52) Watch It

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I spent a few more days at home sick, then was finally allowed to go back to school. I probably could have gone yesterday, but I still had a bit of a temperature, so Hunter said I should stay home, not that I was complaining, but I really wanted to see Jono.

When Jaxon drove us to school the next day, all of them decided to remind me on the rules.

"Excited to see your boyfriend today Livi?" Asked Lachie. Trust him to bring up the subject.

"Yes." I mumbled, staring out the window.

"You know you're technically not supposed to be dating, so I think we should meet him just to make sure he's good." Suggested Olli, smirking at me.

"No, no. It's fine." I said.

"Actually I think he's right. We should meet him because he has some serious nerve dating our sister." Said Jaxon.

"Guys, he's fine. Don't worry about it." I smiled fakely.

"Nope. We want to meet him." Said Jaxon, ending the discussion, although in my head I was repeating 'no' a thousand times. I didn't need them to meet Jono, they didn't need to.

Once we got to school, I quickly grabbed my bag and ran into school without saying another word to any of my brothers. I heard them call after me, but I just kept running until I got to my locker, which was where Jono was standing.

He wasn't facing me, and I could see he was on his phone, so I took the opportunity.

"BOO!" I yelled, grabbing onto his shoulders. He let out a loud and girly scream, and I doubled over laughing.

"LIVI! You scared me half to death!" He yelled back at me, panting to catch his breath, meanwhile I was killing myself laughing. "Stop laughing!" He demanded jokingly.

Once I regained myself I gave him a quick hug then opened my locker.

"So, why'd you decide to actually come to school today?" He joked, so I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Definitely not to see you." I replied, faking disgust.

"You looovveee me." He grinned grabbing my hand.

"You wish." I scoffed, going off to science with him. "But if you really need to know, I was sick because Jaxon thought it would be funny to throw me in the freezing cold pool." I explained, and he burst out laughing. "Oh, shut up." I said, slapping his arm.

"Weak." He said smiling, just so I knew he didn't mean it.

We continued walking and talking, and right when we were nearly at the science room, I bumped into someone and crashed to the ground.

"Aye, watch where you're going." I heard Jono growl.

"I think you should be the one to watch it." Growled a voice I knew all too well. Lachie. "You good Livi?" He asked, holding out a hand for me.

"Hold it, you two know each other?" Jono asked confused.

I sighed and said, "Jono meet Lachie, one of my many brothers." His jaw dropped, and Lachie smirked.

"See you later baby." Smirked Lachie, ruffling my hair then walking off with his mates.

"That's your brother!?" Jono asked incredulously.

"The one and only Lachie Miller. One of the 4 Miller boys." I groaned.

"I didn't realise they were your brothers!'' He exclaimed.

"Well, now you know." I said, walking again.

"They're going to kill me for dating you!" His eyes widened.

"Don't worry, that's why I got thrown in the pool." I raised an eyebrow.

"Oops, soz." He said. "But you know, I heard some older boys saying there was this really cute year 7 girl in the change rooms the other day. Then Jaxon asked who it was, they said Livi, then he verbally tore their heads off." Jono shuddered at the memory.

"Wait, what? Jaxon? What did he say?" I asked, curious now.

"He said they wouldn't see the light of day again if any of them went near you." He shivered again.

"Wow. Didn't know Jaxon was that feisty." I shrugged. "Actually, that's a lie. I did know that, I just thought that roughness was reserved for me only." Jono laughed at this, which confused me a little since I didn't know what was funny. I wasn't joking.

We finally got to science, and just like the classes I had for the rest of the day, it was extremely boring. I don't really know how I managed to constantly keep good grades because I was always zoning out, but luckily, I did. Jaxon always got in so much trouble when grades came out because he was always failing. The only class he didn't fail in was wood and metal. He was really good at those.

Once, he came home and he had made an entire working marble run. It was so cool especially because it was themed as a giraffe, so the marble went inside his mouth, travelled all through its neck and body, then came out like poop. That was when I was in about grade 4 or 5, so I had a lot of fun with it at the time. I'm not sure where it is now though.

When I got home that afternoon Lachie confronted everyone.

"I met Livi's boyfriend today. Well, I already knew him, but I met them together." Smirked Lachie.

"No, Lachie! Shut up!!" I yelled at him.

"No swearing Livi!" Jaxon butted in.

"I don't care!" I snapped back. "Lachie please don't!" I begged.

"Tell us what?" asked Olli, obviously intrigued now.

"Well when I saw the two of them today..."

"No!!! Lachie you can't tell them!" I yelled again, trying to shove him out of the room. He just stood exactly where he was, then grabbed me and put a hand over my mouth.

"Lick or bite me and you'll regret it." He warned sternly. "So as I was saying, when I saw them, Livi didn't see me, so she ran straight into me and fell over." This earned a few chuckles from the other 2. "Her boyfriend, Jono, then told me to watch it, so I had to teach him who I was." Lachie explained, and my anger bubbled up.

"What did you do?" Asked Olli.

"I told him he was the one who needed to watch it, then Livi had to explain who I was." He finished up. Both the boys were laughing now, and my anger began to overflow.

"I'm proud of you little bro." Said Olli, patting Lachie's back as he left the room. That gave Lachie a minor distraction, so he loosened his grip on me enough for me to escape.

I quickly broke free of his grip then turned around and used the only form of defence against my brothers I had. I kneed him in his parts and he fell to the ground groaning, giving me time to run upstairs and lock my door. When I was safely inside, I went and grabbed my diary, writing my anger down at a furiously fast speed. Slowly I calmed down, then started on my homework for the day. 

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