Chapter 3

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Kanak had never felt this humiliated in her life as she felt now sitting in the police station. She watched a well-dressed man talk to the officer and tell him that they had brought in the wrong girl. He received a phone call which he answered with a dreadful expression on his face.

"I am sorry Sir," he said almost pleading with the person on the other side to understand it wasn't his fault, "but the girls share similar names, same surnames and home address and work address too. The officer got confused," he said and waited as he listened. His expression turned green as if he had suddenly gotten ill, "I understand Sir," he paused again, "yes, definitely it will be as you want," he said and then clicked the phone shut.

"She is not the person we are looking for and apparently we are taking our complaint back so she should be free to go," he said and the officer shook his head irritated with the man.

Poor him, Kanak thought. But he was the one responsible for her current predicament. He had made a complaint and then got the wrong person arrested. Well, she hadn't been arrested only brought in for some information they needed. The man had been here when they had arrived but after the first three questions he had decided they had the wrong person. He had introduced himself as Mr. Arora. His clothes suggested he was a professional with a high profile company or something. And he had asked her about someone called Dhruv Singhania but she had no clue who he was. And then about a couple of more questions and he had been satisfied that she wasn't who they had thought. Though it seemed they had mistaken her for Palak. Their names were similar but not so similar that there could be a mistake. And they did work in the same hotel but Palak worked at the coffee restaurant that too part time while she worked at the hotel in their housekeeping department. How could there be a mistake? And why were they looking for her sister? Did she do something wrong? Kanak had no clue.

Palak had just left a note in the morning telling her she was going out with a few friends for a couple of days. Where? Why? Nothing. But she had been like that since the day Kanak could remember. Unapologetic. She came and went as she pleased. She did what she wanted without a care for anything else. So Kanak just hoped she hadn't gotten herself in trouble. Anyway her mind came back to the man and his conversation with whoever he had talked to. Seemed like he was afraid he will have to face flank over this confusion. And she felt sorry for him. He signed something and then shook hands with the officer who had brought her here. Frankly she was offended. Coming in a police van like that made her feel like a criminal and she hadn't liked it one bit. Mr. Arora came towards her and gestured for her to walk out of the room. She got up and left but he followed.

"I am really sorry Miss Sharma," he said once they were out.

"You know how I felt when I came in that van," Kanak said a bit angrily but when she saw the guilt on the other man's face she sighed, "look I understand you are looking for my sister what I don't understand is why?" she asked.

"I am not at liberty to discuss the details with you Miss. Sharma," he replied in a clipped tone, "I know you have a right to know but I will lose my job if I was to divulge the reasons," he said and then smiled a little, "but I am sure you will find out soon enough. Come and we will meet someone who just might answer your questions," he said and gestured for her to follow him.

Kanak felt pity for the man who walked in front of her. He was a middle aged man with a wiry frame and squeaky voice but his face was very kind though his eyes were very shrewd. He seemed to be someone who was used to getting what he wanted only today he hadn't been able to and whoever had given him the job had been pretty mad at him. He frowned all the way out and then took her to a side lane where an expensive car stood. Only why was she following him she had no idea or why should she feel sorry for the man. He did get her arrested. Well not technically but almost. She looked curiously at the logo of the car which said BMW. She tried to peer inside to see who it was. But couldn't. Then the door opened and a handsome man stepped out. He was about five feet eleven. His expensive clothes, shoes, car, even looks screamed class. Who was he anyway? He did look familiar she had seen him somewhere but where? At the hotel? Maybe. He smiled a little at her but he looked tense.

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