Chapter 82

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Tanish clapped his hands. He couldn't stop himself. And he kept clapping till he heard Rohini say stop it.

"Stop it," Rohini said angrily, "what do you think you are doing?" she asked.

"I am applauding," Tanish said and rose from where he sat, "applauding all of you," he said as he put his hands in the pockets of his expensive trousers, "for the wonderful people you are," he said derision dripping from every word he used, "what a great and loving family. Amazing. No really," he said dramatically, "you guys are so well orchestrated, so full of yourselves that you don't even realize what you say and do anymore. What is that thing called? Yes, robots," he said sarcastically. "Who wouldn't love to have a family like this? The one man who did everything, who took care of all your messes, who made sure the companies ran to their optimum levels, who never went against the dictates of this family and its elders is now a nobody in your eyes," he said with distaste. "Bravo, you all should be proud of yourselves," he said.

"Tanish," Kamlesh said, "lower your voice. I don't like anybody raising their voice in my presence. Sit down," he said angrily.

"You know what your problem is," Tanish said as he refused to listen to his grandfather, "you think you are an aristocrat, a king and everyone should bow down to your wishes. The guy who did that all his life is suddenly forced out of his own house," Tanish said his anger rising. "I never liked him and you all know that and yet I stand for him because I can see how much he has done for this family. I can see how he has stood tall and strong in every crisis we have faced. I don't like him still but that is my fight and that certainly does not mean that I am going to ignore his goodness. He has his faults and he has many but he has never let them affect his work, his dedication, his genius. And that is what I don't like about him. I am unable to fight the negative pull I keep facing, I try and I fail every single time but he is not like that. He is not like any of us present in this room and he is so not you Sir," Tanish said pointing out his grandfather.

"You all forgot that he is human, you forgot he has a life too even a heart," Tanish said cynically, "you are sitting here criticizing him when all he wanted was to get married to this girl who has come to mean so much to him," he said angrily, "that is all he wants and such rich people sitting in this room are unable to give him what he truly needs. He is not asking for your empire, that wretched money you have collected all your life, those cars that stand in the driveway, your bungalows, your jewels nothing. He just wants your permission to marry the girl he wants to spend his life with and you have objections," he said drily, "how magnanimous?"

"He is a fool to throw away everything we had taught him, everything he had and walk out of this household," Kamlesh interjected, "I have no patience for such nonsense. He thinks he can make it himself without our backing then he is a fool," he said arrogantly, "I will not have anyone sully the Singhania name, end of story," he yelled.

"You know you look as if you are going to have another attack very soon," Tanish said and gave a half smile.

"Tanish," he heard Chitra call out in horror. Of course, it was too much for her gentle sensibilities.

"Relax ma," Tanish said placating his mother, "I am not saying he will have an attack right now but soon," he said, "the market is already abuzz with speculation as to who will lead the companies following Aarav's resignation rumors, the stocks have dipped not to mention how much the social critics are relishing this news," he said happily, "it is the headlines for tomorrow's newspapers and definitely breaking news for now," he told them and saw shock register on everyone's faces. Oh, how he was enjoying this. His family's pretentions, shallowness and hypocrisy had always angered him. Different rules for everyone had made him fight with his mother always. Now look at their faces.

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