107) The Arrival

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We got given hot towels when the car arrived and chose our seats whilst the driver packed our seats into the car.

"Livi and I can sit in the back." Jaxon offered. "You can lay down that way." He told me.

"I think I need to sit at the front. Sore tummy." I whispered. He was the only one who wouldn't worry or want to stay away from me if I said that.

"Actually I want to sit at the front." He said. Hunter already said that he was going to sit in the front seat, next to the driver, which meant wherever Jaxon wanted to sit, he would sit there.

Since it was a van, there were 2 seats on one side, a 'walkway' then one other seat, and there were 3 rows.

I took the two at the front and Jaxon sat across from me in the single seat. Olli and Lachie took a row each behind us and got set up with their laptops and iPads, watching another movie the pass the time.

I would usually like to look out the window and see what we were passing, but it was midnight here, two in the morning at home, so it was too dark to actually see anything.

"You gonna sleep baby?" Hunter asked me, as the driver made his way out of the airport.

"No." I told him, hugging my stomach and groaning slightly.

"These might help." He passed a box of Savoy biscuits to me, which are just dry crackers. Dry foods usually help settle an uneasy stomach and don't make you feel too sick.

I ate a few and just watched out the window. Jaxon and I spoke about everything we were going to do and all the foods we were going to try. All of the boys were much more adventurous, but we had been to Bali plenty of times before, so I knew what the food here was like.

After talking and relaxing, I eventually fell asleep. The seats were extremely comfortable to sit in, but lying, not so much. At this point, I was too exhausted to care anyway. 

"Baby, wake up. We're here." Jaxon shook me gently. If I was anywhere else, I would have insisted he carry me because I was too tired, but since we were in a public place, I sleepily stood up.

The gentle sound of running water and a warm breeze surrounded us.

The temperature was perfect to just lay down and fall asleep in, without sheets or blankets.

At nearly every hotel in Bali, they give you a flower. I couldn't help but smile at all four of my brothers wearing a flower behind their ear. It was so unlike them, but they looked pretty.

Whilst Hunter spoke with the concierge and checked in, I laid down on the couch, resting my head in Jaxon's lap.

They brought over more hot towels, as they had done when the car arrived, and served us these weird fruit drinks. In my opinion, they tasted like flowers and were gross, but Olli seemed to really like them.

"All good to go." Hunter told us, grabbing his backpack.

We followed one of the workers all the way to our room, which we were sharing with Uncle Darren, Willow and Jayden. The way it was built meant it was like a one storey house but had two entrances and a door through the middle wall, interconnecting the two rooms. It was like a private villa only we would still use the shared pool and use all the main buildings for the restaurant and buffet.

"Can I say hi to Willow and Jayden?" I asked, remembering they were right next door.

"No, baby. They're sleeping." Hunter reminded me. I pouted but understood. The sooner I went to sleep, the sooner I would wake up and could see them.

The villa was more spacious than I'd expected. The bathroom was the first room when you walked in, which was huge, then it was an open plan bedroom, with a table-for-two on one side and two double beds. Since we had 5 people, there had been another single bed added at the back. There was a small patio out the back with some couches, a clothes rack and a table.

"I'm taking this side of this bed, I don't care who I share with, the rest of you, work it out." Hunter said, sitting down.

"Dibs the single." I said quickly, leaning into Jaxon. I didn't realise how tired I actually was, even though I had slept.

"I'm going with Hunter." Lachie said, playing it safe. Hunter slept very still so you didn't risk getting kicked with him.

"Livi, you share with me." Jaxon smiled, trying to make it appealing. I glared. "Please, baby."

"Sure." I huffed, flopping onto the bed.

"Get changed quickly and then we're going to sleep. Be quiet too, I don't want to wake up the others next door." Hunter instructed, already shirtless and halfway changed.

I went into the bathroom first, changing into my super cool flamingo pyjamas and doing my teeth, before beelining for the bed. The pillows melted to the shape of my head and the sheets were fresh and cool.

"Nice shorts." Olli smirked when I walked past.

"At least I don't walk around in my underwear." I shot back. He rolled his eyes and disappeared into the bathroom. Lachie must have used Hunter's because he was already busy plugging in his chargers and getting into bed.

"Night baby." Hunter came over, tucking me in and kissing my forehead.

"Night Hunt." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thankyou for bringing us here." I whispered.

"You're welcome baby." He grinned from ear to ear. Hunter appreciated gratitude more than anything. "Now, get some sleep. I'm going to wake you up in the morning so that you adjust to the time. Although, Willow might beat me to it." I giggled and was filled with excitement. "Get Jax to turn the lights off when he comes in. Sleep well."



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