Chapter 72

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Aarav knew what it must have cost Chitra to go down the memory lane like that. Out of the blue. With no prior intimation that something like this would take place. It was difficult for him too. But since the day he had spoken to Kanak about it, about his guilt and dream he felt much better. Much more in control. And it hadn't been as hard today. Not for him. When he had heard the pain in choti ma's voice, the anguish, he had been reminded of how he had felt as a boy. For the first time in years he tried to view himself from the outside. The emotions that had taken over both his aunt and cousin had left their presence behind even as Tanish had left the room. No wonder Aarav didn't like emotions. He couldn't handle them. They always left their mark. Never fading away completely. He sighed and Chitra turned to face him. He saw the ongoing struggle inside her. He shook his head and led her by the elbow to sit on the couch. Then got her a glass of water. Chitra took it gratefully and had a sip. He then sat on the coffee table and clasped his hands loosely before him.

"I am sorry Aarav," Chitra said on a deep breath.

"You needn't be choti ma," Aarav responded.

"No, I am apologetic for the way Tanish behaved today," Chitra said emotionally, "we all know he doesn't like you much, and I did have an idea why," she said and looked at her tightly clasped fingers that lay in her lap, "I did explain things to him again and again but it seems they were wasted efforts," she said and smiled sadly, "I just don't understand how I couldn't sense how deep his grudges ran," she said upset with herself now more than with Tanish.

"He hid them well, choti ma," Aarav said quietly, feeling slightly at a loss for words. He just didn't know how to handle such situations. And he was sure Kanak would have been able to do a much better job. "You are not the only one who didn't see this coming. I knew he was competitive, which in all honesty is fine by me too. I also knew he hated taking any advice from me or even help. I somewhat was aware of the rivalry what I wasn't aware of... was the depth," he said thoughtfully.

Chitra understood what he was saying. Tanish had let his insecurities grow. So much they now controlled him more than he could control them. It was a cause for worry. But it wasn't a threat right now. And because she was more aware of it she could help her son get over it. He needed to do that before the negativity he was fighting with consumed him completely. She thought about Tanish's childhood. He had been a difficult kid to deal with. Very stubborn. Even then it had been tough to explain things to him. Seems like he hadn't changed all that much.

"He was an angry kid," Chitra said unaware of Aarav's reflective mood, "you remember how he was," she said and smiled, "always aping you. Trying to be better at everything you did. I always thought it was innocent sibling rivalry. And then he changed," she went on going down the memory lane, "he became more relaxed, more confident in his abilities, more laidback. Though the sentiments regarding you remained unchanged. And I took it in a positive manner. You always praised his skills, his keen sense of business and he seemed to be doing well for himself too. So I never gave it much thought," she said and frowned, "but now I think it was all a pretense. A mask he wore to keep his true feelings guarded at all times," she said quietly.

Aarav wasn't sure what kind of response was his aunt expecting. But he had to say something. Was she looking for honesty? Comfort? Or a false belief? But knowing Chitra Singhania he knew she would be most appreciative of honesty. How did he feel about Tanish? Was he angry at him for the way he behaved today? No, he wasn't. He had been mildly irritated. Maybe because he already knew Tanish would blow a fuse over his unasked but much needed help. He had already anticipated an upset Tanish. He had gone a few steps ahead of being just upset short Aarav needed to get his aunt off the guilt road and on the comfortable road.

"Maybe," Aarav said seriously, "he has always struggled with the negative pull in his nature choti ma," he said from what he had observed in his brother, "his attitude, his demeanor are a mask. I know that. Because he is always alert otherwise. Very focused. Extremely observant. And they are all good qualities," he said, "because it gives him that edge amongst his peers and competitors at the same time. Something that Dhruv never learnt. But he is unpredictable," he said broodingly, "and that is very dangerous. Not just to him but to others too. Nobody knows which side he would flip. It could be profitable if used in the right direction but how often he goes that route we all know. I don't have a problem with him going head to head against me, if anything, I admire his guts," he said appreciating his younger brother's attributes, "but if it poses a threat to our business or our name I am not allowed to tolerate it," he said firmly, "as for his outburst tonight, call it instinct I knew beforehand he would be pretty mad," he said and gave a half smile.

"You are not angry with him," Chitra asked curiously.

"Not right now," Aarav said lightly, "but he better show his face soon with an apology," he added in a non-serious manner.

Chitra smiled at that.

"You do know he never apologizes," she said, "in that he is very much like you," she told Aarav.

"Yes he is," Aarav said, glad the atmosphere had started to lighten up a bit, "but don't tell him that, he would find another bone to pick with me," he said and smiled.

Chitra took another deep breath and held Aarav's right hand in hers, "I hadn't meant to bring up the past like that," she said.

"I know," Aarav replied in an understanding tone.

"You are alright," Chitra asked concerned.

"I am fine choti ma," Aarav responded with a smile.

Chitra looked at Aarav. There seemed to be a certain softness in Aarav's eyes. And he wasn't hiding it. She of course, knew him in and out. And so she knew how he always shied away from showing how he felt. Sometimes he did, when he was with her or his mother but mostly he kept to himself and strictly away from emotional outbursts. But not today. What had changed? How? She found she was curious. He was still the same in every other way. Still the same arrogance, the same mannerisms, the same tone and attitude and yet he seemed different somehow. Before, he never spoke of that day this easily. He would tense up. He would want to either end the topic or get out of the room. Had he reconciled with the past? If so, how? If not, then why wasn't he reacting in the usual manner? Should she ask? She wasn't sure. Maybe he wasn't ready. He would tell her when he was. And she decided to not pursue the matter with him for now.

"Thanks Aarav," Chitra said gratefully, "for not taking Tanish's words personally," she said and smiled.

"I could take it personally," Aarav answered in his usual arrogant tone, "but I have decided to not do so today," he said.

"A little humility will go a long way son," Chitra said fondly.

"Wise words," Aarav said just as affectionately, "but a word like 'humility' doesn't suit my personality type don't you think," he said, "besides it would be such a shame to waste it on me," he said in a serious tone and Chitra laughed lightly shaking her head at him.

"You are never going to change," she said and laid a gentle hand on his cheek blessing him. "I should go and see where that fool has gone off to sulking," she said and rose from her seat.

Aarav rose with her.

"Do tell him I am expecting an apology and soon," he told Chitra and she nodded.

"I will," she said and left.

As she closed the door behind her softly. Aarav put his hands loosely on his waist and thought about what had transpired in this room in the past couple of hours. His mind going over everything that had been said. And he stopped where Tanish had indicated about knowing his affairs. The bugger hadn't hinted on what he knew. Which meant if he knew about Kanak he might try and use it. Whether for benefit or loss he didn't know. And Aarav didn't want to give him that chance. He wasn't worried about himself but he was for sure worried over Kanak. Their relationship was still on the road to strengthening itself. He knew what to expect and how to tackle it unfortunately, he wasn't really sure if Kanak would be able to do the same. Aarav decided it was time he at least made it more open. He wasn't going to make the mistake Dhruv did. And he wouldn't give the opportunity to Tanish to make mischief. His mother returned in two days and he decided to speak to her then.

Strange are the ways of the heart and stranger are the ways of destiny. A thread can prove to be a strong weapon while a mighty sword can prove to be useless. And sometimes a foe can do what best friends fail at. Love was going to be tested and loyalties questioned. Equations were going to be challenged and only time was going to decide the winner.


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