96) You're All Rude

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Quicker than I thought, school started to finish up. All my assignments were done, and most classes were spent watching Christmas movies and eating popcorn that our teachers made us. There were candy canes too, but I saved them and gave them to Noah. I didn't really like them, and it made him happy. This was the earliest I had ever finished a school year since primary schools didn't finish for another two weeks after us. Jaxon always teased me for having to go to school when he could sleep in and eat whatever he wanted.

Tomorrow night was presentation night, and I even had to participate in a practice assembly. They told us all about what we had to wear and do, and If I'm honest it all just sounded stressful. The principal was very strict in telling us how to stand and where to walk and even made sure we knew how to shake his hand. Of course, when I told the boys all this, they just laughed at me.

"It's just like a fancy assembly baby, you'll be fine." Jaxon laughed.

"But I have to go on stage!" I whined, collapsing dramatically to the floor and cuddling Bailey.

"Why?" Asked Lachie.

"She's getting an award buddy, keep up." Olli rolled his eyes. This of course led to a few punches and some wrestling between them until Hunter yelled at them to knock it off.

"His fault." Lachie grumbled.

"Shush." Hunter snapped, glaring icily. He had three more days and then he had a month off before he had to go back to work. "You'll be fine Livi."

"As long as you don't trip and fall on your face." Jaxon snickered. I slapped him as hard as I could, but as usual, he didn't care. "Ouch, that hurt so much baby, you're getting so strong." He laughed.

"Go away Jaxon. I don't like you." I huffed.

"You don't like me now?" I nodded. "Is that so?" He smirked and stood up. My eyes widened.

"Jaxon!" Hunter grumbled deeply. Jaxon ignored Hunt and grabbed me. I screamed as he threw me over his should and started spinning and running around. I pounded on his back, trying to make him put me down, but he only laughed and continued. "Put her down!" Hunter demanded. Jaxon finally let up and set me down, only to watch me fall on my face from dizziness. Even hunter couldn't control a small laugh by then.

"You're all rude." I huffed before stomping upstairs.

"Get ready for bed!" Hunter shouted behind me.

"No." I yelled back. They were targeting me today and I wasn't enjoying it. Once I was in my room, I grabbed my laptop and opened Pinterest. I started a new board and began to pin hundreds of photos and ideas about our upcoming Bali trip. I found an elephant park, monkey park and even 'The Bali Swing' which all looked amazing.

I was on my computer for at least 45 minutes before anyone appeared.

"Why aren't you ready for bed?" Hunter asked. I shrugged in response. He shut my laptop and put it back on my charger at my desk. I faced the other way.

Sighing and sitting down next to me, he spoke.

"I know you're tired, baby, we all are. Just a few more days and then it's summer. We've just got to hold on until then, alright?" I nodded and rolled over, giving him a gentle smile. "Get ready for bed. You don't have to have a shower if you don't feel like it. I'll come back in ten minutes." He kissed my forehead before getting up and leaving. I had a quick shower and put on one of Hunters old football hoodies before getting into bed and watching Tik Tok until Hunter came back.

"Good girl." He smiled, seeing me in bed. "Nice hoodie too." I smiled back and put my phone away. We said our goodnights and he left. I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up repeatedly, sweating and hot, other times cold and shivering. I knew I was having dreams, bad ones, but couldn't recall anything. After trying again and again to fall back asleep, only to wake back up not long after, I checked the time. It was nearly 3am so I decided to get up. Not wanting to disturb Hunter, I went straight downstairs to get myself Panadol, only I couldn't reach the cupboard it was in. I tried to, silently, carry a chair over and climb up to get it. Just as I found the Panadol, two big hands slinked around my waist, lifting me off the chair. I let out a small scream before one hand covered my mouth.

"Shh! Baby, it's just me." Jaxon huffed, putting me down and letting go. When I turned around, he asked, "What are you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"But why are you down here?" He hissed.

"Panadol. Why are you here?" I huffed back.

"Because I heard you. You can't take Panadol on your own."

"Yes I can." I snapped.

"No, you can't. You can't swallow tablets."

"So!? I'll crush it." My voice got louder.

"Shh! You don't know how let alone have the strength to do it."

"I do so! I'm not that weak!"

"I didn't say you were. Now shush and let me do it."

"I can do it!" I protested again, angrily. He pushed me out of the way and did it himself.

"When you can reach the cupboard then you can do it yourself, but if you're so desperate to do something now, get water." I got some water and he fed the crushed powder to me as if I was a baby, not capable of doing it myself.

"Yucky." I made a face. Jaxon put his hand on my forehead, checking my temp.

"You're hot." He frowned, going back to the medicine cupboard to get the thermometer. He stuck the weird thing into my ear and waited for it to beep. "Nope, normal temperature. Let's go back to bed." He went to pick me up and it was then that I realised he was shirtless.

"I'll walk."

"Oh come on." He scoff. "All four of us sleep shirtless don't act like it grosses you out."

"I just don't under-" Before I could finish my sentence, Jaxon swooped me up and began to walk back upstairs, despite my quiet protests. 


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