106) Bahasa

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"Lachie and Olli, you sit together in the middle row, Jaxon you get window and Livi, you go between Jaxon and I." Hunter instructed as we got on the plane.

Everyone was fairly happy with their seats, except I was a little annoyed that Jaxon would easily be able to tell if I had fallen asleep, although I was glad, I didn't have to sit near anyone I didn't know.

The plane filled up fast and it wasn't long before the doors were shut and the plane started to rumble along the tarmac, headed towards the runway.

"Ready?" Jaxon asked me. I nodded excitedly.

He grabbed my hand as the plane sped up, going faster and faster until the wheels were off the ground and we were on the steep ascend to the sky.

"Woah." I gasped, looking out the window. Everything was tiny below us.

"You should try and sleep, Livi." Hunter said.

"I'm not tired."

"You sure? You've been yawning a lot." Jaxon smirked.

"I'm fine. I'm going to watch something."

"No, Livi, you're going to sleep. I know you're tired and you're just arguing because of what Jaxon said earlier." He argued, keeping a serious tone. He was no fun on the plane.

"Hunter." I groaned.

"Baby." Jaxon mumbled, grinning to himself.

"I would hit you except we're on a plane." I glared at him. "I can't sleep on planes though Hunter."

He looked at me with his 'I don't want to hear it' face so I stopped.

"Can I at least listen to music?"


What he didn't know was that I had downloaded the first few episodes of friends on my phone since I already knew this might happen. Instead of playing my music, I played that and angled my phone in a way that meant Hunter couldn't see anything on it, but I could discreetly watch.

Unfortunately, my plan only lasted so long since the snitch on my other side took my phone. I huffed and lent towards Hunter, staying as far away from Jaxon as I could. He pretended not to notice but I knew he did.

I tried to fall asleep but there was a baby crying and air hostess's walking around serving people food. There was too much noise and too many distractions for me to fall asleep, so I just sat there.

When sitting there was too boring, I started to complain.

"Hunter...I'm hungry."

"Hunter, I'm not tired."

"Hunter, I'm can't sleep."

"Give it a break Livi, would you?" He sighed.

"Sorry. But I can't sleep. It's too...busy."

"Find something to do then. I give up."

"Jaxon do you want to play a game?"

"No, baby." He laughed. "It's eleven o'clock."



"Can I use your laptop?"


"You're so boring." I grumbled.

Since they were all being useless, I got out my notepad and started doodling. I drew hearts and animals and lots of other little things that would keep me busy. I added colour to some, and left others blank.

On the next page, I wanted to do a bigger drawing that would take up the whole page.

It took me a few tries to get the first bit right, but once I had that, the rest came a lot more naturally.

Lachie and Olli decided to watch a movie together, so I was allowed to use Lachie's iPad.

I continued to draw and watch my movie at the same time. Every time Jaxon or Hunter tried to peek at what I was doing it; I'd change the page and pretend to be looking at something else. It wasn't an amazing cover up, but it did the job for the time being.

I drew for about 2 hours and watched Clueless, then Hunter decided he was going to be strict and annoying.

"I am not going to deal with you being all grumpy and tired when we arrive. We will have to walk around the airport and collect our bags and still drive for three hours. I don't want to getting travel sick from being overtired, Livi." He told me, strictly. I frowned. "I'm not trying to be mean, baby." He softened.

"It's too loud." I insisted. Not to mention it was uncomfortable.

"You can lie down across us and put your headphones in. Music only though." He eyed me. Not as clever as I thought I was it seems.

He helped me get comfortable. I put my head in his lap and my feet across Jaxon, but when Jaxon complained, I switched the other way. It was better this way because Jaxon played with my hair and rubbed my back, helping me fall asleep much faster.

"Livi, baby, wake up." I was pushed gently. "C'mon." I opened my eyes and was blinded by all the lights that had been turned on. "We're about to land. You need to sit up and put your seatbelt on." Hunter smiled, helping me up.

The flight from Melbourne to Bali was only five hours, so I slept for over two.

I groggily sat up and put my seatbelt on but lent back against Jaxon and closed my eyes. I was awake enough to feel my ears pop as we declined, which hurt like hell, and the wheels hit the tarmac.

"Stay here, baby. We'll wait." Jaxon told me, implying that we'd wait until most people had gotten off the plane to actually get off ourselves.

It was about half an hour before we actually got off the plane, after everyone had to get their backs from the above head lockers and there was a delay in finding the keys to unlock the doors.

Although I was sleepy, the change in temperature as we got off the plane helped me to stay awake.

We passed through some of the same areas we had to go through before we got on the plane and were directed to collect our baggage. I sat on the trolley whilst Hunter and Lachie collected our bags. It was annoying that I'd have to move each time but was fun when Jaxon let me stay on the trolley instead of walking, and he would just push me around.

We had to pass through one last check before exiting the airport. The air was humid and warm, but I loved it.

"Look for a sign that says Hunter Miller." Jaxon told me. I scanned and scanned but none stood out.

"There!" I pointed, suddenly wide awake.

We found the man with our sign and followed him to a car park. He told us to wait there as he went and got the car.

"Can we get water please?" I asked, noticing a small store behind us.

"There will be water in the car, so I don't really want to buy it, but you can get another drink." Hunter nodded.

He handed Jaxon some notes which were rupiah, the currency here, and we went in. I chose a chocolate milk and Jaxon got this weird soft drink for each of the boys. We payed and I couldn't believe how cheap it was. The chocolate milk was less than a dollar, and it wasn't at all small.

"Terima kasih!" I told the cashier.

"Sama-sama." He smiled. Most Indonesian people loved it when you spoke to them in Bahasa.

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