6) Mila

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Most of today's classes were really easy because we were just setting up for the year. We did lots of icebreakers and the teachers showed us our syllabus for the year. It was a bit scary to be honest, because it looked like so much for such a short amount of time. The grading system was also really cool and nothing like my primary schools. At Oak primary, we didn't know any of our results until our reports came out at the end of the semester, which showed our progress in that subject from a year ago. Most of the time your level just went up a year level as the grades go by. Middle school is different though. They do this thing called continuous assessing, where your grades are accessible as soon as your teacher grades them, not just when the semester reports come out. Hopefully this will be a good thing.
Lunch had just finished, and my next class was English. I don't know anyone in English though, so I was really nervous about it. After I collected all my books from my locker I headed inside the classroom and sat close to the back. Slowly the classroom filled up, as more and more kids piled in chatting and laughing. I was doodling in the corner of my notebook when a girl sat next to me.
'Hey, nice drawings.'
'Oh, uh, thanks. Just doodling.' I say, caught slight unprepared.
'What's your name?' She asked me. She had long blonde hair and nice glasses that suited her face.
'Olivia but I go by Livi. How about you?'
'Camila, but only my grandparents call me that. Everyone calls me Mila.' She explained to me.
'I like that name. It's pretty.'
'Thanks!' She replied.
We continued talking for about 5 minutes before he second bell went, signalling the lesson to begin. I learnt she was an only child and moved here from Sydney a few weeks ago. I also told her I had 4 older brothers and that my parents had died a few years ago. She seemed genuinely upset for me, but I assured her it was fine. I also promised her to introduce her to all my friends at recess tomorrow, since she didn't know anyone.
The rest of my day went really smoothly. I had maths as my last class which went well because the teacher had known my dad and recognised my last name. His name was Mr Moore and he was really kind and humorous. Since it was the first day of school, they had cut each of our lessons short, so we finish an hour early, at 2:30pm. I checked my phone as soon as the bell went, only to see a few texts on the family group chat.
HUNTER — I will be running late to pick you up today since I have a meeting and I don't know what time it will finish. Pick a place and all meet there and wait for me. I won't be too long. Sorry
JAXON — Meet at the oval grandstand.
LACHIE — You know where that is Livi?
LIVI — I think so, I'll call you if I get lost.
So I headed back to my locker and put all my books back into my locker. I didn't need to take anything home today because none of the teachers gave out homework, probably because it's the first day and they don't want to scare us. I was just pulling my bag out of my locker, but it wouldn't come out. It was really stuck and not coming out, even with my straining efforts. I kept pulling for about 2 minutes when some of Jaxon's footy mates walked past. They never really pay attention to me and I don't pay attention to them. But when Dylan, one of them, saw me, he walked over.
'You right there Livi?' He asked.
'I'm fine, it just won't come out.'
'Let me try,' he said, then pushed me to the side.
'Be my guest.' I said rolling my eyes. He probably couldn't do it either. First try; done. I didn't really react, I was just confused. Clearly my locker didn't like me, and I was cursed. Clearly.
'Livi!' Dylan clicked in front of my face, making me close my mouth and focus. He chuckled. 'Here you go.'
'Hm, thanks.'
'Catch ya round, tiny.' He smirked, walking off with Ethan and Luke.
'I am not tiny!' I called after him, but he didn't turn back. I closed my locker and left to go find the boys.
Luckily, I did remember how to get to the oval, but arrived to see no one. I walked around the grandstand, went up and down, and still couldn't find anyone. Panic was slowly rising in my chest, but I knew I had to stay calm. I put my bag down and fished out my phone. Huh, strange. No messages either. I decided to call them. The first number that came up on my phone was Olli's, so I called him. He answered on the second ring.
'Hey Livi.'
'Olli, where are you?'
'What do you mean where am I, I'm...oh sh*t. Uh...'
'What is it, where are you? Olli!!!' I started actually panicking now. I heard a quick muffled conversation and the bumps of the phone being passed to someone else.
'Livi, chill,' definitely Jaxon. 'We kind of, forgot you, but we're coming back now, go wait near the car park.' He explained to me.
'YOU WHAT! Oh my god. You idiots, how stupid are you! How could you forget me! You're all so mean!!' I screamed into the phone.
'Sorry, sorry. We'll be there in a minute. Go to the car park.' And with that he hung up. By now I was fuming. They forgot me. Even after I had texted on the group chat. They are gonna pay for that.
Not long after I arrived at the car park, the car pulled up. I roughly through my bag into the boot and hopped into the back seat. All of them tried apologising at once, but I just put my AirPods in and blocked them out. They'd regret this later. I'd make sure of it.

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