Safe

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The past 2 days have been a kind of torture. Apart from Hunter, all the boys are very confused with how I was acting, not matter how many times Hunt has tried to explain.

We are currently all sitting in the lounge room ready to watch a movie. All the boys decided on Horror.

"NO! I don't want to watch a stupid horror movie!" I yelled.

"Too bad." Mocked Jaxon in the same tone. I let out a loud scream then lunged for the remote. I snatched it out of his hand, then threw it at the floor as hard as I could.

"I HATE HORROR MOVIES!" I yelled again.

They were all shocked speechless, and I stood there fuming for a while before any of them reacted. Hunter, of course, was first to snap out of the trance.

"Olivia Miller." He growled. "Go upstairs right now or you'll be sorry."

Instead of just doing what he said, which would have been a good idea, I collapsed onto the floor and started crying.

"I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't understand." I quietly repeated in between sobs.

"Livi." I heard Hunter growl.

"I got this." Sighed Jaxon, getting up coming over to me. He harshly scooped me up and took me upstairs. We didn't go to my room though, we went into his and he dropped me onto his bed. I curled up into a ball and kept crying, although I didn't take my eyes off of him. He stood there, his body rigid and his arms folded over his chest.

"Look baby. I don't care if you're having the mood swings of the century, it needs to stop. You can't just go around throwing things on the floor and screaming when you don't get what you want. You're not 2." He said sternly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't understand." I said, starting to cry again. God, I hated being so emotional in front of them. I watched him sigh and his body relax, then he left my vision. I was convinced that he was leaving because he was too angry but then I felt the bed dip behind me. I rolled over and tucked into Jaxon.

"Jaxy?" I asked.


"I love you." I smiled, my mood changing again.

"Love you too." He chuckled, pulling me closer and rubbing my back.

"Does everyone hate me?" I asked, my arms starting to water again.

"No baby. Stop thinking that people hate you if they get angry. You know none of us could ever hate you." Jaxon assured me.

"Are you sure? Last time you got angry you said you hated me." I said, memories of being locked in the dark basement flashing through my mind.

"Seriously Liv? I already said sorry and I didn't mean it." He grumbled.

"But you sure?" I ignored him, and he sighed.

"We can go ask them. And you can say sorry." Jaxon said, getting up and waiting for me to do the same.

"Carry me." I ordered, grinning childishly.

"Fine." He smiled. At least I knew he wasn't angry with me.

He carried me downstairs where all the boys stared at us. Jaxon put me down and shoved me forwards, towards Hunter.

"I'm sorry." I shyly whispered. He smiled sympathetically then opened his arms for me, which I happily jumped in to.

"You need to say sorry to everyone else to." He whispered into my ear. I spun around so I was facing everyone else, not Hunter's chest and said sorry. They all said it was fine, so we did watch a Horror movie, but I fell asleep during it.

Since it was Monday, and Hunter had let me take the day off school, he only let me rest for about an hour before waking me up for dinner.

"Livi, baby, you need to get up." He whispered, shaking me. I groaned and rolled over, but he pulled the sheets off.

"Fine, fine. I'm up." I said, sitting up and stretching.

"I need to talk to you as well." He said, somewhat seriously.

"What?" I asked, my heartbeat suddenly quickening.

"I will give you your phone back tomorrow, just so you know." He said, and I realised that he still hadn't given it back since my little car-movie 'episode'. "But I need to talk to you about something I saw on it." He said sternly, pulling my phone out from my pocket. He did the password and it unlocked.

"Hey! How do you know my password?" I grumped.

"Oh please!" He scoffed. "You hardly make it a secret."

I made a mental note to change it, but then watched what he did. He went onto messages and I saw the most recent one was Jono. My breathing hitched, and I froze.

"Who is this?" He asked seriously.

"Uh-I-uh..." I stuttered out, not sure what to say.

"And don't even try to lie about it."

"A boy from school." I mumbled under my breath.

"WHAT!?" Hunter exclaimed, his volume rising.

"He's my science partner! We had to exchange numbers for educational purposes!" I quickly reasoned.

"Yeah, then why does he have a heart next to his name?" He asked, standing up from his seat next to me. I didn't answer, just looked down to his shoes. "And why did he send a photo of you and him at the carnival? You didn't even go to the carnival! Oh god. You did not." Hunter got angrier everyone syllable he pronounced, but I just looked down. "Tell me you did not sneak out." He growled.

"I didn't sneak out." I mumbled.

"Then how are you at the carnival?" He raised an eyebrow.

"When I was at Mila's." I mumbled, burying my face in my hands.

"You organised a sleepover, just so you could ditch her and go on a date." He summed up. "I should be grounding you till you're 30...but...you are going to have to deal with the rest of the boys, and you should be lucky I didn't react like they will." He pointed his finger at me. "And you'll also have to explain that to Noah." He pointed out. Uh oh, I totally forgot about him. "So I'll let you off the hook, but I'm not lying for you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you Hunter!" I screamed, leaping into his arms and squeezing him tight.

"Love you too baby." He chuckled putting me down. "Let's go have dinner."

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