97) Academic Excellence

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I woke up the next day to over fifty messages from my friends discussing whether we should go out for dinner before the presentation night. Milla was insistent on some burger place that was a few blocks away from the town hall, where the night was held, however city blocks weren't just a few buildings, they were double the length of the ones in the suburbs. I didn't really feel like going on stage all sweaty and gross, but I didn't respond. I knew I was about to see them at school anyway.

Of course, the first thing Noah said to me was asking about it.

"So are you coming for dinner tonight?" He waited at my locker as I grabbed my books for maths. Thankfully we were in the same maths class.

"I don't think so. Hunter probably won't want me to, and I don't really want to walk."

"It's not that far." He frowned.

"I know but I don't want to be all sweaty and have to go on stage."

"Are you presenting?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Why are you going on stage?"

"Award." I gave a small smile.

"Really!?" He exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me? That's so good!" He side hugged me as we walked to class. The topic of dinner was forgotten.

Later, when I was lazing around, avoiding getting ready because that meant nerves, Hunter asked if my friends were doing anything beforehand.

"What friends?" Jaxon scoffed.

"Her boyfriend, Noah." Olli cooed.

"Yeah, they were." I glared at them both, "but I didn't want to."

"Why not?" Hunter looked concerned.

"Because then they were walking to the hall and I didn't want to be all sweaty and gross."

"Fair point." He nodded.

"It's good. The city isn't safe anyway." Jaxon commented and getting up to leave. I hated the city enough, but he always made this point.

"You should go get ready. We will leave in less than an hour and you need to eat." Hunter told me.

"I'm not hungry. I'll just eat when we get home." I shook my head, going upstairs.

"You're eating anyway." He called after me. Ever since that doctor told me I was underweight he's been annoying about how much I eat.

I went upstairs and got changed into formal school uniform. I had P.E earlier today which meant I had my sports gear on and needed to put my dress on.

I decided I wanted to straighten my hair and try to make it look nice since I was going to be on camera, so I tried to find my straightener.

"Where's my straightener!?" I yelled, hoping someone would reply. Of course, I reopened a draw in my bathroom, and it was sitting right there, even though I had already looked in that spot. "Nevermind!" I yelled out again.

I quickly plugged it in and put my black T-bars on as I waited for the straightener to heat up.

I had done majority of my head, except for the back when Jaxon came in, asking why I was taking so long.

"I'm doing my hair." I huffed back. I was trying to work out a way to straighten the back of my head that didn't allow my clumsy self to burn my head.

"Here." He grabbed the straightener off me and started doing the back of my head for me.

"Careful!" I warned him, scared that he would burn me, most likely on purpose.

"Relax, I know how to do this."

"When have you used a straightener?" I scoffed.

"I straightened Olli's hair once. When you were on camp."


"Yes, now stop moving."

"Can I straighten yours?" I asked, thinking aloud.




"Pretty please Jaxon." I begged.

"We're going out! No!" He laughed.

He finished off my hair, and I tied it back with a white ribbon, since we weren't allowed to wear it out.

"Here." Hunter handed me a container. I frowned but an icy stare made it clear that he was going to make me eat it. "It better be empty by the time we get there."

I nodded and we all went and got in the car. Hunter made everyone come just because I was getting an award.

When we finally got there, after a torturous drive into the city, listening to the deafening playlist of Hunter's. There were already hundreds of people there, with each student being allowed 4 family members, and having over seven hundred students. Luckily the hall was massive.

There was the middle school orchestra playing on the stage as everyone took their seats. I said goodbye to Hunter, Jaxon and Olli, as they had to be seated upstairs, then Lachie and I went in.

"You have to sit somewhere else."

"Why?" I frowned, thinking he was being rude.

"You're getting an award. They sit over there." He pointed to a section of labelled seats then waked away, being completely useless.

I walked over to the seats and spoke to a few teachers, who explained how the night would work, when the awards were and where I should sit. It took me about ten minutes to finally locate my seat because I was too nervous to focus, however I knew a few people around me once I sat down. I could see Noah from where I was sitting, but I was facing the back of his head and he hadn't turned around, so I figured he hadn't seen me.

I flipped through the programme and waited for the night to start. There were heaps of performances, from every aspect of our curriculum and external programs. When it finally got to the year 7 awards, I was sweating so much I began to leave marks from wiping my hands on my dress. I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. I didn't want to shake the principal's hand being all sweaty.

A teacher told us all to stand up, stay in order and line up against the wall, which we did quickly and silently. Not everyone in the line was getting an academic awards, some were for performing arts and others were for sport too. Finally the middle school captains stood up and introduced the awards. One by one, we slowly started piling onto the stage. The process was the same for everyone; they call your name, you walk up the stairs, shake hands, take your certificate, walk along, join the end of the line and stand straight as they project your face onto the big screen behind you.

Finally, my name was called.

Olivia Miller for Academic Excellence. 

Please follow me! I hope everyone is doing well during the corona virus time. xx

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