Chapter 66

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Aarav hadn't known what to expect when he had climbed the stairs to Kanak's apartment floor. The bloody elevator hadn't been working. Then he had paused right outside her door wondering if he should ring the bell or go back and maintain the distance he had stressed on that evening before he had stomped out of her house, angry.

He had been angry with Kanak for her insinuations. That he didn't understand her world. Or her for that matter. That he didn't know the differences between them. That he didn't know what values meant. Or that her self-respect was important. How much value he placed on those very attributes she had no clue. Girls? He had scoffed. And then he had been angry with himself. He had been so mad for not making her understand. For not playing his usual rational self. For letting her get to him. He had been livid at not being able to assure her. She had been scared. Scared of the moment they had shared. Scared of the emotions that they had left unchecked. It wasn't her fault. It had been her first kiss ever and that too with a man who she had not in relation with. Not that he agreed with that particular thought. There was something they shared. An unknown bond. Something that pulled them together. That pushed them towards each other. And the harder they tried to resist the stronger it became. It was his fault. He hadn't been reasonable. Not at all. And he had hated himself for it. He knew her. He knew how naïve and softhearted she was. And despite knowing everything about her he had let his anger rule. The problem was he had been hurt. By her mistrust. Somewhere he thought they knew each other enough to at least have some basic form of trust. What he had forgotten was that the circumstances that had forced them to come face to face with each other were not ordinary. And he had never shown her a side where she could come to know him better. Learn to trust him more. But to get to the level of this kind of understanding he had to leave for London the very next day. Or seek her out. Which wouldn't have helped.

They had been working on a new merger plan with a corporate there and he had decided to take the project in his own hands. That did provide the distraction he badly needed. It provided the distance he had required to get a clear picture of his emotions. And it had provided the right environment where he had realized that the peace he so craved could be found with only one person. So if he valued his sanity just a little bit he better get his acts together and reach a formative conclusion to end his misery. The second he gave his heart a little more authority than he normally did things fell into place as if he had solved a jigsaw puzzle. And the relief that had coursed through him had been a welcome change.

He had returned a couple of days before schedule. The merger was well on its way considering the day and night he had put into it and could be handled from here as well. The second he had exited the airport he had decided to go see Kanak. He hadn't seen her, heard from her in ten days. It was a long time if one was to ask him. But when he had stood outside her apartment door he hadn't known the kind of greeting he would get. And the dilemma of that made him pause. A strange anxiety had taken over. He was doubting himself for the first time ever. Why? He was there to apologize to her and if she accepted maybe talk to her about how he felt for her and see if she was ready to give the two of them a chance. If she would want to try and see if they could have something more. But what if she didn't want to talk to him? What if she closed the door to his face and refused to listen to anything he had to say? What if she decided to not have anything to do with him? For the first time he realized what doubts could do. What they can reduce a person to? And he didn't like it one bit. To hell with it. She will have to listen to him if that was the last thing she did. He would pester her till she did. And he would wring her little neck if she so much as dared to say anything but what he wanted to listen from her. So taking in a deep breath he had rung the bell. After three times he had become sure she wasn't home. And then he had debated if he should call and find out where she was or what she was doing. What would she say to him calling her suddenly after ten days of absence when he himself had made it clear they were better off at a distance? He had leaned against the wall his thoughts in turmoil. Then he had heard the soft footfalls of somebody climbing the stairs. He wasn't interested. Whoever it was must be going towards his or her apartment. And then he had felt her presence.

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