Chapter 56

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Kanak's life fell into a pattern. Not a pattern she was fond of. But she had no choice. It was such a depressing thing to do. Look for a job. Finding vacancies through newspapers, internet was a boring task. Especially after the turbulent days she had had in past one and a half months or so. She felt she had become used to things happening in her life rather than not happening. Her life currently seemed slow to her somehow. And all the while thinking about her ever growing feelings for her arrogant Singhania. It wasn't easy. Though Aarav had made it a point to call her every day. Though they spoke for about five minutes he kept a tab on her. And it had become a part of her routine too. Because he called her up at the same time. Everyday. The only thing she actually looked forward to in her entire day. Despite finding her attitude extremely pathetic she was glad he at least remembered her. Thought about her. Worried for her.

She had spoken to Pratiksha who had applauded her for what she had done and had gone all mushy when she had heard what Aarav had had to say about it. Pratiksha had told her in no uncertain words that Aarav Singhania was having a very positive effect on her. Though Kanak hadn't admitted it to her friend she had secretly agreed. Kanak for some reason did feel a lot confident than she used to feel previously. She felt more in charge of her life. She didn't know how that had happened. He had never consciously taught her anything. Or maybe he had. Or maybe she had picked up things from him automatically but she wasn't afraid anymore. She still had her inhibitions but she was slowly getting over them. Was it good? She liked the changes in her. She found herself questioning the way she had lived for so long. Cautious. Overly conscious. Self-doubting. It was slow she agreed. The change but it was good. It felt good. It was like she was able to breathe more freely now. Was that what love did? Liberate. Despite everything where she knew the impossibility of her dream she couldn't help herself. To even have known someone like Aarav was a dream come true. What could she do. She did have a positive streak running through her spine.

For some vague reason Kanak had found she had started feeling envious of Palak. Not her. The girl's luck. She had wanted to be with Dhruv. And she was. It didn't matter what the reasons were otherwise. She had spoken to Palak after her return from her honeymoon and told her to tell the truth to everyone and not delay it further but she hadn't listened. Asking her to keep her opinions to herself. And she had. In all the past four weeks Kanak hadn't heard anything from her ungracious sister. And in a way she was happy. If this meant Palak was ready to take on responsibility and do things Kanak was more than agreeable. The envy however had increased and not because of anything but the simple fact that Palak got to see Aarav every day. Though Kanak knew, Palak would hate those very moments considering how much she disliked Aarav. She had decided to stop thinking in circles all day long. And with that she had started going for walks in the morning and evening. She would even go out and have a cup of coffee every other day. She had haltingly made two new friends. One was a girl working for a top designer and hailed from Lucknow. The other worked at a call center and was from Nagpur. It felt nice to be able to meet and talk to likeminded people. Why had she never done that before? It was nice to be social. She got to know a lot about things, different perspectives, thoughts, ideas. And it sure felt amazing to be out of the box which was her home.

Kanak sighed as she posted yet another CV. Hopefully this time there would be a response. She looked at the clock. It was close to four thirty in the afternoon. She got up and went to the kitchen to make coffee for herself. Surprisingly, these days she didn't feel like drinking tea. Inadvertently her thoughts went to Palak. There was no reason. But she wondered if Palak had decided to tell everyone of her condition considering it had been a while. And she won't be able to hide it for much longer. She sighed again. Well, it was her and Dhruv's decision. What could she say? As the coffee brewed in her pot the doorbell rang. She wondered who it was. She wasn't expecting anybody. And for some reason she wished it wasn't Palak. She peeped through the peephole and closed her eyes.

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