91) Nope

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"Baby, is there something you've been meaning to tell me?" Asked Hunter, coming over and sitting on the couch across from me.

"No, don't think so." I replied with a mouth full of peanut butter toast.

"Ew." He made a face and I giggled. "Maybe something at school?"

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Think really, really hard. Are you sure there is nothing you should have told me about? Maybe about assignments or something?"




"Come on."



"Oh. Nah." I smiled and shook my head. He put on his serious face.

"You playin' or did you legitimately forget?"

"I half forgot." I shook my head.

"It's the last assignment for the year, and I haven't checked your grades or worried about them, but you need to try and do well."

"I'll be fine. I'm always fine in that class."

"Don't be so confident. I'm going to get Lachie and you can do an hour with him now. Just go over the speaking and use your flash cards."


"No buts."

"Hunter, Lachie's still angry at me for calling and getting him in trouble."

"I'll be right here. He won't do anything to you and anyway, it wasn't your fault, it was his."

"That's not how he sees it." I mumbled under my breath, but Hunter heard. He glared but went upstairs to get him anyway.

A few minutes later they both came back down. Hunter turned on the TV and started watching the Motocross, where he was soon joined by Jaxon too, and Lachie and I sat at the bench.

"What unit?" He asked blandly.

"Shopping." I replied. Even though I did majority of the year 12 classes, since they were preparing for the end of year exams, I couldn't go to class with them, so I just had to go and do the regular year 7 assignments. It was silly since I was already perfectly fluent in both reading, writing and speaking it, but Hunter declined the schools offer to let me use those periods to work in the library on other classes and assignments. I would have been able to read then too if he hadn't been so annoying. That reminded me I had a book voucher from my elective periods earlier in the year.

"Boring." Lachie groaned.

"I know." I sighed. The silly thing with doing an oral with me is that I didn't actually need to memorise specific answers to the questions because I could answer on the spot. And this unit was so easy too, I barely had anything to study for.

I loaded the quizlet flashcards and Lachie and I did them for about half an hour before moving on to questions and phrases, which we did for 15 minutes. After that we ran through my scripted oral a few times before packing up.

"Done Hunter!" I called out.

"Good girl." He ruffled my hair. "Thanks Lachie."

"All good." He left and went back upstairs and back into hiding.

"Can we go to the book store?" I asked him.

"Sure. Then we can go to your appointment."

"What appointment?"

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