82) You've Done it Before?!

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The end of term quickly finished, and I awaited the time I had to say goodbye to Jaxon, Olli and Lachie for 5 days. Sure, they had gone away before. But our house was going to be so quiet with all 3 of them gone. It was only max 2 of them gone at a time.

I also worked out my birthday plans with Hunter. He was going to take the afternoon off work and then take me and my 5 friends to the Ice-skating arena. We were going to have chips and ice cream there and then Hunter said we might be able to have a sleepover the night before too.

"Can Hugh and Noah stay the night too?" I asked, knowing what was coming.

"What?" Jaxon butted in. "You, have a sleepover with guys?"

"Not gonna happen Livi." Olli said.

"As if." Lachie scoffed. They were a symphony of no.

"But why not?" I batted my eyelashes at them.

"You know why baby." Jaxon blanked, standing rigid.

"But we've done it before."

"What!?" They all yelled, giving me a fright.


"YOU'VE DONE IT BEFORE?" Hunter yelled, angry.

"Yes, we've had a sleepover with all of us before." I said, shaking in fear slightly. I didn't really understand.

After I said that, they all instantly relaxed.

"Oh, phew."

"What?" I exclaimed, having not made a connection yet.

"Doesn't matter." Said Olli.

"No! Tell me." I protested.

They all looked at each other before Lachie came over and whispered something into my ear.

"EW!!" I screamed. "NO!" I yelled, looking at all of their smirking faces.

"Yes, it is disgusting. Keep it that way forever." Hunter said, seriously.

"So, can we?"

"NO!" They all yelled again.

"Have a sleepover, I mean?" I laughed.


"But it's only Noah. Hugh isn't like that, he doesn't like girls, remember?" I argued.

"Yes, we know, but still." Hunter said. "Leave it for now. I'll think about it okay."

"What if we didn't sleep upstairs? We could sleep in the lounge or in the games room. Even the studio?" I tried. I really wanted it.

"Better. But we'll have to see. Stop asking for now." He said.

"Okay." I sighed.

We lazed around for a few hours before I got bored.

"Hunt, are you busy?" I whined, walking into his room.

"Not anymore." He laughed, walking out of his bathroom, shirtless.

"Ew, put a top on."

"I'm comfortable." He smirked. "Plus you know this is very good to look at."

"Ew, no. Anyway, can we go into the studio?"

"Really? I just had shower and now I'm going to get all sweaty again."

"Please?" I smiled sweetly.

"How could I resist that face." He laughed, kissing my cheek.

"Yay!" I smiled. "I'm picking the song."

"Sure." He chuckled.

"Actually, let's learn the tik tok dances!"

"You have tik tok?" He asked.

"Maybe." I said. Oops. I forgot he didn't know.

"You should have asked." He eyed me.

"Sorry." I said quickly, not needing a lecture. "I know! Let's do the spooky season one. It is Halloween soon."

"Okay." He nodded.

I got my phone and loaded up my account. I had a public account and a decent number of followers. I had gotten on the for you page a few times and my video with Jaxon and Olli doing the bend and snap video got a lot of clout.

I showed Hunt a few different videos of different people doing the spooky season dance. We had to go back upstairs and get socks so that it would be a bit easier, but then we got started.

It took so many tries but was extremely fun to learn. At first, we were just watching and copying, then making a duet before taking 4 million tries to get it.

Hunt was killing himself laughing, especially at the part he insisted made us look like chickens. But we finally did get the video done he insisted we do another.

I had already learnt the I got muscles like superman training one, so I taught that one to him as well. this one didn't take as long, so we did a few more afterwards.

He was really into it and since my viewers really wanted to see videos with my brothers, they quickly got a lot of attention.

After our afternoon of dancing, we had dinner and put on a movie. Hunter and Jaxon put all the bags in the car whilst Olli, Lachie and I stayed watching since they were leaving at 3am in the morning. They had to get there and hire all their gear before their 9am lesson, which was early but good since they got good value of their money.

By the time the movie finished, it was already past 9pm and since they had to get up early, Hunter insisted they go to bed early.

I hugged Olli and Lachie, saying goodbye because I knew they wouldn't want to wake me up in the morning, but then it got to Jaxon.

"Be good baby. Even though you mostly are."

"Thanks." I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. "Have. Take lots of pictures and don't get a girlfriend."

This made him laugh.

"There's only one girl in my life for now." He kissed my forehead and we went upstairs. He took me to my room and sat me down on my bed.

"You room?" I looked up at him.

"Spoilt." He laughed, picking me back up and taking me to his room.

I put on one of his t-shirts, equivalent to a dress on me, and got into his bed, whilst he set out the clothes he was putting on in the morning and got changed.

He got in next to me and pulled me close to his chest.

"I love you Jax."

"I love you too Livi." He chuckled. "Go to sleep."

"I can't. You're leaving."

"We'll be back before you know it. And then we can give you all your birthday presents and have a great time."

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