90) I'm Not Hungry

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After cooking the pasta and dealing with Olli laughing at me for not being able to carry the pot of pasta and water to the sink, Hunter finally arrived back with Lachie.

Lachie looked slightly shameful, like a naughty puppy, but glared at me.

"Don't you dare." Hunter shook his head sternly at Lachie, seeing his glare. "What are you cooking?" He asked.

"Pasta for dinner!" I smiled.

"Thanks baby." He smiled and sighed. "Go, Lachie." He instructed.

Lachie hurried upstairs, not having said a word.

"What happened?" Olli asked, not really being caught up on anything.

"Little bugger thought he'd sneak out and go to a party last night, and then not come back until tonight." Hunt explained. I tried to not to laugh but I couldn't help myself from giggling.

"Oi! What are you laughing at?" Olli said.

"It's funny."

"Is not." Olli punched me in the arm.

"Oww!!" I exclaimed, exaggerating just a little. I slapped him in return, but he only stuck his tongue out at me.

"Anyways, he won't be going anywhere for the next month."

"A whole month!" I gaped.

"Yes." Hunter nodded. "Exactly why you should never sneak out."

I nodded and made a promise to myself in that moment that I was never going to sneak out. One I would probably be too scared to do it and of my brothers' reactions, but also because I didn't want to be on house arrest for an entire month!

"Want to serve Livi?" Olli asked me.

"You can do it." I shook my head.

"Too weak?" He laughed and smirked.

"No!" I snapped. I walked over to him, grabbed the pot and started serving into one of the 5 bowls, only after not even 15 seconds, my arm started shaking and I could tell my wrist was about to collapse. "Olli!"

"I gotchu." He laughed, taking it off me. He held it whilst I spooned the rest of it evenly into the bowls.

"Thanks." I grumbled, glaring at him.

"No problem baby." He patted me head and sat down.

"Go get Jaxon and Lachie please Livi." Said Hunter. I shook my head. "Livi."

"I don't want to talk to Lachie, please." I said, frowning at him.

"Fine." He smiled, understanding. "Jaxon! Lachie!" He boomed.

"SHHH!!" I yelled, making both him and Olli laugh. Everyone was happy today.

They came downstairs so quickly.

"Is Dylan gone?" I asked Jaxon.

"Yeah, he left right after you."

"You left?" Hunter asked as we each took a bowl and sat around the couch. It was a Saturday, so Hunter didn't really mind.

"Yeah, there wasn't any pasta."

"I bought pasta yesterday!"

"It was the spirally pasta." I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"Fusilli, you mean." Olli butted in, having to be right. I guess that's where I got it from too.

"Did you go on your own?" Hunter asked, being the responsible one.

"No, I went with her. Can we watch something now?" Asked Olli, sick of the conversation.

"Sure, what?"

"IT chapter 2!" Suggested Jaxon, very excitedly. He immediately smirked at me.


"Come on baby." He cooed.

"No. Not horror."

"Who votes for IT two?" Asked Hunter, clearly not in the mood to sit and listen to an argument.

All four of the boys echoed a yes or a mumble in Lachie's case – he was still grumpy (as I would be if I were him) and I groaned.

"See ya." I stood up and went to bench and ate there whilst the boys watched. Hunter had left his AirPods sitting on the counter, so I used them with my phone and watched Tik Toks whilst eating my pasta. After about half an hour, Jaxon was ready for something sweet, so he got up and brought all the dishes over. He loaded them into the dishwasher which made me happy since I was meant to be doing that, but he didn't know. He looked in the pantry and found some chocolate ripple biscuits and even though I tried to ignore him, he stood and waited until I looked up at him.

"Come on." He smirked.

"I'm okay." I responded.

"Nah." He went to pick me up but then saw that I hadn't eaten all of my pasta. I had eaten the lemon slice earlier and I just wasn't that hungry, even though I made it. "Baby." He said seriously. His smirk was replaced by a straight line.

"I'm not hungry."

"Too bad. You can't just eat half meals when you're already underweight."

"Jaxon, please, I don't want to. I'm not underweight either, I'm not even skinny!"

"Olivia, say that to me again I dare you." He glared.

"My name is not Olivia." I snapped.

"What's going on?" Hunter asked, appearing behind us and giving me a fright.

"Livi isn't eating."

"I am so! I ate most of it! I'm full."

"Livi, Jaxon's right, you need to eat."

"I did eat. I'm fine."

"Eat the rest and you don't have to watch the movie." Jaxon suggested.

"But it's cold now. I don't want it cold."

"Microwave it."

"Can't I eat something else?"

"Tell you what," Hunter said, "eat this apple and you're done."

"Hunter." I groaned.

"Your choice baby." He shrugged walking off, Jaxon didn't leave though.

"I'm not leaving until you eat it and if you don't start eating it now, we're going over to watch the movie."

"Why are you being so mean?" I snapped.

"I'm not being mean. I'm looking out for you. Remember what the doctor said?" I couldn't respond. I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to eat, but he was still right.

I grabbed the apple and took a small bite out of it.

"Can you cut it up?" I asked Jaxon.

"If that's what I have to do to make you eat it then fine." He sighed. I watched as he stood there cutting it up.

"Thanks." I smiled slightly before slowly eating the huge apple whilst returning to trying to work out whether or not Chase and Charli were dating.



Sorry, just have to say it – this is the most unrelatable chapter I have ever written – I am ALWAYS hungry.

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